Will I like the FJR?

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Well-known member
Jun 29, 2006
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Fayetteville GA.
I have been waiting for an 06 FZ1 for 4 months and now Im thinking about a FJR, I have had 3 FZ1s and they are the BEST!! all around bike out there for covering all bases but Im not 25 anymore (41) and I dont scrape pegs in the mountians I just like to go a good pace and have fun and ride but I would to like have a little more comfort and some luggage. I have been reading about the fuel injection problems on the new 06 FZ and its making me think about going a diffrent route. I did have an 04 FJR on order in 04 but I bailed and went with another FZ and I also bought a Roadstar and have since sold both of them and I just want a bike that puts a smile on my face like the FZ1 always did, (Perma Grin) I have a friend that owns a dealership and he has 1 A left and a couple of "Sissy Shifts" just kidding, I just dont know if I would be happy with it.

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Its prob as close as you can get in a shafty to a sportbike. Not as quick, but quick enough. and a lot more comfy.

And you can still drag a knee if ya wanna ;)

Since I'm lucky enough to have a 03 FZ1 & an 05 FJR I offer the following opinion.

The FJR is the perfect long distant bike. I say this after riding mine for close to 1,000 miles on a three day business trip. Last night for example, I rode from Vancouver Island, BC to central Wahington state. It was 435 miles in 11 hours. The two plus hour ferry ride & one hour border crossing cut in to my time quite a bit. I rode one 204 mile leg non-stop! Not bad for a feller that had his 50th birthday last week. I rode the last 85 mile leg in the dark. The FJR's wonderful headlights illuminated the roadway real well & the high beams kept a watch on the roadside for critters. The hard bags, great mileage, & adjustable windsheild makes the FJR a dream on a long journey.

The FZ1 on the hand is a blast for fun day rides. I ride with several young bucks on sportbikes & the FZ1 keeps up just fine. For me it feels a little cramped after riding the FJR. I am 6' tall & 220 pounds. My 5' 4" wife prefers the FZ1 & rides the hell out of it. That being said, I did ride the FZ1 to SLC & back once two summers ago with no problems. It was over 1,400 miles & I rode it in three days!

Both are great bikes. If I was getting a long distance tourer, FJR. Mostly day rider, FZ1! It's a win-win situation! :D

FJR on trip to Vancouver Island.


I guess you have to try it to answer your question. I would wager that the answer is YES. Great bike.

While the FJR is a sporty tourer, it sounds like you may want a toury sport bike with better ergos than your FZ1.

I have ridden shaft and chain, but have never liked the ergos of the pure sport bikes. I am not also married to shaft drive - chains these days last long enough to be considered candidates for pure tourers (or so Kawasaki tried to claim with the ZZR1200).

Have you ridden the ZX14? - it is a hoot and a lot less aggressive ergo-wise than the short sport bikes. The screen provides no protection, but the power is intoxicating.

While my '06 FJR is no slouch and looks GREAT bagless since I've done the fender-ectomy, I've ridden the K1200S (but not the GT) and I wonder if a bagged K1200S might not have the performance and even more relaxed ergos you want? Both of the BMWs are more expensive than the FJR. The GT is more luxurious and for the standard cruise control and somewhat lower power I don't think it's worth it except for the ESA suspension system . . but they do have a better warranty). Note that the FJR runs on regular gas, the BMWs (and everything else you're likely to consider) run on premium.

Will you be happy with the FJR? Only YOU can answer that question. Get some saddle time on one if you can - I never rode one before I got my '06, so I can't comment on whether a test ride of an older machine is relevant to the experience - but I can only say that I like mine.

Edit: The comments that immediately follow this (and some threads on the forum) refer to issues related to throttle control difficulty on the '06. I must state that I have experienced no such issues with my bike (a Canadian model) in the 3500 miles it's run since I got it at the end of April. It might just be a calibration issue of some sort.

The heat issue I DO echo. If puttering along at 30 mph in traffic for any really long periods of time the bike blows a lot of heat out the left side - they say that this is MUCH improved over previous versions - and we need to remember that we're running big engines in enclosed spaces, so a big displacement machine with a fairing IS going to be warmer than a smaller bike.

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Theres really only 2 issues that you wouldnt like about the FJR (06 model that is).

1. Engine heat (and that would be subjective according to the rider)

2. Difficulty with whats being called "herky jerky" in very low rpm situation in 1st and 2nd gear. (even after mods, some of this still exists, IMHO). This issue rears its ugly head in very tight twisty situation (Tail of the DRagon).

