Who wants to let me ride their bike?

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Black Cherry, I didnt mean it as an insult, but seeing that its used retail book is more than the cost of a NEW FJR, thats what I meant. Acutal cost is about the same...Ive been offered 9500 trade in and can get a new FJR for 10k...anyway, no offense meant, just pointing out that I dont ride a pile of rolling junk.

I would imagine if any of you wanted a VTX instead, Id already see you over on vtxcafe.com.

exskibum, no offense taken. Its just frustrating. Im really torn between the two bikes. I suppose I should **** or get off the pot so to speak and just pick one. Im sure Ill like either...I was just really hoping that one thing would stand out over the other.

I dont mind doing my own maintenance, as Ive always done it on all the bikes Ive owned. A little more work to me isnt a big deal...just more quality time spent with the bike...although riding is better than wrenching.

Ill say this though, if that FJR was available new in the red or charcoal instead of black, we wouldnt need to be having this discussion...but as it is, the C14 is available in both those colors...well, there I go again...being indecisive, but I like colors.

I do appreciate all the input...thanks for that!

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As the song say's Paranoia will destroy ya... pussys anyway :huh:

Dude I'm an hour and a half north of the In./ Mi. line. Stop in you can ride mine.

No I don't want any damn deposit or collateral in case of shit happening. **** it's insured, and even if it wasn't, BFD It's just a machine it can be replaced. I'm more worried about the human damage if things went badly.

Shoot me a pm if you're interested.


Way to go Bust that's the spirit. Being I'm in MD it would be a little out of your way. I hope you enjoy the ride. :clapping:

Ya know, since I've owned this turd I've probably extended the offer a dozen times an had five or six takers.. Nothing blew up, and nobody maimed or killed ;)

Guess I must be lucky eh?


Lodogg2221, you don't want to go to Michigan, they have trees and lakes and stuff, you may want to stay. I used to live 30 miles from Bustanut, awsome area.

So, looks like your heading north, but if you want to come to Cincinnati I'll get you on one too. Don't worry, you wont want to stay here.


I know guys who I wouldn't let ride my bike. I'm not going to let someone I don't know ride it.

Good luck.

After reading about the fiasco over on the CBR forum ( WOW ) I'll never loan my bike to anyone ever again.

I am still amazed that some dealers don't allow test rides. I would look for another dealer, maybe one with a used FJR.
Even though the original thread has been closed at the source, reading the reflections in the ST.net thread will give you a good idea of WHY dealers don't allow test rides.

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After reading about the fiasco over on the CBR forum ( WOW ) I'll never loan my bike to anyone ever again.

I am still amazed that some dealers don't allow test rides. I would look for another dealer, maybe one with a used FJR.
Even though the original thread has been closed at the source, reading the reflections in the ST.net thread will give you a good idea of WHY dealers don't allow test rides.
Linky no worky

Can you find a dealer that has a used one in stock? They usually allow test rides on used bikes. And the FJR has nto changed TOO much. Just come back here with your thoughts on the used bike, and the knowledgable people here will be able to tell you what, if anything, was changed from that year bike to a new one.

FWIW, I bought after a short test-ride on a used bike from a dealer. And some dealers might allow a test ride on a new bike if you go through the WHOLE process with the exception of signing on the dotted line. If they see you have financing, and have agreed to a deal, and the deal RIDES (pun intended) on whether you can take it for a spin or not, they'll probably allow you a few miles.


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When I bought mine, I was sold the minute I left the parking lot! Then after my 12 mile test ride, I did'nt want to give it back. The bike I test rode is the bike I bought...

As the song say's Paranoia will destroy ya... pussys anyway :huh:
Dude I'm an hour and a half north of the In./ Mi. line. Stop in you can ride mine.

No I don't want any damn deposit or collateral in case of shit happening. **** it's insured, and even if it wasn't, BFD It's just a machine it can be replaced. I'm more worried about the human damage if things went badly.

Shoot me a pm if you're interested.

Good on ya Bust!!!!

Man, tough crowd around here. Folks, the plain truth of it is that in many places of the country it's nearly impossible to get a test ride from a dealer. And while many of us bought our FJR without a test ride, you can't blame a guy for wanting to check it out before putting down the $$$$.

Frankly, I think test rides are waaaay over rated. All they will tell you is if you really don't like the bike. Other than that, they are so short how can you truly get a feel for what the bike is like? Or how you are going to adjust to it long term?

But that's besides the point.

I have let several people that I have never met before that came on the forum test ride my FJR. It's a machine. It's insured.

.....I have let several people that I have never met before that came on the forum test ride my FJR.
Me too. I let you ride my tricked out FJR in Switzerland and could hardly keep up with you on the C-14 I also owned at the time. :rolleyes:


PS: that was a good day Greg, I wish we could do that again...

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.....I have let several people that I have never met before that came on the forum test ride my FJR.
Me too. I let you ride my tricked out FJR in Switzerland and could hardly keep up with you on the C-14 I also owned at the time. :rolleyes:


PS: that was a good day Greg, I wish we could do that again...
Stef - that was one of the best days of my life, and I owe you a huge debt of gratitude. Your FJR was dialed IN! And riding it in the Swiss Alps, well......WOW!!! Of course the company was pretty damn good too.

I only hope you can get over to my part of the world some time so I can return the favor.
