Windshield Help 6'1"

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An in-between of stock and the tuning block is to add a couple spacers (and longer bolts) under the bracket. Cheaper too.
True. BTDT.

But, putting spacers in causes the two brackets to be at a slight angle to each other. This puts lateral stress on the (longer) bolts that go through those spacers and there is some small amount of flexion that may occur during windshield movement. If you look at the Rifle tuning block it not only spaces the bracket halves apart, it also offsets them and provides the required angle:


Now... many folks will pipe up and tell about how they have installed various spacers and longer bolts and run them successfully for many zillions of miles. But, there have been some cases where the longer bolts broke, which could be rather a bad thing while under way. I don't mind spending $50 for a better and safer windshield solution for my $10k motorcycle.
:good: :)

See fjr1300info and when there search "windshield modification" or"changing windscreen angle. Looks like just what you need and I know you can do it

if you lay off the ouzo while working on it.

This is the range of shield angle that you get when you modify the long arms as shown in that fjr1300info article


Not enough of a difference from stock position, IMO.

Now here is the range with a Rifle Tuning Block installed under a stock screen (this is actually a Yamaha touring screen, but is the same shape as stock, just a few inches taller

Your pics convinced me, just ordered one $49.00 + frt. If I don't like it will not be the first or last time I've blown $$.
Well the product CONVINCED me, them stupid bastards in Calif sure can make some real pieces of shit !!!!!!

motherfucker if the cheap assed screws Yomommaha used didn't strip the heads out trying to remove them, solved that then BOTH of the damned

bolt holes going into the tuning block galled & cross threaded because of the cheap assed alum they used. I sent them an email

told them **** YOU about twenty times & promised if I was ever stupid enough to go to Calif I would drop by and kick the

dog shit out of the dumb bastard who thought it was a great $$ savings to make that piece of shit tuning block out of

the cheapest material available. Probably took them 2 years to find the dumb ass that makes that cheap fucking alum. The last three things

I have purchased have been pieces of shit, WTF ????????????

Dude. Get a grip. Would ya?

I hate to tell you this, but if you are "stripping" the heads out of of the allen head screws, and then "galling" and cross-threading screws in installing the new ones, I'm just a tad suspicious of your mechanical abilities.

It certainly doesn't help anything that you sound like a raving lunatic.

I'm really sorry I recommended this solution to you. You'd have been much better off sticking with everything stock so you didn't have to touch anything.

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I'm 6"-2" mostly torso, I went with the Cee Bailey tinted -2(H)+3(w) and I have clean air over my helmet much cooler, I also have a Laminar lip that I put on to get more coverage in the Winter.
