Wow...!! CalSci windscreen...

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Well-known member
Nov 6, 2005
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My tall CalSci windscreen arrived yesterday afternoon. I hooked it up this AM and took the FJR 'round the block for a test ride. Over 80 miles in couple hours.

All I can say is WOW!! For me, it transformed an uncomfy buffeting ride into one of comfort. I'm sold.

I got the tall version of the shield. I'm 6'2" 215# 35" inseam. At full up, I'm looking thru the windshield. I ran up to 80 mph and it was pretty quiet compared with the stocker. I had a Nolan flip helmet on and rode with the helmet's shield in the up position and the CalSci positioned so I could see over it. Not full up, but maybe couple inches lower. Very comfy.

Install was pretty straight forward. I must say that all the plastic phillip's screws on my FJR were all loose, so was the "W". May want to check those out.

I've ridden with some form of windscreen for over a decade. I wouldn't ride without one. For those that are used to 'no shield', I'm sure you will think the CalSci offers too much coverage. But, I like it. It's like +4 taller and +4 wider.

Quality is pretty good, tho not as nicely finished as the stocker unit. And, perhaps a bit thinner. The vent works great, too. 'Round town and on the road there is plenty of fresh air coming thru. No back pressure at 80 mph either.

I like it. Now, if I can get some of Doug Hine's risers (coming soon) and a new saddle with a backrest.... I'll be extremely happy with the bike. It's a keeper for sure.


My tall CalSci windscreen arrived yesterday afternoon. I hooked it up this AM and took the FJR 'round the block for a test ride. Over 80 miles in couple hours.
All I can say is WOW!! For me, it transformed an uncomfy buffeting ride into one of comfort. I'm sold.

I got the tall version of the shield. I'm 6'2" 215# 35" inseam. At full up, I'm looking thru the windshield. I ran up to 80 mph and it was pretty quiet compared with the stocker. I had a Nolan flip helmet on and rode with the helmet's shield in the up position and the CalSci positioned so I could see over it. Not full up, but maybe couple inches lower. Very comfy.

Install was pretty straight forward. I must say that all the plastic phillip's screws on my FJR were all loose, so was the "W". May want to check those out.

I've ridden with some form of windscreen for over a decade. I wouldn't ride without one. For those that are used to 'no shield', I'm sure you will think the CalSci offers too much coverage. But, I like it. It's like +4 taller and +4 wider.

Quality is pretty good, tho not as nicely finished as the stocker unit. And, perhaps a bit thinner. The vent works great, too. 'Round town and on the road there is plenty of fresh air coming thru. No back pressure at 80 mph either.

I like it. Now, if I can get some of Doug Hine's risers (coming soon) and a new saddle with a backrest.... I'll be extremely happy with the bike. It's a keeper for sure.


Any chance of some pics?

And congrats on being so pleased with your scoot!

Pics and prices please. I'm still on the fence as to whether to go with Cee Baileys, laminar lip or maybe now CalSci.

Pics and prices please. I'm still on the fence as to whether to go with Cee Baileys, laminar lip or maybe now CalSci.

Just returned from a 200 mile run on the bike. The windscreen makes ALL the difference to me (other than the risers/saddle, yada, yada).

I took some photogs, but don't know exactly how to punch 'em up on this site, but I'll try to read and see if I can.

I'll say this.... The CalSci tall looks better on the bike IMO than the stocker ... both up and down.

BTW, I rode in temps in the low to mid 90s today. And, I gotta tell ya, this is the warmest bike I've tossed a leg over in some time. The only hotter bike was my '99 Valkyrie. The FJR flooded my thighs with hot air from the motor. I was surprised. Not a BIG deal, and a good deal in the autumn ... but, this was a surprise. Those who have ridden other bikes may not concur.

How do I post photogs? I'm just a stupid old bastad... sorry.



You need to upload them to somewhere on the interenet that hosts photos, or your own server space, and then link to them from within your message.

As per the heat... I agree that it does generate a fair amount, and the Cal Sci screen doesn't give me enough airflow to make it tolerable in warmer times, so I'm using the stocker in the summer, and the CS in the fall/winter when I don't mind the heat coming off the engine.

You need to upload them to somewhere on the interenet that hosts photos, or your own server space, and then link to them from within your message.

As per the heat... I agree that it does generate a fair amount, and the Cal Sci screen doesn't give me enough airflow to make it tolerable in warmer times, so I'm using the stocker in the summer, and the CS in the fall/winter when I don't mind the heat coming off the engine. your stocker that much smaller than the Cal Sci? your stocker that much smaller than the Cal Sci?
In terms of airflow, yes... especially since I plan on taking another inch or so off the top of the stocker... between that and adding some cutouts, I'm hoping to get some serious and cleaner airflow for the hotter months.

Funny, I also rode today in temps from 90-95 and felt absolutely no heat on my legs. I have the 06 and do wear an overpant. As far as the w/s goes, I'm thinking about the Calf Sci but for the short term I purchased the Laminar Lip. Probably doesn't look as good but was only $79 plus $10 shopping and appears to do a good job of reducing the darn wind noise. In the full up position I'm looking thru it but I must say I'd rather not look thru it. I position it slightly below eye level when on the highway nd thus ellimiate about 90% of the wind noise. Around town and country roads I leave it full down to get an air flow. I'm concerned that with the 4inch over model it would all but elliniate air flow on hot days.

BMort your stocker that much smaller than the Cal Sci?
In terms of airflow, yes... especially since I plan on taking another inch or so off the top of the stocker... between that and adding some cutouts, I'm hoping to get some serious and cleaner airflow for the hotter months.
I use a givi screen that has a 1" flip (taller than stock) @ the top that I've cut the holes fairly well.....yesterday here it was 35c with the humidex to love it day 20c no humidity....the next 35 & 39c....can you say sweat?....I knew you could....

