Who's ridin' from where??

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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We are leaving Stafford CT Tuesday and slabbing it out to Winchester VA on 81. Wednesday we will go West on 50 and South on 29 and 259, ending on 220 South down to Fredericksburg. I can't really tell, but 29 and 259 look like little roads through the mountians. (I hope) Or should I just go 220 all the way down? Will that be scenic? I'm not sure.
We plan on touring the Green Brier Bunker Thursday and be ready to not miss any rides Fri. Sat. Sun.

I really hope work does not interfear with this trip. It has a habit of doing that.
S76 are you looking for scenic rides or scenic twisty & fun rides on your way through Virginia?
Scenic is good. Can you suggest a pretty way down from the Winchester area, or any other area so we don't have to take 81 all the way. Coming from the north, I want to get off 81 on the west side for the second day of riding. Anything about 200/250 miles for the second day is good. On the way home we'll do the east side of 81 and some BRP.

Haven't been on the forums in a couple months due to crappy work travel schedule as of late but.....

Looks like I'm in for EOM and will be heading down from Northern Kentucky just south of Cincinnati. Should be able to leave anytime Thursday or possibily Wednesday night if necessary.

Would love to hook up with any KY/OH/IN people or anyone else passing through the relative area on their way down. Also, if anyone needs a non-smoking roomy feel free to give me a hollar.

Now, I just need to hatch a plan to convince Renegade to help me get my suspension sorted and I'll be good to go. :rolleyes:

I'm in, leaving from Beaufort, SC on Thursday, returning Sunday or Monday. Anyone have a route suggestion from points south to Lewisburg? thx


Leaving o'dark thirty from Charlottesville VA Thursday am

Might slab, might twist the day away, have to peruse some maps


Leaving Thursday morning from Indianapolis area.
Rainman, I am also leaving Indianapolis Thursday morning. I actually live in Franklin. It looks like AdruanNKY is leaving Thursday morning from south of Cinci. Potential riding buddies. I am pretty sure Quicksilver and his wife are going as well, just don't know when they will be leaving. Interested in riding together?

Excellent. Give me a holla if you guys get a plan on. Would love to hook up for the ride down. Don't really care about the route, I'll do whatever. Not sure what Renegade is planning yet but might want to give him a shout also. Also a couple posts above JRD14 might be looking for some company also.

Anyone heard from KYFJR lately? In addition, there's a few other Tri-staters who will hopefully chim in.

[SIZE=12pt]I am planning to leave Virginia Beach, VA Thursday morning bright and surly! Route plan for now is I64 through Richmond then thinking about getting on to VA6 west to VA 151 south to VA60 west through Lexington and then into Lewisburg, WV.[/SIZE]

I've got a room for Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Planning on heading back Sunday, again bright and surly. If any one would like to cut expenses and share the room, let me know!


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Hey Jay, you lookin' for company for the ride? I'm also leaving Hampton Roads bright and early Thursday morning. Rte 60 across the parkwy is a fun ride... but betting that if we wanted we could hit better fun... as in entering Lewisburg from the south. You game?



Oh yea, let's do it! Jarmo is in Elizabeth City, NC, he is leaving Thursday morning too. I sent him an email about a possiable meeting point. Thought it would might be fun with three FJR's heading west!

I am in richmond leaving Thursday too. I have a room booked but will cancel if you are looking for someone to share a room. I am interested in riding there with all of you if you got room.


I'll be leaving from Richfield, Ohio. This one's too close to home to miss.


There are a bunch of us (at least 5 at this point) leaving from NE Ohio on Thursday. If your interested in hooking up for the ride down let me know.

The ride over to West Va sounds good to me .

I will run it past my co-pilot Alex . (eleven year old # 1 son )

He is really looking foreward to this trip . ( Me too !!)

Keep me poasted on the plans


I'll be leaving Christiansburg VA sometime Thursday Morning. I'm right off interstate 81 if anyone is coming that way. I know a great way to get there from Christiansburg! Thanks, Steve


Thanks for the invite. I'm not exactally sure when I will be leaving Richfield, but riding down with a few other FJR's would be more fun. I'll try to plan this trip so that I can ride with you guys. As the time gets closer, I'll be in touch with you.

