won't start - am i missing something?

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Active member
Jul 8, 2005
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Garaged it in Nov. Added Stabil to tank and rode for an hour. Topped it off with gas/Stabil mix. Battery tender all winter. Plugged exhaust for rodents. It cranks, but won't start. Got it to fire a few rev's in one attempt. Kill switch in run position. Air filter clear. No obvious blockage in tank vent hose. I'm thinking that I didn't put in enough Stabil. Any suggestions for what else I might look at before calling the tow truck? Thanks.

First off, siphon the tank and add fresh gas, with a little SeaFoam added for cleaning and as a top cyl lube. Charge battery fully. Begin cranking with throttle wide open. Do not repeatedly cycle key, this re-pressurizes the fuel rail and promotes flooding. A wide open throttle is a counter-flooding position. This has started a couple bikes with these symptoms for me this year. ;)

First off, siphon the tank and add fresh gas, with a little SeaFoam added for cleaning and as a top cyl lube.
Nah, leave the gas in there. He said he added Stabil.

Open throttle, turn key (throttle still open), wait for pump to cycle, hit starter button, still holding throttle wide open.

It'll start.

What is SeaFoam? Never heard of it.

I've got to get me some of the SeaFoam. I've heard you can get it at NAPA's. Any other places I can get it? Remember, I live in the great state of Vermont. Some things are a little harder to find here. Thank goodness for the Internet.


IT WORKED! I tried it first without the SeaFoam as a reality check that I really did put Stabil in at the beginning of winter. It fired right up. It's idling in the driveway right now. Predicting rain and the 40's today, but sunny and 50's tomorrow. Thanks to you guys, I'll be riding.

The SeaFoam was not suggested as an aid to starting-it was suggested as an aid to cleaner injectors. The fresh gas was what I thought was important-still do. That being said, and with all the experts this forum contains, I will no longer post suggestions pertaining to the mechanical side of FJR life-it's obvious that after almost 40 years of riding, wrenching, and troubleshooting, I don't know a fucking thing. I'll continue to display the 12 year old side of me, with stupid pics and witty repartie, but no longer will contribute any useless info concerning my thoughts on the wrenchin side of life. <_< <_< <_<
Well that's a piss-poor attitude from a sour old man!

What, you've never had someone ignore your advise on the internet before?!? I still appreciated the technical content of you post, even if the person who asked didn't follow your suggestions.

Too bad man. I like what you have to say but you know how everyone is an expert even th first time bike owner who has read and I emphasize read the internet. there is nothing like experience and varying opinions help get things done. Keep on trucking dude.

Well, I'm still using copper washers even if you take back the post where you suggested them. So there. :beee:


You seem touchy on this issue. The guy wanted to get his bike started. He got it started. You should be happy you (& Mr. Vroommm) helped him.

Your advice on seafoam is extra information that the board members can use.

What makes this board good is that it is a co-op. Everybody gives what they can so everybody benefits. Some have more to give than others. Me, I got my smile and not much else. I know I can provide some emergency help to those stranded in the area.

If people stop helping each other on this board, then this board will become a sickly skeleton of it's former self, and will die sooner than later...which it would deserve.

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Well I just want to say thanks for this thread! Now here's a bit of info that can come in handy and save you alot of heartburn somewhere down the road. :)

radman - Shame on you!

I hope in a few days, whatever negative crap is going around in your head is gone and we get the old radman back.

Rad, don't stop with the tech advice. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have gotten some critical advice (at the time :) ) on removing/replacing the generator cover, because no one else was answering. Without the confidence your advice gave me, I might be paying big bucks for my maintenance now instead of doing it all myself (well, all except for tire changes, but at least I r&r the wheels). Your role here continues to inspire FJR owners to do their own maintenance, I'm sure.

That advice came a long time ago in a forum far, far away...

Oh yeah, I look forward to your 12-year-old persona, too; always makes me laugh. :bleh:

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