Who has painted their FJR?

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I think Gerauld's is stunning and it would be my first choice for a repaint. But, I'd be afraid to ride it for fear of messing it up with rock chips, bugs, etc.

Don't mean to hijack, but it's related to painting. Does anyone know of a good forum for painting or body work?

More pics please. I'm guessing most FJR owners leave their bikes the stock colors and just buy a ton of farkles. The red is awesome and the yellow, even though not real, is really cool. I could see my bike that color!!!!

Barry, here are some mockups using Photoshop in just a few minutes. Someone more talented can probably get yellow, but it was a bit more difficult.

Could go darker on this, but cool as hell nonetheless. Y'know, the whole "green" movement is very hip right now:


This shade, my favorite, was popular with car makers a few years ago:


And in case you're 5'2", a dude, compared often to Jimmy Hendrix amongst others, and date super hot chicks:


Difficult to get a vanity plate if your name is a self-made symbol, though.

And if you really want people to think it's a BMW:



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A little help on the Photoshop method for you guys. I was using an old version - 6.0 on the PC.

This was much easier because the bike was red - not blue or silver or black, when tend to match more ambient colors.

1. Save a copy of the image (right click, save as) from the web page, then open in PS.

2. "Lasso" select the red areas that you don't want to alter (top case reflector and red window reflection.)

3. Select menu, then Inverse selection (to select everything except the reflector and window.) (These steps save all the dragging and trying to select discrete areas of the image.)

4. Menu: Image, Adjust, Hue/Saturation


Image, Adjust, Selective Color

Try both options. They're both fun.

5. In either case, choose "Reds" for the edit channel (top of the window).

6. Now just screw around with the sliders for red, cyan, magenta, etc. Your results will vary.

As mentioned, though, it's harder to replace darker colors with lighter ones. It starts looking weird.

For all your mastery with paint, Gary, I would think this a valuable tool for you.

Best wishes,


Very nice paint shop work.

Gunny! Waay cool.

Can you do it in a light blue metallic? That's the color I have always wanted on the FJR

Best photo I could find quick:


Those greens are kinda cool. So is that bronze orange. Wonder what the FJR would look like in a bright Hugger Orange?

Guys, I tried that "hugger orange" once finding it on the web, but Photoshop flares it all out. My edits looked awful.

Skooter, try these. I'm no genius with color, but they're kinda close. I think they'd look really sharp:



And here's a cool look as well... yellow, but not quite the primary yellow that those other bikes were (which also were very cool):

