Who Commutes on the FJR Daily?

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My job is right out my front door. I don't need to ride to get there. I use my FJR for pleasure rides only. I have never gone for a ride, on this bike, that was less than 100mi :D . The best part is, I was able to get away enough to put 7500mi on the bike in 3 months. I LOVE MY JOB. :yahoo:

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+1 Isn't it great having work close to home. My 03 just turned 50k and none of it has anything to do with work.

+1 Isn't it great having work close to home. My 03 just turned 50k and none of it has anything to do with work.
Hi neighbor, we just got to get together. If you get some time stop by and say hi. Winter is here so I will have more time to get away. I have your address and will try to get over your way. One way or the other we will have to meet.

I commute about 200mi a day (97+ ea way, Frazier Park to So. Los Angeles) 4 days a week. I love the bike (06a). I picked it up in early june and have 9800 mi on it......all commute miles. The only down side is dealing with traffic through the downtown LA area. For those of you who know it, the E.LA interchange and area are horrible.

Does this daily milage count towards an Iron Butt?


this is my first post just joined tonight I have rode motorcycles since was 15 years old am 58 now and have rode back and forth to work 4 days a week for over a year without fail rain or cold or heat and it get hot here in Texas only 4 miles one way can stand anything for that a short drive but ride every friday a 200 or 300 miler with one of my coworkers got a new 2006 FJR AE last friday at about 7:00 PM have 475 miles on it today and it rained last weekend and was cold so did not have good riding weather but today was perefect started out high 60 and low 90 s got back after a 400 mile ride love this bike best bike I have ever had and have had lots on bikes over the years am looking for others to do some runs around Texas send me a E-mail is anyone is interested.

I ride 130 miles each day through three counties. The first ten miles is through the city (Tallahassee Fla.)
I spent ten years riding a Yamaha 750 triple in Tallahassee travelling Thomasville Road from Killearn Lakes to downtown and wiping love-bug guts off my faceshield (and everything else) after my rides.

I'm in LA now. I don't commute, exactly, but I'm a computer guy, and because I can lane-split the always constipated LA traffic I can service twice as many clients per day as I can on the occasional rain days when I take the car. Depending on whom I have to see on a given day my mileage can be anywhere from 50 to 150 highly enjoyable miles per day.

The only major negative is cell-phone using women in their SUVs. They just can't keep these behemoths between the lines, and when they're jabbering--isn't there ever an end to processing?--they're totally oblivious to anything else around them.


I have commuted on the FJR for one year. My straight through commute is 30ish miles most of which in on Route 218 in Va. I manage to take enough side roads off 218 to make my 30 miles close to 50, and my 40 minute commute over an hour.

I've had the bike one year and have around 20k I am good for any temp Va throws at me (low of 12F and high of 101F as long as there is no snow or ice.

I've commuted strictly by motorcycle for the last 6 years ranging from a KLR650, Hayabusa, BMW R1150GS, and a KTM Duke II. The FJR is hands down the best commuter of them all.

I average about 38 mpg with some jackassery thrown into the mix.

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I ride 130 miles each day through three counties. The first ten miles is through the city (Tallahassee Fla.)
I spent ten years riding a Yamaha 750 triple in Tallahassee travelling Thomasville Road from Killearn Lakes to downtown and wiping love-bug guts off my faceshield (and everything else) after my rides.

I live in a small area called Buckhead, just east of Killearn Lakes and head down Centerville Road to Blair Stone Rd. which hits the "Beltway" (Capital Circle). Then to 363 (Woodville Hwy) down to US 98. The jobsite is in Franklin County just east of Carrebelle. Things sure have changed here in the last ten years. Still overrun with love bugs and butterflies. Not a lot of fast curves on that commute but some nice scenery down along the coast.
I ride about 10 miles each way in coastal fog in the morning and sunny skies in the afternoon. I ride every day I don'tneed the truck... a little over half the time. I ride elsewhere every chance I get...

54 miles a day commuting too/from work, no matter what the temp is. Love riding in the rain as well...only two conditions I wont ride to work:

1. Snow/Ice

2. Severe lightning

It's an easy way to pile ~13k miles/year on your bike without even doing any touring or other rides.

Not only that, it's VERY relaxing, of course, I only have 3 stoplights between home and work so I just cruise down the country road to the interstate and on to work. If I lived in the city I am sure I would fell differenlty about commuting.

