Why do so many people post in the wrong section?

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Forgiving? I don't forgive anything that doesn't bother me........only thing is.....nothing bothers me. oh......snippage can be fun.
And that's what I like about you ODOT, you understand that tone is subjective and don't apply yours to the other posts you read. You just read and poke fun with an equal amount of joy. :D

Sometimes you get a little too far out there for me, but I just go read something else instead of taking it personally and getting all defensive over something I might not be involved with to begin with. ;)

I have the solution!!!!! :yahoo:

There's the International Forum & Blog Organizational Structure Convention next month in Vegas and it would be absolutely wonderful if Slapnpop, Warchild, SkooterG, and myself could attend. IFBOSC is the international gathering of forum administrators, and amongst many activites, get together to set the annual standards for forum formats.

We'll promise to come back after the weeklong event and change the forum to conform to ISO 9000 thread standards and will even be so rejuvinated we'll even do a bunch of other things including changing the hue of the board to an accredited shade of blue!

Please submit $100 each to the PayPal account at [email protected]. We need 200 member to sponsor us so please act now!

With the $20K we'll be able to purchase airfare (first class of course), rental bikes (FJRs naturally), lodging (whale suites at The Palms), per diem (to include nightly leisure activities at certain Ranches....unless they deliver), and a little walking around money (10 or 20 Benjamins each should work).

Thank you so much for your undying support. :clapping:

Sorry to drag this back to life, but this forum has an interesting way of organizing thread topics...
And you would be......monkeybrain? It's just....so....you.. :p
Nope, not me, but at least I have the self respect to refrain from naming my alter ego.


I have the solution!!!!! :yahoo:
There's the International Forum & Blog Organizational Structure Convention next month in Vegas and it would be absolutely wonderful if Slapnpop, Warchild, SkooterG, and myself could attend. IFBOSC is the international gathering of forum administrators, and amongst many activites, get together to set the annual standards for forum formats.

We'll promise to come back after the weeklong event and change the forum to conform to ISO 9000 thread standards and will even be so rejuvinated we'll even do a bunch of other things including changing the hue of the board to an accredited shade of blue!

Please submit $100 each to the PayPal account at [email protected]. We need 200 member to sponsor us so please act now!

With the $20K we'll be able to purchase airfare (first class of course), rental bikes (FJRs naturally), lodging (whale suites at The Palms), per diem (to include nightly leisure activities at certain Ranches....unless they deliver), and a little walking around money (10 or 20 Benjamins each should work).

Thank you so much for your undying support. :clapping:
Jebus, that's a long way to go! Try this: "**** OFF!" :grin:

I like this thread...and cheese.

The admins are busily, at this very moment, compiling all the very well thought out inputs and advice. They will use their "forum administrator 3000" program to carefully quantify, collate, and disassemble and reassemble the forum presentation in such a manner that 100% of all participants -past, present & future- are automatically satisfied. GUARANTEED!

All this from the comfort of their own home, between dinner and desert.

Thank-you "forum administrator 3000"!!

not gonna happen.

Forum's great...users just gotta do their part in actually using the potato between their ears :clapping: :clapping:

I have the solution!!!!! :yahoo:
There's the International Forum & Blog Organizational Structure Convention next month in Vegas and it would be absolutely wonderful if Slapnpop, Warchild, SkooterG, and myself could attend. IFBOSC is the international gathering of forum administrators, and amongst many activites, get together to set the annual standards for forum formats.

We'll promise to come back after the weeklong event and change the forum to conform to ISO 9000 thread standards and will even be so rejuvinated we'll even do a bunch of other things including changing the hue of the board to an accredited shade of blue!

Please submit $100 each to the PayPal account at [email protected]. We need 200 member to sponsor us so please act now!

With the $20K we'll be able to purchase airfare (first class of course), rental bikes (FJRs naturally), lodging (whale suites at The Palms), per diem (to include nightly leisure activities at certain Ranches....unless they deliver), and a little walking around money (10 or 20 Benjamins each should work).

Thank you so much for your undying support. :clapping:

Ya, OK, checks in the mail.

ya right.

Why do so many people post in the wrong section?

The answer is as simple as the question, "Why do cagers go road rage or cut us off?"

Because they can! <_<

Sorry to drag this back to life, but this forum has an interesting way of organizing thread topics...
Well, it is pretty clear where you should post what topic. :unsure: Kinda busy though.

Ok, ok, I admit it. I got totally suckered by Slapnpop on this one. He tossed the bait in, and I bit! hook, line and sinker on this baby. It looked so tasty though! :eek: I thought the forum owner wasn't supposed to chum the waters, but leave that to the admins?

No matter, I fell for it, jokes on me! :blush:

Now lets see, at the risk of being dis-assimilated.......................

If we were all to sit around a table, accurate and inacurate posters and admin as well, and we all had a discussion about it. I reckon the outcome would be.....there are too many forums! DONT SHOOT ME YET!.

I know you guys put a lot of work into this, but most of the posters only visit occasionally and probably use other forums as well. I for one do that and can say quite honestly that I dont know of another forum with so many forum headings or, quite such an obvious tidyness complex.

I am sure that the way the forum looks now is an evolution of a simpler system. Maybe you guys need to look at the writing on the wall, have a think and go back to a simpler system. The writing being that people generally cant be bothered finding the exact right slot for their comment. That fact is proven how many times per day did you say?

Sorry to stir up the waters, just my opinion.

