XM Radio antenna for Zumo 550

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Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
North of the Everglades
I have a Garmin Zumo 550. I would like to start using the XM radio feature, but, I am not sure where to mount the antenna "puck". Would some of you be so kind as to send a picture of where you mounted this thing? :umnik:


I don't have a pix handy. Installed mine on a skyway bracket that attaches to the clutch master cylinder resevoir top. Works great.

Wait, I do have a pix.


I might swap the radar detector and xm ant to make the radar detector 'ignore' button available to the left hand.

Under the passenger seat. I used an extension cable so the antenna could be easily unplugged and moved to my other bikes. Haven't had reception problems yet and it's a fairly secure mounting location...


I too use Skyway's mount.

Question for you Bustanut, when you have a passenger, does it affect reception? Or does that depend on the size of said passenger?

Question for you Bustanut, when you have a passenger, does it affect reception? Or does that depend on the size of said passenger?
Yes, the XM bar graph display on the Zumo shows decreased received signal strength with a passenger, but on the rare occasion I've had a passenger (GF hates riding on the FJR) it hasn't been enough to completely lose reception. Although I'd imagine in areas with dense foliage, large buildings, it may.

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I have a Skyway mount on order, but I haven't received it just yet. I asked him to ship it with some items that need to be made.

I cut a pice of foam to fit in my glove box with the antennae resting on top of it. A small drill hole in the box lets you run the cable through. It works great for me. It protects the unit from vibration and I have no reception problems there. I still have room in my glove box for the garage door opener.

I learned this trick from someone else on the forum. I can't remember who though.

Mine is inside the fairing just back from the glove box area on the left side. Works great no problems and out of sight, more or less just stuffed it into that that area and have it held in place with foam padding.

Mine is inside the fairing just back from the glove box area on the left side. Works great no problems and out of sight, more or less just stuffed it into that that area and have it held in place with foam padding.
Following Lake Powell's advice, mine is in the fairing as well. One small thin I did different was to wrap the antenna and foam with an Ace bandage to secure it.

I really like the idea of putting it in the glove box. Is the box easy enough to remove so you can drill the hole for the wire? I'm not at the same location as the bike or I would go look.

And by the way...you guy's are great! It's quality feedback like this that makes this forum so valuable.

Thanks to all of you. :yahoo:


My reference was that it has been mounted behind the glove box area, right in the corner where the fairing, frame, and gas tank come together. I believe the antenna will be suited for best reception if it is mounted in a flat orientation and I don't think that can be done within the glove box.

If you go that route let us know how it works!

Hey Lake Powell,

Could I impose on you to take a picture of how you routed the antenna wire from the Zumo to the area you are talking about? A few instructions on how you get there from here would be helpful. I know this is a pain in the ass... but, I do appreciate it! :D

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I've taken a few pictures but much of the wiring is hidden under the body work.

This where the antenna is located, under the faring located about as far back as it can go and wrapped and held in place with foam.


The wire from the antenna is running under the fairing and comes out along the fairing support to the handlebar area. So there really isn't much to show.


The antenna wire runs from the support to the Garmin mount attach base. I made this attachment to the upper triple clamp.


The antenna wire runs to the attachment base.


And a picture with the Zumo in place.


Sorry, without taking everything apart there isn't a way to show everything but I hope you get the idea. If I recall there is way too much wire and I think that is bundled and tie wrapped in the front of the fairing as well.

Hey Lake Powell!

Thanks for all the pic's and time you spent describing the routing of the antenna wire. Since I am always reading these post's from my office, I can't go look at my bike to see what you are talking about until I get home. Just a couple more questions... How do you access the area where the antenna is located? And, since you ran the wire under the inside of the fairing, I'm assuming you didn't have to drill a hole anywhere??

Thanks again.


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