I"m pretty damn picky when it comes to sport tourers, and these are the only two things i can come up with. If you think you'd be sensative to either of those two issues, you may find those "annoyances".

Its pretty hard NOT to like this bike (especially given the alternatives).


Theres really only 2 issues that you wouldnt like about the FJR (06 model that is).
1. Engine heat (and that would be subjective according to the rider)

2. Difficulty with whats being called "herky jerky" in very low rpm situation in 1st and 2nd gear. (even after mods, some of this still exists, IMHO). This issue rears its ugly head in very tight twisty situation (Tail of the DRagon).

1, Engine heat- The FZ1 puts off a lot of heat also in slow traffic so Im used to that

2, Herky Jerky- Are you talking about trying to roll on the throttle in turns and it either on or off? If so that is the big problem with the 06 FZ1. I went the the FZ1OA rally last month and I talked to a guy there that had a 06 FZ and he complained about that all weekend and every mag. report I have read on the 06 FZ has dogged it out because of that.

I also have the wifes 04 FZ6 to play on so I do have a light bike to play on.

I have a 05 FJR and a 06 GSX-R1000 which makes it easy to compare to some of the best handling out there.

Like others here, I can tell you that the FJR does us proud. It's not a sportbike but it's a damn fine handling machine. I used to have an FZ1 but the reason I got the GSX-R is because the FJR and FZ1 were so similar.

Coming from an FZ1 you will feel the weight at first but you'll adjust after a few hours. I think you would like the FJR. IMO, the FJR is great for moderately technical stuff and it feels like it's on rails. It feels really planted but not as much in tight stuff. Sometimes when I swtich back to the GSX-R it takes a few rides to get used to because it feels like the gixxer is going to fly off the road.

My biggest complaint with the FJR is front tire cupping. Perhaps it's the way I ride but this bike goes through the front tires pretty fast.


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I just picked up my 03 FJR yesterday and have put a whole 85 miles on it. So far I like it a lot. I'm coming off a beat to crap 84 Venture. So I did notice that the slightly more forward leaning riding position is going to take a little getting used to for me. As for the herky-jerky I noticed that and found that slipping the clutch in the curves a bit helps a lot.

Theres really only 2 issues that you wouldnt like about the FJR (06 model that is).
1. Engine heat (and that would be subjective according to the rider)
I don't even try to read the whole forum, but I've yet to read a complaint about heat on the 06. Is this heat issue from your personal experience?

Buy whatever you want. Everyone else is everyone else. Based on your list of bikes, you'll be selling this next one in a year or two anyway. Even if you don't like it, it won't be around long enough to be a burden.

As a 48 year old sportbike rider, I would say yes go for it, I think you will be very happy with your purchase.

When I got my 06 FJR, I felt that my Suzuki TLR was more fun to ride on short rides than the FJR.

Now that I have had the FJR for a couple of months, the TLR does not come out to play all that often.

The FJR has plenty of power and handles quite well for a bike of it's size and wieght.

The bags make it so very convenient to carry or pick up stuff.

I find that it is much easier to ride slower than my TLR, however it will go fast when you want it too.

Cops do not look at the FJR sidways just waiting to give you a ticket. I even had a sherrif in VT say to me last week, "nice bike".

I am very happy with the FJR, it is going for a ride from CT to CO and back this summer, something I would never consider on the TL. I am going to keep the TL for this season but if the FJR keeps getting the nod everytime I go out, then the TL will get sold and the money used for some other things.

I say get the FJR, you will love it.

I have been waiting for an 06 FZ1 for 4 months and now Im thinking about a FJR, I just dont know if I would be happy with it.

Only you know your values. Do you think it will achieve a goal in the face of an alternative for you?

I have chosen the FJR for LD Touring. From the factory I think the bike is set up as more sport than tour. I think the bike will be perfect with a few mods. I have already added hi-way pegs, vista cruise throttle lock, grip puppies, ram mount for GPS, the seat is currently being modified at www.tobinseats.com , and also plan on adding a taller windshield and maybe risers.

I have ridden the FJR approximately 2000 miles in four days, 744 of those miles in one day. It is an awesome machine for the open road.


As for the herky-jerky I noticed that and found that slipping the clutch in the curves a bit helps a lot.
HELLO.... :huh: :rolleyes: :asshat:

shoot...give me a break....my first day with the bike and only my second post!! With my other bikes an easy roll on of the throttle worked ok in the curves...with the FJR I notice the throttle is more like an off/on switch at lower speeds..like in a curve...had to change riding styles a bit...the point was if that is all some folks are complaining about it's not that big of a deal!
