Being a natural idiot (no professional training), and having smashed fingers or thumbs several times in my otherwise uneventful life, I've found the following technique to be useful and painless (except for the hangover the next morning)....
1) Fill a very large glass (I prefer my Bubba Mug) with ice.
B) Add your preferred amounts of Crown Royal Black, 7-Up, and some Dole pineapple-orange juice. Trust me on this one.
3) I like the above-noted suggestion of having an assistant present, mostly for entertainment/gross-out purposes.
d) Dig out your drill bit set, and take a smallish bit out, in the 1/16" to 1/8" range. Metric is OK too.
5) Find a comfortable seat, either around a campfire, or in front of the TV, with an appropriate show or movie on. Something on the order of The Big Lebowski, The Hangover, The Blues Brothers, or Terms Of Endearment.
f) Place the drill bit tip on the afflicted fingernail, and spin the bit back and forth using your non-injured hand. Very little actual downward pressure is required, lowering the cringe factor. Make sure to take several refreshment breaks during the drilling process. This may take 5 or 10 minutes, so be patient.
7) Pop! Thar she blows! You will want a tissue handy to soak up the just-released fluid (but you're used to that procedure already, with other bodily fluids, I assume).
You're welcome.