Why so many FJRs for sale

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Wasn't this question asked about this time last year?
As far a concerns about problems, I found it comforting to lurk on some of the other brand's boards... they seem to complain about pretty much the same things as we do on this forum.

I did the same as zzzzip - checked out the other bikes forums before I purchased my FJR - funny to see the same issues - but one thing was always the same - they were comparing their bikes to the FJR - "Nuff Said"

I expect to shop a gen2 next year but am wondering why so many are for sale with so few miles and no explanation. I really want one of these and am hoping there isn't some unspoken flaw that I might not be able to stomach. Please set my mind at ease, as I have established this machine as my "dream-bike".
I am in the UK where FJR's are pretty much a rarity. I bought an 06 new which had a terrible cough and missfire from the first mile, after MUCH to-ing and fro-ing with Yamaha I was given a complete refund, including my old trade in which had stood in their shop for 5 months.

I sold the old bike in the paper and went back to the same dealer who had an 05 on his shop floor left over from the previous year and bought it. Fantastic bike. You can't do any other than enjoy riding them. I have had 2 Pan Europeans ('ST1100's' to you Americans) which I thought were the dogs bollocks ('very good' to you Americans). As soon as I rode the FJR I knew what I had been missing.

I was recently in a Honda dealers belonging to my mate John. I was talking to a few guys, including John about the various pro's & cons of the new ST1300 compared with the FJR. Inevitably it turned into a comparrison type pissing contest. When we looked round for John's opinion he had slid into the back of the shop.......maybe he knows the truth! :yahoo: :yahoo:

The main reason that so many FJR's are for sale is because their wives wont let them out to ride :blink:

The ones with FJR's also have the wives who cant wait to see us go. :rolleyes:

So Party on!!

Honzo, the generation 1 bikes are prone to excessive valve guide wear, aka 'ticker's.It looks like that was fixed in 2006.

The 2007 models have some interesting fuel injection mapping issues, causing bucking and snorting with elevation changes. There are plenty of threads all over the forum discussing these issues..

If I was looking, I have to settle on an 06. No ticks + No surging = best year yet.
Uh, Honzo, there are 06's with the dreaded surge, sorry Don I know you got lucky, just not as significant or severe as an 07. Just give it a few weeks or week and a suppossed new ECU is coming out to the dealers to fix this surge issue. If then it is a go, there will be pleanty of bikes that are now up to snuff to buy. Just make sure the bike you buy has a new replacement ECU. Enjoy. PM. <>< :rolleyes:

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