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Shu, great writeup on the shield :clapping:

Thanks, Cary

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Second that motion on the great write up! I'm debating getting the cal-sci or the V-stream. Have seen other posts saying the V-stream doesn't shed water well. anyone had a chance to try the cal-sci in the wet yet?


I’ve got the calsci tall also. In your second post, this thread, you said, “The FJR flooded my thighs with hot air from the motor.”

I’m curious, are the middle fairing-vents open or closed on your bike?

Did the amount of hot air that you felt increase as the windshield was raised and decrease as it was lowered?

Have you ridden without the luggage? If so, was there a difference in the amount of hot air that you felt?


I’ve got the calsci tall also. In your second post, this thread, you said, “The FJR flooded my thighs with hot air from the motor.”

I’m curious, are the middle fairing-vents open or closed on your bike?

Did the amount of hot air that you felt increase as the windshield was raised and decrease as it was lowered?

Have you ridden without the luggage? If so, was there a difference in the amount of hot air that you felt?

I'm not sure what the "middle faring-vents" are. But, there was air from the louvered anterior vent ... and from the CalSci vent, which is always open.

But, I'll say this ... the SIDE slide deals are CLOSED (in), not OPEN (out). I tried to have them open a couple weeks ago when the temps were in the lower 80s and I was scorched. Tho't that Bernoulli and all that would make it better, but I was incorrect. I now have them CLOSED. And, riding in the low 90s with the side vents closed, I was pretty hot. I could put my hand down between the fuel tank and my upper thigh and felt a good deal of heat.

Now, the heat is subjective ... I know. I had a Valkyrie (which is a really hot bike in the summer time), a couple late model HDs that were 'strokers' and were pretty hot ... but, the FJR is a real cooker in my opinion. The '06 FJR is pretty hot and compares with the Valkyrie Tourer I had. Baker Wings helped the Valk... they would look stupid on the FJR.

Yesterday, I did over 200 miles on the bike. Temps were in the 90s. I found I would move my leg out on each side from time to time to 'gain air'. It was pretty cooling compared to the heat I felt when I was riding legs in.

The CalSci shield is a great improvement (IMO) over the stocker screen. I would have sold the bike if there were not a replacement windscreen that provided better insulation from the extreme wind buffeting I felt with the stock screen. The vent in the middle offer lots of air ... but, the air can be hot, too. But, the mid vent is a good improvement over the stock shield.

I did not notice any difference in the heat with the CalSci in various positions, except at slow and town speeds. Nor, would I suspect it to do so ... at least not very much. Most of my ride was at 55 to 80 mph ... obviously, more heat at slower speeds.

The rear 'luggage' was on the bike while I rode. I need places to stuff "stuff". I don't think that these will increase the heat as they are behind the rider.

I had to add some stuff to my VALk to make it cooler in the heat of summer. But, that said, the bike is great in the early spring and late fall when the temps are less than ideal. The FJR ... a pretty hot bike, is IMO such a bike.

I know some will think I'm "too sensitive" to the heat. I am not. I have been on many different bikes since 1964. Some are hot ... some are more so. The FJR is a hot bike. But, that said, I do care for it a great deal ... as long as I can farkle the sh*t out of it ergonomically, I'll keep it.



I have to +1 you on the heat evaluation. if the 06 no longer has a heat issue, what the hell must have been going on with the 03-05's. at least yammie gave it a shot. More that we can say for the st1300 honda. I just dont get why the top two sport touring bikes made are so damn hot.



The reason I asked about the heat vs. shield position is because I notice a difference in the heat as the shield is raised. I’m not trying to disagree with your statement; “I did not notice any difference in the heat with the CalSci in various positions, except at slow and town speeds. Nor, would I suspect it to do so ... at least not very much.” It’s just that I subscribe to the notion some have advanced here on the forum about the difference in air pressure in front of and above the shield vs. being behind the shield. It seems as I raise my shield the pressure changes with the shield movement and acts as a vacuum, when raising the shield, and increases the pull of hot air from the bottom of the bike. After removing the luggage, the upward vacuum of hot air, when moving the shield into the up-most position, was considerably reduced IMO. All the above being said, the hot air that I do feel is just not objectionably hot to me. I don’t think my temp gauge has even gone above 4 or 5 bars yet or the halfway mark, whichever comes first.

Perhaps some of the seasoned board veterans could offer an opinion on why one’s bike would discharge a constant level of hot air to the cockpit regardless of shield position. Again not to seem disagreeable with your statement, “The FJR is a hot bike.” but my 06 isn’t a hot bike.

On another note, I read that you have a Nolan helmet. I have a HJC street-bike & dirt-bike helmet. I experimented with both using different types of face and eye protection. Then on Saturday, fellow forum member Terry G and I went for a nice ride thru middle TN. Terry was wearing a Shoei. His helmet seems to have a much more streamlined aerodynamic shape than mine. The idea I’m getting around to is that one’s helmet design seems to play a noticeable role in the amount of noise and buffeting the rider is subjected to. As, Terry seems quite comfortable with the stock shield. And I simply couldn’t take the beating dished out by the stock shield at interstate speeds.

My wife was demanding a new shield…and a backrest….and a custom seat…and etc. ha ha!

Anyway, about the shield, as you said in your first post, “it transformed an uncomfy buffeting ride into one of comfort. I'm sold.” Well mine’s a keeper too. Now my ride is a pleasant experience. And like you, I think a few other purchases may be in order.

Lots of luck! :p
