Wife Says She Has To Sell Her FJR

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Active member
Jun 14, 2005
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We drove to Minneapolis (in the car as we were picking up some larger stuff) and saw at least a half dozen FJR's. I'm guessing they were on the MN SS1000 perhaps. Anyway, my wife said that if everyone has one, then maybe it is time to look for something else.

Up until now we have only seen two FJR's on the road. I told her about the SS1000 and it seemed to satify her for now.

Actually, I was jealous. I wish I was with that bunch of bikes we saw going South out of the cities.


We drove to Minneapolis (in the car as we were picking up some larger stuff) and saw at least a half dozen FJR's.  I'm guessing they were on the MN SS1000 perhaps.  Anyway, my wife said that if everyone has one, then maybe it is  time to look for something else.
Up until now we have only seen two FJR's on the road.  I told her about the SS1000 and it seemed to satify her for now.

Actually, I was jealous. I wish I was with that bunch of bikes we saw going South out of the cities.

Nobody gives a rats ass what bike you have 10 minutes after they meet you anyway. Get out there and ride.


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I WAS joking. We were just very suprised to see so many at once. In the last 2 years since she got it, we have only seen 2 out there. It was nice to see it.



You two should have been out there with us. Not in the car! It was a great time and I even managed to finish. Which in itself is a small miracle. :p

As far as the FJR total. I think there were 10 or 11 out of a hundred and some bikes. By the way, most seemed to be BMW's.

Maybe next year for you two????


Maybe next year for me, but probably not for my wife. She has no interest at all in a SS1000, but I'm working on her. She didn't want to drive a bike at all 5 years ago, no she won't ride with me at all. We'll see.

Glad you made it. Were there any ST1300's in there? That is what I drive.


The CAL24 rally just finished and there were quite a few FJR's there also from what I've heard. I think those blue bikes are breeding or something! :D


From my unoffical count I saw 3 or 4. Hard to tell though, because the rally started at a local bike spot and there were a lot of bikes that were not in the rally around. Great time. Will do again in a heartbeat.

Got to www.teamstrange.com and read all about it.


The CAL24 rally just finished and there were quite a few FJR's there also from what I've heard. I think those blue bikes are breeding or something!
This is true Highlander. Apparently the last 2 years it was BMW as the popular choice, but this year the FJR was the bike of choice. :D

There was a good showing of silver ones, just because they are the purdyest. :p

Here is one heavily farkled blue FJR. This bike looks ready to take on anything!


And Tom Melchilds purdy silver, complete with Tanji fuel cell. He chuckled when he asked me how many miles I had (17K) compared to his 65K. :blink: Ive got some catching up to do.


And a mix of all brands to keep it unbiased for all :D

