Well, it wouldn't stay on the extension bar, and I had to split my concentration between keeping it from slipping off the nut and having to keep the torque wrench in the proper orientation so I wouldn't get a false reading. With a socket-with-prongs you just slap it on there and torque it as necessary, plus I no longer had to use an extension. Much less hassle. And yes, I paid the $60 too, so I'm a little pissed about it.
Uh...going out on a limb since it's Friday-N-all. Tell me you're not a mechanic.
That's what I did... the stock Yamaha tool is an absolute ***** to use, and IMHO pretty poorly designed. I spent ages searching NAPA, Snap-On, and everywhere else before sacrificing one of my crap 24pt craftsman sockets.
What size 24pt Craftsman was that again?