WOW - The Feej Is Fast!

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In my attempt to stay away from the kind of speeds that can make a judge's eye twitch, I decided that whenever I see tripled digits on the speedo, I will roll off the throttle. there are a few problems with this approach.

1. When I get over about 70 mph, I tuck in behind the (stock) wind screen. This has the effect of making me feel like I'm only going about 50 when I hit 100. So I don't always notice the trips until I go flying past a car.

2. I'm finding that I really enjoy those high speeds, so I'm starting to wonder if maybe I would REALLY like 125 or so.

3. Galaxy blue looks so pretty, and people don't get much time to see it when I'm above the century mark.

Seriously though, I'm a little concerned about the day I decide that 140 is okay. That reminds me, I need to update my will....

my gps has a recorded top speed of 256kph, when my size & weight are considered that is pretty good

This site gives you extra info on your speed


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Every Spring my Dad and I make a pilgrimage to the greater Death Valley area for 3 days/2 nights of riding the various (paved) roads and enjoying the beauty of the CA desert. The prior 4 trips were on my FXDX H-D Dyna, and this year was the first for my nearly 1 yr old 2007A.Now, all along I have been planning on exploring some of the "speed" that this bike will generate once out in a lonely spot on a decent road, and I must state that I am not a a daredevil nor a habitual speed-demon, just curious about what this machine will do. I have made several run-ups here locally and getting to 100mph is a piece of cake with the feej and is so easy it's almost laughable.

On Monday (4/27) we were on Highway 95 north of Beatty, NV and there was a stretch where it looked like I could open the throttle a bit as the road was perfect and there was no other cars for as far as I could see (which in NV is a LONG way). I rolled on the throttle and hit an indicated 125mph with the windshield full-up (and bags on) with ease, and rather quickly I might add. My Dad behind me on his Gold Wing quickly disappeared, and I rolled back off the throttle and got back to a safe and sane speed. But, as hitting 125 was so easy, I was left wanting more of course.

Yesterday, we had come off Towne Pass and hit a very flat stretch of road (across a dry mud flat) prior to climbing up to Panamint Springs, and I got the urge to try another speed run. I check for cars (none), rolled down the windshield 1/2 ways, then ducked behind and rolled on the throttle. I hit 125 so fast that I just kept on going. The yellow lines were coming fast and furious and I watched the speedometer climbing to an indicated 140mph! At that point I carefully back off as I clearly had reached MY limit, but not that of the FJR as it was still gaining speed. I did not look at the tach at the time as I was concentrating on the roadway and holding the bars steady.

Once we stopped at Panamint Springs for a cup of joe, my knees were still a bit shaky from the adrenaline of going that fast, and the experience as a whole.

Clearly we ride a machine that is ultra-capable in many areas - not the least of which is acceleration and straightline speed.

I have reached my "speed limit " as such and don't plan on going that fast again , what's yours?

i've been over 202 on my turbo bike at maxton, quite a thrill!!!!!!!! will try again this year for 220 should happen in oct. on the fjr have run 100mph for miles on end / so easy so stable would be very easy to end upin jail ( in va over 100 puts you in the pooky!) gotta add that the fjr is the best street bike i've ever owned.

ya know i just may try fjr thru the lites this year to know for sure ! speedo and gps always indicate faster than the heartbreakers at the end of the run.

frt end off the ground at over 200? yes it is usually like it or not bikes pulling hard rear whell turning somewhere around 218-220 frt whell at 200. too much traction bike rises and you gotta come outof it / big balance act at speed , the air is incredibly hard at speed. seems every 10 mph over the 180 mark has th effect of 4x .

sorry about the ramble just excited about coming events / hope to see some of you guys there always fun always fast !

I got to test ride the new R1 recently; saw 145 on the speedo & never got the thing out of 3rd gear.
Don't be fooled, the FJR is quite mild compared to what is on the market today.

Agreed. For a big ol' truck, the FJR does well. There are quite a few machines out there however, that will smack it about and put it away wet. You should try a de-restricted ZX14, the engine is amazing, power everwhere.


I'm a wuss...I chickened out after hitting 134 on the GPS cause I started thinking about insurance rates and all of that. I did have a a pillion on at the time though, and she later told me she thought we were going "90 or 95". The Feej is awful smooth at speed.


tried my own limits, and the blue lady made it past the 270 km/t :rolleyes: No GPS onboard at the time. Do not think I even have had the nerve to check the GPS at the time anyway, was really focused on the road. (The GPS usually sits on my left side (ram mounting)).

I did back out due to traffic ahead. The strange thing is that the lady had more power left. With some mods the FJR surely will pass the benchmark of 300 km/t (just guessing).

My lady has a low cut CBailey screen, and I had to get low down on the gastank due to the airflow.

She was rock steady at this speed, had my bags on (not the topbox), and as I said she had more power left...... :clapping:

Next time it will be a run on a much broader road. At this speed the road tends to get so narrow for me.

my gps has a recorded top speed of 256kph, when my size & weight are considered that is pretty good
This site gives you extra info on your speed

That left out:

[SIZE=12pt]256 kph = 427580.16 fpf[/SIZE]










That's furlongs per fortnight :rolleyes: .

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speedo indication and gps, on my 08 fjr with garmin street piolet when speedo reads 65mph gps reads 63mph, when speedo reads 135mph gps reads 130mph

My '08 speedo is damn inaccurate. This morning on my commute, I held at 75mph indicated and checked against the Zumo...Zumo showing 70mph. That's a 7% error. So if that holds up, at 150mph GPS, the indicated speed would be around 160.5mph. I dont know why the can't get these bike speedos calibrated from the git go. :angry:

Most vehicle will have a speedo that records less than GPS accurate readings, this is because they have to. The margin of error varies between manufacturers and individual units, but it is, I believe required by law. This way no one can claim speedo error as a defense in traffic court.

There has been some discussion that the police could actually get your GPS memory and charge you with that, its not going to happen, but if you were ever in an accident and you had those kind of numbers showing you would have to wonder if they would try to charge you with brain dead speed demonism.

I love the rush of speed as much as the next guy, but there is nowhere close to me where I can really let the Feej fly.

Now, Wyoming and the Dakota's :p

After 130 your somewhere else .Got her to 150 last week and let off the gas . What a rush !!!!!!!!!!!

150 with the bags on.

130 with a passenger and bags.

Fastest I have ever had a bike was my 02 R1, 187 indicated and it was still pulling.

I've seen over 150 indicated a number of times. My fastest was with a pretty strong tailwind. The speedo indicated 167, and my GPS "highest speed" showed 157. Amazingly, I'm pretty sure it still had a couple left at that time.

In more normal conditions it has topped out at 160-161 indicated. I have found at that speed it is about 9mph fast compared to my Garmin.

130 to 150 is a quick leap - thank God - because the road is just a blur at that point.
I've found that 140 to 150 takes a while. It also takes a lot of road and momentary stupidity (which is frankly abundant in most of us.)

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no windshield, no bags long slight down hill on limmiter 163 gps speedo was past 180. thats all there was. with bags and windshield my bike won't go to limmiter and maxes at around 150 depending on weather usually less.
