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R.I.P. Our Motorcycling Friend
Jun 14, 2005
Reaction score
Gonna try this again folks. Sunday, 4-2, 10 am, I will be installing a set of Wilbers complete on a bike at the U of M Fleet shop. Anyone else doing this who is unsure of whats involved should show and we'll make a day of it. This Map

should help all find it, I'll add a shop phone # here tommorrow. Bring your fluid of choice (suggest light 2.5-7.5 weight) and we'll see you then.

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Gonna try this again folks. [SIZE=14pt]Sunday, 4-1,[/SIZE] 10 am
That Rad, he is at it again, this time it is an April Fools Joke. We all know that Sunday is really 4/2 ;)

Actually, I'm doing this at a friends request (ZZZzz) from this thread. He had the date screwy, I just followed suit. You'll notice the thread title is correct. Keep in mind I do not make mistakes, as I am purfict. ;)

Shameless bump to inform all we will be tackling some other Mysteries of the Machine, such as, which way should a muffler bearing be inserted?


If you are coming, post up that this is the case so I can get a feel for numbers. Just show up and I will not be my usual chuckly self. ;)

I'll be there, but I hope you're beefer than your picture to help me get the bike outta the truck. But at least you look mean enough.


Will you also delve into the secrets of piston return springs and how they can be tuned for maximum advantage??

Will you also delve into the secrets of piston return springs and how they can be tuned for maximum advantage??
Some secrets are best left that way. Patriot Act prevents any disclosure, as you well know. Report to the nearest Re-Education Center for immediate evaluation.....



I think I might rethink the visit to this strange land called MN.

Bruce :dribble:

Rad, how many liters/ quarts of fork oil should I bring?? 2 or 3?ZZZzz
If rad puts the oil on the stove to warm it up, run for your fookin' life! :eek: And whatever you do, don't turn your back on him... :blink: :eek:


Rad, how many liters/ quarts of fork oil should I bring?? 2 or 3?ZZZzz
If rad puts the oil on the stove to warm it up, run for your fookin' life! :eek: And whatever you do, don't turn your back on him... :blink: :eek:

Never. Are you nuts or something? Death wish? Cripes awmighty! The microwave is much faster.

Here is a map of Fleet Services. You wanna come to the big overhead blue door marked by the arrow facing Como Av. Take right turn into lot at gas pumps, Fleet is at West end of block. See ya Sunday Sunday sunday sunday.....


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