Who was draggin' a bag on the Dragon?

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Hey Guys,

Since this post is getting such attention, I decided to dig a little deeper, based on Mr. Killboy's comments that there were more pictures taken that day. I just found them. The pics were taken on Friday, August 29, and were filed in the Touring Bikes section on his website.

Here is a link:


Note-when his "ordering" page pops up, just click the "continue" button to get to the proof sheets, with other pics from the series, and other pics of the guy from the same day on the next page.

DISCLAIMER - Do not click on the link if viewing these type of pictures will give you high blood pressure or otherwise cause any discomfort. For mature audiences only.

WARNING - Not dial up friendly.

Since this post is getting such attention, I decided to dig a little deeper, based on Mr. Killboy's comments that there were more pictures taken that day. I just found them. The pics were taken on Friday, August 29, and were filed in the Touring Bikes section on his website.
Good find! I looked thru most of the photos and Killboy was right, that dude was throwing sparks from both sides, multiple times. None of the other many FJRs or any other brand were touching down at all.

I would surmise that he was either cornering much faster than everyone else (not too likely), or his bike has been lowered (more likely), and/or he's smuggling lead in his topcase.

PS - Mr. Yellow Wolf's Dragon pass videos are awesome!

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ok i will post,i was there that day,the guy was riding to close to the edge for me"but his call not mine"

but he did it the same every single pass,,,,his lines were ok,,,and on bike form ok,,,,,but and this is the big but i never saw him cross the center line and he was having fun!!!!

could he have done better? i bet we all could

Since this post is getting such attention, I decided to dig a little deeper, based on Mr. Killboy's comments that there were more pictures taken that day. I just found them. The pics were taken on Friday, August 29, and were filed in the Touring Bikes section on his website.
Good find! I looked thru most of the photos and Killboy was right, that dude was throwing sparks from both sides, multiple times. None of the other many FJRs or any other brand were touching down at all.

I would surmise that he was either cornering much faster than everyone else (not too likely), or his bike has been lowered (more likely), and/or he's smuggling lead in his topcase.
I made this whole thing a little easier, no thumbing through pages and pages on KillBoy. To all the critics on form, body position and whatever else.......have fun with this.








Same guy, same day from US129photos.com





Hmmmm, multiple passes on The Dragon, never goes down, is having fun and all the while he stays in HIS lane. **** this dude is a pathetic rider! :rolleyes:

Ok, Shoot me, I'm going to ambush the tread.

Does anyone know who photographer was taking pictures on Mulholland Hwy in SoCal west of the of the Rock Store, on 8/31?

He had signs posted before the curve but I went past so fast I didn't read them and I saw him raise his camera but I was busy.

Know what i mean? :rolleyes:

Ok, Shoot me, I'm going to ambush the tread.
Does anyone know who photographer was taking pictures on Mulholland Hwy in SoCal west of the of the Rock Store, on 8/31?

He had signs posted before the curve but I went past so fast I didn't read them and I saw him raise his camera but I was busy.

Know what i mean? :rolleyes:

Wrong coat line Fool! :ph34r:

I'm sure someone here knows a west coast KillBoy type site.

EDIT: See that didn't take long. Beat me to it as I was typing this post. :clapping:

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Are you in a mission to fix the world with your negative remarks
LMAO Yup! I'm the *only* guy on this forum making negative remarks. Just me. No one else...nope, not a single person...not even the guy I was responding to...LMAO

hiding behind the cover of criticism?
As I'm using my real name on all my posts, I'm obviously not hiding anything.

You think that it is your mission in life to have the last word?
Nope but you go right ahead.

it gets really old when the majority of your posts are all about how you are right and everybody else is wrong and they are a pansy-ass cuz they can't take it.
You probably haven't read the majority of my posts because, if you had, you'd know the above is something you've pulled out of...well....to be nice, let's just say thin air.

Do you have any other means of contributing?
Yes, I do.

Or are you stuck in this mode and this is the only way you know how to address others. :glare:
LOL You used the Glare icon! That's so cute!

Geeez...take a break....oh yeah..and put a sock in it. :clapping:
Right back at ya, big fella. :****:

Here's an idea, seeing as I "bother" you so much, why not just not read my posts? I can help you figure out how to do that if you'd like.

That's the problem for me, now you are adding a two night hotel bill on top of the track day, and an entire weekend down. That, and don't most tracks require full leathers? If you can rent them, still looking at $400-$500 track day (gotta eat, and the FJR does use gas). Ouch.
Come to NH and you can stay at my place for free. I'm $1.25 in tolls and 45 minutes south of NHMS.

