Who has painted their FJR?

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Active member
Dec 11, 2008
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Elk Grove, CA
Except for the various farkles, most FJRs look similar. I have yet to see one painted, pinstripes added, or made to look really individual. Let's see the pics if you have a truly unique FJR!

Gerauld has a red one and I'm sure there are a couple of others who have done some nice stuff to their bikes. What have you done to yours?
Nothing yet. I only bought it a month ago, but the thought has crossed my mind. It's impossible to just leave the bike as is and not add something or to think about mods.

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Nothing yet. I only bought it a month ago, but the thought has crossed my mind. It's impossible to just leave the bike as is and not add something or to think about mods.
Yup...You are now offically toast. You will soon start hemoraging money into farkles and mods. :eek: God be with you :p

I like that deep red on RogDeb's.Clicky

Well, mine is stock. Having to replace panels on a regular basis from crashing keeps me from customizing due to cost. :(

Since were on a red theme...........here is one that was at NAFO:


And here a couple photos I have gathered over the years:



And not an actual paint job, but a what I think is a cool concept:


Well, mine is stock. Having to replace panels on a regular basis from crashing keeps me from customizing due to cost. :(


And not an actual paint job, but a what I think is a cool concept:

WOOOOOOOO! Me Likey!!!

Well as you can see from the Avatar my total customizing consists of a dragon decal on the fairing. :0)

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If my job situation doesn't improve, I may start doing more paint jobs... :rolleyes:
You painted that yourself? Looks great. I would be inclined to discuss your services if you decided to paint more bikes. First I need to get a few scratches in mine this season though. I'm not in love with the black paint.

If you want to do a custom paintjob, I think the FJR would look good with a shark-tooth front...similar to the WW2 fighter planes.

My '03 has also been repainted "R-1 Red." It was stolen in 2005, recovered but trashed cosmetically and totalled. I bought it back from the insurance company and turned it over to my brother-in-law who is an accomplished painter who does mostly restorations of classic cars these days. It took him six months but it came out well. It has five coats of red tint and three coats of clear. It cost about $2,000 for labor and paint. I went with red side panels, too. It seems maybe the clear coats never set up as hard as they should have. My black leather pants have left (I assume) black dye impregnated into the clear on the side panels below the seat that cannot be rubbed off. I think I may put one of those hard black spray coatings on them. My brother in law was restoring a '69 Camaro RS when he was doing my bike. He asked if I wanted the luggage rack painted red. It got marred in the theft, but was previously scarred from tail pack bungees. Instead, we used the black spray-in material he used to line the new trunk pan in the Camaro on the luggage rack. Wow! It has a semi-gloss and is not weathering or oxidizing like some bed-liner sprays and still looks fantastic four years later. And very tough stuff. Pics would be redundant to the red ones already posted.

Something like this would be good looking. Sort of sloppy shop work but you get the idea.


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