will my 2003 get that hot?

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Thanks for all the help! I will try the heat fixes this winter and I will let you know how they work. It gets cool here at night but the bike keeps me warm!

I second all the comments here. I will add that you don't need to go to all the effort of doing the full heat mod. I just took some foam blocks, wrapped them in heat-shield foil,loosened up the back of the fairing and stuffed them in there. Oh, and I lifted the tank up and put heat-shield material underneath. Four years, still good.

I second all the comments here. I will add that you don't need to go to all the effort of doing the full heat mod. I just took some foam blocks, wrapped them in heat-shield foil,loosened up the back of the fairing and stuffed them in there. Oh, and I lifted the tank up and put heat-shield material underneath. Four years, still good.
I just got some heat shield and will do the same. That tank got HOT the other day.


Troy 2003 FJR

I have said it before, And it's worth repeating again...

You don't know hot until you have ridden a large displacement V-Twin. I had a Honda VTX1800 prior to the FJR, And trust me, This thing feels like it has built in A/C by comparison! ;)

Damnit Vic!! You, or should I say we (nor does anybody) roast Walnuts..

Peanuts, Chestnuts Acorns.. But fer shitsakes man, not Walnuts. :eek:

I have said it before, And it's worth repeating again...

You don't know hot until you have ridden a large displacement V-Twin. I had a Honda VTX1800 prior to the FJR, And trust me, This thing feels like it has built in A/C by comparison! ;)
You don't post for like 3 years, and when you finally do, this is the snivelling baloney you come up with?? I had a VTX1800 too, and it was never hot. However, unlike you, I rode it like a man.

Kisses... :****:

Damnit Vic!! You, or should I say we (nor does anybody) roast Walnuts..

Peanuts, Chestnuts Acorns.. But fer shitsakes man, not Walnuts. :eek:
No shit majicmaker, what did our wfooshee - Walt ever do to you that you want to roast his damn nuts?
With Majicmaker, in this context, 'roast' and 'touch' are interchangeable.

I have said it before, And it's worth repeating again...

You don't know hot until you have ridden a large displacement V-Twin. I had a Honda VTX1800 prior to the FJR, And trust me, This thing feels like it has built in A/C by comparison! ;)
You don't post for like 3 years, and when you finally do, this is the snivelling baloney you come up with?? I had a VTX1800 too, and it was never hot. However, unlike you, I rode it like a man.

Kisses... :****:
Oh shit... Someone noticed me.

(slithers back under rock)

I have said it before, And it's worth repeating again...

You don't know hot until you have ridden a large displacement V-Twin. I had a Honda VTX1800 prior to the FJR, And trust me, This thing feels like it has built in A/C by comparison! ;)
You don't post for like 3 years, and when you finally do, this is the snivelling baloney you come up with?? I had a VTX1800 too, and it was never hot. However, unlike you, I rode it like a man.

Kisses... :****:
Oh shit... Someone noticed me.

(slithers back under rock)
Forget about what asshole Zilla says.

It's good to see you are still around.

I have said it before, And it's worth repeating again...

You don't know hot until you have ridden a large displacement V-Twin. I had a Honda VTX1800 prior to the FJR, And trust me, This thing feels like it has built in A/C by comparison! ;)
You don't post for like 3 years, and when you finally do, this is the snivelling baloney you come up with?? I had a VTX1800 too, and it was never hot. However, unlike you, I rode it like a man.

Kisses... :****:
Oh shit... Someone noticed me.

(slithers back under rock)
Forget about what asshole Zilla says.

It's good to see you are still around.
Brother Ray, I really do hate to correct you on the Forum but when you type the words asshole Zilla™ you must add the Federal Trademark Symbol.

AJ spent big bucks to have asshole Zilla™ trademarked with Department of Commerce, he's pissed if you don't use a ™ symbol with asshole Zilla™!

I have said it before, And it's worth repeating again...

You don't know hot until you have ridden a large displacement V-Twin. I had a Honda VTX1800 prior to the FJR, And trust me, This thing feels like it has built in A/C by comparison! ;)
You don't post for like 3 years, and when you finally do, this is the snivelling baloney you come up with?? I had a VTX1800 too, and it was never hot. However, unlike you, I rode it like a man.

Kisses... :****:
Oh shit... Someone noticed me.

(slithers back under rock)
Forget about what asshole Zilla says.

It's good to see you are still around.
Brother Ray, I really do hate to correct you on the Forum but when you type the words asshole Zilla™ you must add the Federal Trademark Symbol.

AJ spent big bucks to have asshole Zilla™ trademarked with Department of Commerce, he's pissed if you don't use a ™ symbol with asshole Zilla™!
Didn't think you could trademark a steaming pile of shit !!!!! :finger:

I have said it before, And it's worth repeating again...

You don't know hot until you have ridden a large displacement V-Twin. I had a Honda VTX1800 prior to the FJR, And trust me, This thing feels like it has built in A/C by comparison! ;)
You don't post for like 3 years, and when you finally do, this is the snivelling baloney you come up with?? I had a VTX1800 too, and it was never hot. However, unlike you, I rode it like a man.

Kisses... :****:
Oh shit... Someone noticed me.

(slithers back under rock)
Forget about what asshole Zilla says.

It's good to see you are still around.
Brother Ray, I really do hate to correct you on the Forum but when you type the words asshole Zilla™ you must add the Federal Trademark Symbol.

AJ spent big bucks to have asshole Zilla™ trademarked with Department of Commerce, he's pissed if you don't use a ™ symbol with asshole Zilla™!
Didn't think you could trademark a steaming pile of shit !!!!! :finger:
Well, guess what...You can. I'll be having my copyright attorney get in touch with you.
