Why do so many people post in the wrong section?

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Rest in Peace our Forum Founder
Jun 6, 2005
Reaction score
Vancouver, WA

I can't figure out why it is that so many people are posting in the wrong section, and the pattern to these posts. I probably move 10 topics a day, and I have no idea how many the other admins are moving. That's like 1 in 3 topics that I move alone.

the funny thing is... 19 our of 20 of these wrongly placed topics are in the FJR Specific Discussion. And probably 75% of those SHOULD go in Parts and Accessories.

It's not just new users either.

I'm not posting just to complain, but would like to find a solution to the problem to lighten my work load. Any suggestions?

You can do whatever you want.....just don't cut off my beer supply. Otherwise, happy b'day and don't start any randy group buys. lol

Slappy, who's doing the misplacing? Noobs or veterans?
A pretty even mix, but only certain long-timers.

Hmmm. The noobs would be understandable. No explanation for the LT's except for A) laziness or B ) stupidity (Hell, I qualify for both!).

Is there a way to further define how and where one posts in the software? A check system or sumpin'?

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The times that I posted a new thread in the wrong section were because I happened to be viewing that section and clicked the 'new topic' button. The software then creates my new topic in the same section I happened to be browsing at the time.

I move probably 5-15 posts a day myself. Noobs with 15 or less posts I will sometimes purposely leave a move link as a hint...and they usually figure it out. Some middle-rank posters with 50-500 sometimes don't get it....but I can't remember them now by name, but think about keeping track. How about we as admins all keep track of moves for a week and see if we spot any trends? I'll keep my results where you kind find them slap ;)

If it means anything, TWN isn't a problem that I ever remember...and odot.....well he gets special dispensation because many of his posts are special ;)

I think one part of it is people want to post in the thread that gets the most traffic thinking they'll get their thread read more. I think it might be related to people purposely putting teasers in the titles to get people to go into the thread. "What Am I Missing?" vs. what they should put "Muffler Bearing: What's the torque value?" ...I think I'll track those for a week too see what happens.

I've been guilty of posting in Technical Discussions when I later thought it should have actually gone into Technical Problems...in that case I could see my error. Other times it may be a bit more subjective depending on how clearly defined the topic being discussed is. Some posts seem to be suitable in more than one place. I'm not certain that there is a way to police that without moving posts...and TWN, there certainly isn't an automagic way to perform such a task without human interaction.

I usually use "View New Posts" to read the forum, and I routinely get frustrated searching thorough every possible section trying to find a post again that hasn't been updated. "Hmmmm, WTF was that under???" Actually, I'm not too bad with it if it's a ride report or regional ride planning.

So, since I clearly ain't smart enough to understand the criteria for posting in the right place without getting slapped by an Admin, sir, I almost NEVER start a new post. And then, I think long and hard about it before I choose a forum to pollute, . . . or I just delete it after I've typed it.

I usually use "View New Posts" to read the forum
I do, too. And that's why those folks who may be following the logic that Iggy just mentioned are not going to achieve their goal of increased visibility by placing a new post in a "popular" location. If people use the "View new posts" link they'll see EVERYTHING and not have to dick w/ looking into each area of the forum.

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I've been guilty of posting in Technical Discussions when I later thought it should have actually gone into Technical Problems...in that case I could see my error. Other times it may be a bit more subjective depending on how clearly defined the topic being discussed is. Some posts seem to be suitable in more than one place.
That I can understand. I have even debated the merit of the technical problems/technical disscussions separation. It's more the FjR Specific category that peaked my curiosity.

I usually use "View New Posts" to read the forum, and I routinely get frustrated searching thorough every possible section trying to find a post again that hasn't been updated. "Hmmmm, WTF was that under???" Actually, I'm not too bad with it if it's a ride report or regional ride planning.
So, since I clearly ain't smart enough to understand the criteria for posting in the right place without getting slapped by an Admin, sir, I almost NEVER start a new post. And then, I think long and hard about it before I choose a forum to pollute, . . . or I just delete it after I've typed it.
There shouldn't be that much question about where something goes. If there is a legitimate question about where it should go, I doubt anyone would argue against good logic in placing it wherever you think best. I don't think we do any "bitch slapping" for posting in the wrong section.... ? (unless someone gets upset about their post being moved)

Is it really confusing where things should go?

I've been guilty of posting in Technical Discussions when I later thought it should have actually gone into Technical Problems...in that case I could see my error.
Technical Discussions and Technical Problems aren't hugely different and aren't really the issue here. I usually let those go....no biggie.

The big issues are posting stuff about parts and pieces (usually aftermarket) in the FJR Specific thread, sometimes a Completely Off-Topic post to FJR that doesn't contain a single word or reference to the FJR, and the occasional insurance post to who knows where other than the Insurance thread.

I can't figure out why it is that so many people are posting in the wrong section, ...

Any suggestions?
1) They don't care about others...they are selfish. ME, ME, ME...ALWAYS me. What can you do for ME?

2) Nuke California...just the bad parts :) Oh, yeah, and .....oh never mind. That would be selfish.

IMHO, there are too many Sections. And unlike an Admin who deals with it (too much) everyday, I only occasionally ever deal with familiarizing myself with the 2 dozen or so categories. Life's too friggin' complicated for me anyway -- the older I get, the more the list of things to do expands and the more the time in which to do them seems to shrink.

If I have a serious question about where something I want to post goes, chances are that I'll delete it before posting -- on the theory that maybe it doesn't even belong on the site. And if it has anything to do with politics, Harleys, or religion, I not only will not post on it, but I'm to the point where I immediately close the browser, turn off the computer, run downstairs and get the hell outta the house. Hmmmmm . . . this isn't a political (or potentially political) post, is it???

EDIT: OH ****, IT SURE IS (looking one post up)!!!! SEE YA!!!!!!!!!!!!

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