FWIW, my first TD was at VIR.

I drove from 14 hrs from NH to Alton, VA possessing only aggressive street riding skills at that point in time.

You want to talk about cost?

It was a total of 5-days and a $2100 bill split between myself and one other (that price includes cost of everything, a weekend of street riding, payment of 2 days at VIR and staying in the apts located in VIR's facility, fuel for my truck, tolls, hotel, food, etc). A group of 8 of us went....the other 6 were in an RV.

Call it $1000......That's about what I spent to get to my first track day. Keep in mind, I had no idea what I was getting into at the time, I was merely tagging along with a group of friends.

Would I do it again? Hell yes and here's why--> I broke through many barriers that I could not have broken through in street-riding without a risk to life...be it mine or someone else's.

My questions are "how dedicated are you to becoming an efficient and knowledgeable motorcycle pilot and what's the price you'd pay?"

$500, said and done, is pretty cheap when you consider the value of skills you can learn. I mean, that's a possible insurance deductable if don't have the skills to manage a potential dangerous situation......added to that the weeks of down time while your bike is being estimated and repaired, dealing with insurance BS, etc.

Also, ususally it's not the track that decides on the requirements of leathers, but the organizer's. Typically, textile gear has to be pre-approved by the organizer you decide to go with but are generally accepted in most cases.

Start dragging hard parts and your less than an inch away from being down. If you don't crash it more luck than skill BUT being lucky is a good thing.

wonderfully written dissertation on track days.
Thanks for the insights, a track day is on my short list of things to do. In finished the two day Total Control course this summer, so I am with you on the skills learned. $1000 for a week is cheap enough, it cost me $500 for two days.

My issue is with those that claim that aggressive riding should be saved for the track. For me track days will be at best a once a year thing, which is not going to satiate my need for speed! :devil: It was really $1000 for five days? Honey ...

wonderfully written dissertation on track days.
Thanks for the insights, a track day is on my short list of things to do. In finished the two day Total Control course this summer, so I am with you on the skills learned. $1000 for a week is cheap enough, it cost me $500 for two days.

My issue is with those that claim that aggressive riding should be saved for the track. For me track days will be at best a once a year thing, which is not going to satiate my need for speed! :devil: It was really $1000 for five days? Honey ...
That figure of $1000 was my my estimated cost alone and there's a little more to it....like how I didn't use my truck for 4 days once we were there. Didn't need to, afterall, we had everything we needed and the 8 of us just packed into RV if we were going offsite somewhere.

$600 for 2 days at VIR and about $400-ish which was used to chip in for the things we split between the 8 of us. That trip was taken well before gas prices hit OMGWTF status. I imagine I could tack another $250 on to fuel costs if I were to take the trip again...........in the spring of 2009... ;)

There are great deals to be had as far as trackdays go. For example, LAPS was doing a deal for $130 for a trackday no too long ago.

You can ride aggressively anywhere you want. I'm certainly no angel. I was knee down, pegs scraping on the street for a good while until I learned how unnecessary it was once I got a taste of the track.

For me, going to the track really did slow my street-riding habits down and added a whole other world of perspective. I've yet to see a speeding ticket since hitting the track scene, and that's really saying something. I must admit there are other factors that play into it which helped me dial it back, like needing to retain my driving licence so I can transport my race bike and supplies up to the race weekends, for example.

The short and skinny is, riding at the track showed me that there is indeed a place I can let it all completely hang out and that place is not on public roads. Yeah, I'll touch a peg here or there on the FJR but it's calculated and rare.

If you truly wanted to commit to track-oriented gatherings, don't hesitate to hit me up. There are a bunch of great people involved in that scene and I'd like to offer help to you and to anyone else that's curious to see what's on the other side.

I didn't read all 7 pages of post here so it maybe a repeat of something said already. Setup right the FJR is a very capable machine but if your dragging bags your crashing. I drag knee because I touch knee about a degree before I drag peg and I want to know when it is going to touch down. Here are a few pics so you can see this in action. You notice the bags are still a few inches from the ground. I know from trackdays on the FJR that the rear tire gets really light when you start dragging those pegs so I worry about how the pipes draggin would feel.


and if you want sparks


I just stumbled upon this thread from a year ago and found it entertaining. Did we find out who the rider was? No doubt this guy has some skills but he is riding on the bleeding edge so to speak and really no reserve lean angle to speak of. SomecallmeFred looks to be on the right track if he was on a track!