A co-worker walks up to get on said elevator, looks at me and asks... "Did you ride today?"
I was dumbfounded...

Nope, I just like to carry this stuff around "Just In Case", here's your sign...
DH has a stock reply. "No, I got shot out of a cannon. It's faster that way".

After DD had hitched a ride to college one morning, she gave the reply, when asked THE question. Then she was asked if her BF gave her a ride. No - my Mom brought me. No one believed THAT story.


FJRSki wrote: I ride everyday it's above 45F and not raining.

??? I commute every day till the streets are icy and a week or two ago it was in the twenties. I take the Gerbing heated jacket when it gets below 45F and it was raining this morning. Actually, our darned office is so cold, I look forward to getting on the bike to warm up after work. God Bless Gerbing jackets and gloves! The bike gets me to work in 50 minutes, while Metro and the car take almost an hour and a half.


2004 FJR in Maryland, riding into DC (37 miles each way)

FJRSki wrote: I ride everyday it's above 45F and not raining.
??? I commute every day till the streets are icy and a week or two ago it was in the twenties. I take the Gerbing heated jacket when it gets below 45F and it was raining this morning. Actually, our darned office is so cold, I look forward to getting on the bike to warm up after work. God Bless Gerbing jackets and gloves! The bike gets me to work in 50 minutes, while Metro and the car take almost an hour and a half.


2004 FJR in Maryland, riding into DC (37 miles each way)
Do you break the law and lane share, or do you just weave a lot?

54 miles a day commuting too/from work, no matter what the temp is. Love riding in the rain as well...only two conditions I wont ride to work:1. Snow/Ice

2. Severe lightning

It's an easy way to pile ~13k miles/year on your bike without even doing any touring or other rides.

Not only that, it's VERY relaxing, of course, I only have 3 stoplights between home and work so I just cruise down the country road to the interstate and on to work. If I lived in the city I am sure I would fell differenlty about commuting.
While riding in the city isn't really a relaxed type of ride, it certainly provides a really good transition from work to home. I leave the office at the office and it never intrudes on my riding. Therefore, when I get home I am totally prepared to listen to kids, deal with issues calmly and enjoy life with the wife. Therefore, in a strange way, driving in traffic is a great way to relax and blow out the day's cobwebs.

I live in Denver so the weather here allows me to ride almost year around, w/proper attire. I use saddle bags, sometimes top case if I've got to take my laptop. I ride my FJR daily to work, 15 miles round trip which is nice commute but too short for the FJR. It takes a lot of will power for me to drive straight to work/home... I want to keep riding!

FJRSki wrote: I ride everyday it's above 45F and not raining.
??? I commute every day till the streets are icy and a week or two ago it was in the twenties. I take the Gerbing heated jacket when it gets below 45F and it was raining this morning. Actually, our darned office is so cold, I look forward to getting on the bike to warm up after work. God Bless Gerbing jackets and gloves! The bike gets me to work in 50 minutes, while Metro and the car take almost an hour and a half.


2004 FJR in Maryland, riding into DC (37 miles each way)
My first "car" was a Yamaha. I'm older, somewhat wiser, and now I got rules... If there's rain in sight or I can see my breath, the bike stays in the garage (except for the weekend before last, I just had to get out.) [Am I getting defensive here?] But I ride every day I can, to work or for pleasure. That's one passion we share in common.

I commute the So Cal freeways as well. Rain or shine and much faster and cheaper than my jeep. My 05 has about 46,000 miles and still cant get enough of it.

:D ride safe....

120 miles a day, round trip, 6 days a week. Some pretty bad roads for a while chewed up my tires at an alarming rate.... well, that and a heavy wrist. Great for commuting but nothing hurts more than changing out tires, regularly, because of the stripe down the center. Out here in the Mojave desert, nothing but straight lines, unless you turn the roads sideways.

Occassionally, I see a K1200 but mostly I'm the only regular motorcycle commuter out this way. I have seen an 03 FJR once or twice. Once it hits winter, I'm pretty much the only muldoon out here on two wheels.


I'm glad to see so many FJR's getting daily use for commuting and all of us enjoying the Hell out of our ride to and from work.

I take the long way round home a couple of times a week - just because I can and because the FJR is saying to me: "C'mon, let's go farther..."
