Wing suit maker meets his Maker - NOT gory, WS

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If a good laugh adds 5 min. to our lifespan, I just added about a 1/2 hour!

Ok.. Next fuq that repeats this is going to get a swift kick in the Jorstins.
Yeah right Numb Nuts, then try this on for size from mi Amigo RadioHowie and Papa Chuy Viejo ese:

Preemptory Strike Before Numb Nuts wakes up:

Jeebus...That right there is a metric **** load of ugly!
Dios mio, que Lastima! Freaking unbelievable, El Rey del muy Feo (The King of very Ugly!) had the cojones to say that out loud. Sports Fans, make your Metric **** Load of Ugly call right here ese:


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The above was not written by Don, but since I can't figure out how to get the dammed functions to work right, that's how it showed up.
