Wilbers - Opinions on changing fork springs

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Parsimonious Curmudgeon
Jun 28, 2005
Reaction score
Shandaken, NY
I'm going to get in on the latest Wilber group buy. I don't have any complaints about the stock Yamaha fork springs, but that may be just because I haven't had anything better to compare them to. So, for those of you who bought new springs, was it worth it? And, for thjose who replaced the Yamaha rear shock but kept the Yamaha fork springs, are you happy with that decision?

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I'm going to get in on the latest Wilber group buy. I don't have any complaints about the stock Yamaha fork springs, but that may be just because I haven't had anything better to compare them to. So, for those of you who bought new springs, was it worth it? And, for thjose who replaced the Yamaha rear shock but kept the Yamaha fork springs, are you happy with that decision?
That's a tough nut. Some days I think the Wilber springs were a waste of money, but I have to say that I like the way my front end rides since I made the changes and have them dialed in. With the stock springs I never seemed to be able to find a sweet spot. With the Wilbers I can get a fantastic ride, soft or hard depending on what I am doing.

My decision originally was that I would probably never get the springs cheaper, so I went for it. Although I have mixed emotions about it, I'd probably get them again.

I put the Wilbers springs and a 643 shock on my US '03.

I had previously put in '04 fork springs which were much better than the '03s.

When installing the Wilbers spring,I followed the rec. and changed to 7 1/2 wt oil at the time. The front end is far better than it was. Much smoother and better controlled. I say the springs are a substantial improvement and highly recomend them.

I also really like the 643 shock. It is really easy to go from solo to two-up or to adjust for a tour. It is expensive but worth it.

By the way,THANKS,Warchild,for the group buys!

I went with the Wilbers front and back on my 2003. At 20,000 miles it was time.

The dealer that swapped the front springs put 10w Silkolene in the forks (saying they didn't have 7-7.5w). When I went to pay the ticket, there were multiple bottles of Silkolene in the 7w range ( :asshat2: 's). The investment was worth it. The front is now dialed in and great but might be even better (a little less harsh) with the proper oil.

The rear went back to Klaus for a spring swap after a lengthy discussion with him about how it's riding and the preload adjuster being maxed out. Even then the shock was tons better than the sacked out OEM shock.

Good folks!

Combined with the Gay-Ass™ Polished SuperBrace, the Wilbers springs really improve the front end as compared to stock. For what, $90 bucks(?), the springs are well worth the investment. So is the rear shock. I can't say enough about either. :good:

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Combined with the Gay-Ass™ Polished SuperBrace, the Wilbers springs really improve the front end as compared to stock. For what, $90 bucks(?), the springs are well worth the investment. So is the rear shock. I can't say enough about either. :good:
Cool....I was just wondering if the SuperBrace was any help with the Wilber springs.


Cool....I was just wondering if the SuperBrace was any help with the Wilber springs.
The Superbrace makes a significant improvement in front-end feel regardless of what springs you have in your forks.

my springs are still under the bed... what a fat lazy fuk I am... :(
Ricky, Ricky, Ricky. Tsk, tsk, tsk! Bring 'em up, brudda. I 'sperienced now and I promise not to snap your top clamp. I'll let you do that!

Is there an upcoming Wilbers group buy?


You're welcome.
Well, not so fast....... I am rethinking this Group Buy.

All Group Buys, for that matter.

'Course, that doesn't stop youse guys from putting one on yourselves. They are a lot of fun. Yeah. <_<

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Warchild, please don't let the people that don't want to participate keep you from helping out the people that do want to participate.

I have been extremely happy with all of my group buy purchases. I read all of the pros and cons and made my decision to buy or not. Take the brakes group buy. I liked the lines but didn't care for the rotors so I bought lines and skipped the rotors.

Only thing I wish I'd done was get the Wilbers fork springs.

Anyway, let people who don't want to participate disent all they want, that will just mean the people that do participate will all be happy about there purchases. And that means less post GB whining.

Warchild, please don't let the people that don't want to participate keep you from helping out the people that do want to participate.
I have been extremely happy with all of my group buy purchases. I read all of the pros and cons and made my decision to buy or not. Take the brakes group buy. I liked the lines but didn't care for the rotors so I bought lines and skipped the rotors.

Anyway, let people who don't want to participate disent all they want, that will just mean the people that do participate will all be happy about there purchases. And that means less post GB whining.

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my springs are still under the bed... what a fat lazy fuk I am...    :(
Ricky, Ricky, Ricky. Tsk, tsk, tsk! Bring 'em up, brudda. I 'sperienced now and I promise not to snap your top clamp. I'll let you do that!
Right on my brotha! Need any computer work, guitar strings changed, or portraits of your family taken? I'll look through the calendar and toss out some dates to see if they work for you.

Oh yeah, I got the Speigler stuff in the box under the bed too....


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Is there an upcoming Wilbers group buy?


You're welcome.
Well, not so fast....... I am rethinking this Group Buy.

All Group Buys, for that matter.

'Course, that doesn't stop youse guys from putting one on yourselves. They are a lot of fun. Yeah. <_<
Well I don't blame you one bit! I wouldn't want to go through that shit. From the posts on the earlier GB's I figure 16 out of each 10 buyers got the wrong springs and the brakes must have taken 12 years to ship!

But I hope you keep it up, I need more farkles!

my springs are still under the bed... what a fat lazy fuk I am...    :(
Ricky, Ricky, Ricky. Tsk, tsk, tsk! Bring 'em up, brudda. I 'sperienced now and I promise not to snap your top clamp. I'll let you do that!
Right on my brotha! Need any computer work, guitar strings changed, or portraits of your family taken? I'll look through the calendar and toss out some dates to see if they work for you.

Oh yeah, I got the Speigler stuff in the box under the bed too....

Done dealio, bro. Your invoice cost will be 1 Tri Tip sangwich from Cavalli's across the street. Word. Don't forget to bring the 7.5 Silkoline!