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I'll be sure to introduce you to a member that thinks there aren't enough forums and you all can kibitz.
Me, me, send him to me! I'll break him in for feejer222. I promise to be gentle..........ok, maybe not. :devil: I'll bring my clueXfour.

Well, I've got in trouble here before so I hope this is taken in the positive spirit that it is intended.

As a newbie around here ...I often find myself scratching my head on where to post.

-Should that go under parts accessories? Hmm, maybe under technical? ....hmmm, ...let me do a search and see what comes up under similar items that I'm about to post on. Hmmm, these search results show bits/pices of my topic scattered in just about every nick&cranny of this place.

and then I'm really confused.

Case in point:

New to the FJR ...just getting ready to order my 4th set of tires. first set I went too soft wore through them in 1 weekend (yes it was spirited riding weekend and I wanted to see what the bike could do). the next two rear sets (running pilots on the front) were Avon Azarros ...first of which mounted and balanced fine! Tire seemed good. Next set was tough. PIA to mount (probably cold weather) and I spent toooooo much time trying to balance the damn thing and I'm still not sure I did a great job. Over 2ounces on it. I promised myself I'd try some other tires, this is not a good experience

So, I've heard good things about the Storm (thining to myself)...but it is another Avon ....uhhhhh, I don't know if I want that ...and no light spot marking on the tire again (as the nightmare of my last Azarro balncing fiasco comes to mind) ....but guys are saying good things.

So finally to the point:

I want to ask about this on the forum -get thoughts from the wealth of knowldege here. But, I don't have the slightest idea where to post. I do some searches and come up with many half references to what I'm looking for with these two threads being the closest that I could find:



there are probably more threads that would help ...but honestly I just gave up.

what I had optimisticly expected was to see a "TIRE" category and under it see types/manufactures and under that reviews and comments


* M6

* Michelin Pilot

*Avon Azarro

*Avon Storm

* Bridgeston 020

*etc etc

*etc etc

<and then under tire of your choice>

*Avon Storm


~thread (this thing really sticks in the wet)

~thread (had to raise the pressure to keep heat from building up)

~thread blah blah blah

~etc etc

--sources (to buy)

~thread blah blah is running a special to forum members until month end

~thread blah blah is slow ship

~ etc etc


~thread (this damn thing won't balance!)

~thread (this thing much better to mount/balance than the azarro)

~thread )think I might have found a simple way to find "lite spot")

Now, is the above organization asking too much? ya probably and I'm not being critical.

but, you asked why stuff goes in the wrong section ...well I never posted my question because I couldn't find a good home for it and got frustrated trying.

let me say again: I hope this comes across in the positive spirit that it is intended. (last time i was taken as being critical --i couldn't log in for two weeks LOL)


Don't worry about how it comes across RenoJohn. Some people will take it as negative and others as positive no matter what. B)

Here's the thing, you have legitimate questions, but many* tire threads end up in the Never-Ending Pointless Recurring Threads, (NEPRT), section due to the strong opinions on tires. (I originally said 'virtually all', but decided that wasn't accurate.)

We have a separate section for Insurance, but not tires. I agree that seems strange. You would think that we could handle the occasional tire and insurance thread in the general FJR section w/o having a cow about it. Honestly, you're probably better off asking this question on the Micapeak listserv where you'll get feedback from several people with different opinions w/o getting dogpiled.

I'm as confused as you are. Are tires a 'part'? Certainly not a farkle. Is this Technical? Not in the sense of asking how it works or fits the FJR. We've been told that parts are not allowed to be discussed in the FJR Specific section, but should be in the Parts and Accessories area which is listed under the FJR Technical Forums section.

Best I can tell, Tires do go in the "Parts and Accessories" section of Technical Forums. Whether it ends up being moved to NEPRT or not becomes an admin issue.

Short answer to your actual tire question, Avons and Pilot Roads are the top favorites for long wear and good grip. BT-020s are excellent and consistant wearing tires, but the fronts always cup, often badly, before they wear out and this causes a lot of vibration and extra noise in cornering that many don't care for. Me-6 tires have had some issues with cords separating, but like the Avon balance issue, not everyone has had those issues, and some folks love them.

Avons, as you discovered, can vary in quality. I've had many good sets of Avons w/o issues. I have noticed that if you need a lot of weight to balance the tire, it's going to be one of the bad ones. Avon had said themselves that at a certain amount of weight, they will replace the tire. Naturally, this is a little tough if we mail ordered the tires since they want to deal with the shop, not directly with us. No word if the Storms are better than the Azarros in this regard yet, but the word so far is they are equal to Azarros dry and better wet.

Sources - Lots of good things said about SW Moto Tires I've had good luck with them, with MAW and have used OnOff Road as well. I have those three bookmarked along with Tires Unlimited, Competition Accessories, American Motorcycle Tire and lets not forget California Sport Touring! I've used CaSporttouring for many items with great service and prices.

Hope that helps!

As to this thread, I think Slapnpop was just fishing. I fell for it, but hey that happens. I do note that he hasn't posted here since his initial post. That's sometimes a sign that someone was trolling. :eek:hwell:

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I did always wonder why you needed a "Technical Discussions" and "Technical/Mechanical Problems". They would seeme to merge quite easily.

But reading the description of those two....??.

Then you have a "Parts and Accessories" with a description of "Parts and Goodies...etc". That seems similiar to "Discussions about farkles and working on the bike", which is under "Technical Discussions".

(Just constructive criticism) One place for -Parts and Accessories- and One place for -Technical- seems more clear than the three that are somwhat linked. Other than that, I find it quite easy to comprehend.
