Who's ridin' from where??

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Greg E.

Well-known member
Sep 20, 2006
Reaction score
Pulaski, NY
I thought maybe it would be interesting to start a thread showing who is riding to WV from where (and when). Maybe members could link up and share the ride in. I will be riding in from Northern NY probably on the Thurday before the weekend.

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I'll be riding down from the Catskills on Thursday. Probably leave at first light. I'll work my way across towards Scranton and then slab it down I-81 most of the way from there. 'll probably switch to the back roads through WV, but I want to get there Thursday, preferably before dark.

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We live in Stafford VA (between Wash DC and Frederickburg VA - just off Rt 95) and will be riding over on Fri morning. Happy to ride over with anyone whose schedule fits.

Several of us will be riding from NE Ohio on Thursday the 13th with lots of twisties on the way. :yahoo:

For me it depends on whether I am doing some pre-EOM riding down in NC/TN or if I am able to make it to the CFR the previous weekend.

I am making it to the CFR also, so I will wander through the adironbacks & catskills of upstate New York, then through 2 lane twisties in Pennsylvania and stop by the Flight 93 memorial in Shanksville, PA as it is right on the route...then come south on Rt 219 and maybe a quicky run east on 33 or such for fun before ending up in Lewisburg. I will use up 4 days for this little traverse. Hopefully one or two of the Canadians will travel along the same route.

Though I'm not - If I came straight from home, I would probably hit southeast Ohio, then wander down WV 16 to US 64 east...

If I was coming from NC/TN, I'm sure I would figure something out...

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If I came straight from home, I would probably hit southeast Ohio, then wander down WV 16 to US 64 east...
If I was coming from NC/TN, I'm sure I could figure something out...
If from home: Consider WV 16 to Rt 60E (Midland Trail) instead of the slab

If from NC/TN: Consider VA 16 from say Marion or Jefferson City to Beckley, WV (ROAD ROCKS!! :yahoo: ) and then US 64E

I'll be coming from Sag Harbor (Long Island) in NY either Thursday or Friday and will probably be leaving Sunday.

If I came straight from home, I would probably hit southeast Ohio, then wander down WV 16 to US 64 east...
If I was coming from NC/TN, I'm sure I could figure something out...
If from home: Consider WV 16 to Rt 60E (Midland Trail) instead of the slab

If from NC/TN: Consider VA 16 from say Marion or Jefferson City to Beckley, WV (ROAD ROCKS!! :yahoo: ) and then US 64E
Yeah I hear ya on both counts... I meant Rt 60.

If from home: Consider WV 16 to Rt 60E (Midland Trail) instead of the slab

Much of Rt 16 was newly paved last year, about 85 miles, not too many long straightaways. :eek: )Very nice ride. For the riders coming from the south the first half of rt 20 is real nice also, am planning on riding it all this year on the way to Charlotte.

I will be coming in from the north and getting to the hotel sometime in the PM of friday. My route hasn't been decided apon because it is just too dam far away from now to figure.

I might be able to tell you the day before I leave but the morning of might be your best bet.

We are leaving Stafford CT Tuesday and slabbing it out to Winchester VA on 81. Wednesday we will go West on 50 and South on 29 and 259, ending on 220 South down to Fredericksburg. I can't really tell, but 29 and 259 look like little roads through the mountians. (I hope) Or should I just go 220 all the way down? Will that be scenic? I'm not sure.

We plan on touring the Green Brier Bunker Thursday and be ready to not miss any rides Fri. Sat. Sun.

I really hope work does not interfear with this trip. It has a habit of doing that.

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We are leaving Stafford CT Tuesday and slabbing it out to Winchester VA on 81. Wednesday we will go West on 50 and South on 29 and 259, ending on 220 South down to Fredericksburg. I can't really tell, but 29 and 259 look like little roads through the mountians. (I hope) Or should I just go 220 all the way down? Will that be scenic? I'm not sure.
We plan on touring the Green Brier Bunker Thursday and be ready to not miss any rides Fri. Sat. Sun.

I really hope work does not interfear with this trip. It has a habit of doing that.
S76 are you looking for scenic rides or scenic twisty & fun rides on your way through Virginia?
