hey, this centerstand is tough!!! i think maybe the problem is the technique. I am 6'2" 240 and played linebacker in college but this centerstand is kickin' my rear.......any helpful hints?!!!!!!!!
There are previous posts on this but bottom line is square the stand up with the ground. and stand heavily on the foot press while pulling up on the handle. It's not the pull up but the aggressive step down. Easy and no strength required.
Just lift it up with your manly arms and flick the stand down with your left toe.hey, this centerstand is tough!!! i think maybe the problem is the technique. I am 6'2" 240 and played linebacker in college but this centerstand is kickin' my rear.......any helpful hints?!!!!!!!!
Bike in neutral. Left hand, left handle bar grip...right hand, bike frame hand-hold. (Left hand isLeft hand, left handle bar grip...right hand, bike frame hand-hold. (Hands are mainly for bike balance but you'll find your right hand pulling upward a little to counter the downward motion of your right foot.)
Get that sucker level with both center stand points in contact with the ground...put your right foot squarely on the stand's foot grip and downwardly stomp on it like your crushing an old beer can. Do it decisively with a fair amount of weight commited to it. Pops right up.
It helps to have a hard soled shoe/boot. Flipflops suck.
handle, what handle :blink:Yeah, if it ain't just poppin' up yer doin' it wrong. I have a bad back, and some days can't reach my own shoes, yet I've never been unable to deploy the centerstand.
Of course, if the owner's manual actually hinted anywhere that the handle is there on the left side under the seat, life would be easier.
Substitute grip for handle. Someone will be along to correct my correction soon...handle, what handle :blink:
I'll second that, I just bought my FJR after 10 years owning a C-10 Connie and the first time I put her up on the CC I nearly launched it backwards...(the connie for all her glory is a BEAR to get onto the CCOnce you figure out the technique you will kick your own bad self in your hinder's really that easy. First time I put the FJR up I nearly threw it through the garage door. Compared to the C-10 Connie this one's simple.
Left hand, left handle bar grip...right hand, bike frame hand-hold. (Hands are mainly for bike balance but you'll find your right hand pulling upward a little to counter the downward motion of your right foot.)
Get that sucker level with both center stand points in contact with the ground...put your right foot squarely on the stand's foot grip and downwardly stomp on it like your crushing an old beer can. Do it decisively with a fair amount of weight commited to it. Pops right up.
It helps to have a hard soled shoe/boot. Flipflops suck.