will my 2003 get that hot?

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Since you brought up the 7th grade...

I teach 7th grade students for a living. Ha-- It's starting to sound a little "familiar" around here.


darksider #44

I have a 2003 FJR with 14000 miles on it, I just bought it. I have been reading about these bikes for close to a year. I have read that the bikes built before 2006 are very hot. I understand that they don't overheat, but you get very hot in the seat. How true is that? I don't live in a town that has a lot of traffic with long waits at stop lights, so I am wondering if my bike is going to get as hot as they say.
Yes. If you take long rides on hot days, it will. I sit as far forward as I can on the seat. During a long ride, in triple digits I got first degree burns through a pair of riding pants. Try explaining that in the ER!

Other than that, haven't had any problems with the heat. In ordinary temperatures if you're wearing decent gear you'll be fine.

ER? For first degree burns? That's equivalent to a sunburn.
Lol! No, didn't go to the ER. Just imagined filling out the intake form explaining how my inner thighs got burned. Saw the burn during the first rest stop on a 500 mile ride. Not many alternatives besides getting on and riding the bike home. I did wear longer, thicker shorts under my riding pants after that.

It is amazing to me that there does seem to be heat differences between the 2003 models owned by our Members here. I did the Warchild heat modifications and I ride Miss Lucy Liu in Phoenix with our 110F temps with no problems. Yet others in cooler climes seem to have heat problems, just hard to figure how there can be such a variance on these bikes!

It is amazing to me that there does seem to be heat differences between the 2003 models owned by our Members here. I did the Warchild heat modifications and I ride Miss Lucy Liu in Phoenix with our 110F temps with no problems. Yet others in cooler climes seem to have heat problems, just hard to figure how there can be such a variance on these bikes!
Don, I have to say the '03 motor out of Grumpy's old bike is MUCH hotter than my original '04 motor. BUT, I'm not such a puss that it's so hot I would complain about it. :)

It is amazing to me that there does seem to be heat differences between the 2003 models owned by our Members here. I did the Warchild heat modifications and I ride Miss Lucy Liu in Phoenix with our 110F temps with no problems. Yet others in cooler climes seem to have heat problems, just hard to figure how there can be such a variance on these bikes!
I've only complained about the heat once in about 30K miles on my '03. I think a lot of that is due to seating position. I sit snug up to the tank, as far forward as I can.

It is amazing to me that there does seem to be heat differences between the 2003 models owned by our Members here. I did the Warchild heat modifications and I ride Miss Lucy Liu in Phoenix with our 110F temps with no problems. Yet others in cooler climes seem to have heat problems, just hard to figure how there can be such a variance on these bikes!
I've only complained about the heat once in about 30K miles on my '03. I think a lot of that is due to seating position. I sit snug up to the tank, as far forward as I can.
Well that is the difference Miss Jilly Beans, with our massive Irish Shillelaghs Old Michael and Papa Chuy cannot get that close up to the tank. jes' sayin' and nuff' said!

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It is amazing to me that there does seem to be heat differences between the 2003 models owned by our Members here. I did the Warchild heat modifications and I ride Miss Lucy Liu in Phoenix with our 110F temps with no problems. Yet others in cooler climes seem to have heat problems, just hard to figure how there can be such a variance on these bikes!
I've only complained about the heat once in about 30K miles on my '03. I think a lot of that is due to seating position. I sit snug up to the tank, as far forward as I can.
Well that is the difference Miss Jilly Beans, with our massive Irish Shillelaghs EGOS Old Michael and Papa Chuy cannot get that close up to the tank. jes' sayin' and nuff' said!

It is amazing to me that there does seem to be heat differences between the 2003 models owned by our Members here. I did the Warchild heat modifications and I ride Miss Lucy Liu in Phoenix with our 110F temps with no problems. Yet others in cooler climes seem to have heat problems, just hard to figure how there can be such a variance on these bikes!
I've only complained about the heat once in about 30K miles on my '03. I think a lot of that is due to seating position. I sit snug up to the tank, as far forward as I can.
Well that is the difference Miss Jilly Beans, with our massive Irish Shillelaghs EGOS Old Michael and Papa Chuy cannot get that close up to the tank. jes' sayin' and nuff' said!
Yeah!! and at your age the EGO deflates in a heartbeat leaving you with less than nothing. "Add silly assed quote here"

It is amazing to me that there does seem to be heat differences between the 2003 models owned by our Members here. I did the Warchild heat modifications and I ride Miss Lucy Liu in Phoenix with our 110F temps with no problems. Yet others in cooler climes seem to have heat problems, just hard to figure how there can be such a variance on these bikes!
I've only complained about the heat once in about 30K miles on my '03. I think a lot of that is due to seating position. I sit snug up to the tank, as far forward as I can.
Well that is the difference Miss Jilly Beans, with our massive Irish Shillelaghs EGOS Old Michael and Papa Chuy cannot get that close up to the tank. jes' sayin' and nuff' said!
Yeah!! and at your age the EGO deflates in a heartbeat leaving you with less than nothing. "Add silly assed quote here"
"MY" age? Sure about that, Old Fellah? :p :p :p

It is amazing to me that there does seem to be heat differences between the 2003 models owned by our Members here. I did the Warchild heat modifications and I ride Miss Lucy Liu in Phoenix with our 110F temps with no problems. Yet others in cooler climes seem to have heat problems, just hard to figure how there can be such a variance on these bikes!
I've only complained about the heat once in about 30K miles on my '03. I think a lot of that is due to seating position. I sit snug up to the tank, as far forward as I can.
Well that is the difference Miss Jilly Beans, with our massive Irish Shillelaghs EGOS Old Michael and Papa Chuy cannot get that close up to the tank. jes' sayin' and nuff' said!
Yeah!! and at your age the EGO deflates in a heartbeat leaving you with less than nothing. "Add silly assed quote here"
"MY" age? Sure about that, Old Fellah? :p :p :p
Sorry Howie, I was talking about the OLD Irish guy that has delusional thoughts about massive members. :rolleyes:
