Women and one-piece suits

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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I have a Roadcrafter one piece suit, it takes me about 30 seconds to take it off or to put it on, not being in a hurry, just the normal on/off.
Ever taken a quick dump in the woods in it, or would you take it off first?

I've always found two-piece to be much more versatile. I usually wear my Cycleport pants full-time at PGR events, unless it's over a hundred degrees out.

Check these out. https://teizms.com/I got the Olympia Phantom in Hi-Viz and liking it.
Thank you EVERYbody - for info AND entertainment ;) I was considering a one-piece more from a safety perspective since, despite what turned out to be a half-assed commitment to 'zip up' every time, I'm not doing it. I WILL zip up on my trip next week

BTW, I don't see the Olympia Phantom on that website.
