Fred W posted:Q: How does an ass fault gray qualify as "sexy"?
FredW, it's the color all the cool kids in Hollywood and New York are wearing these days, and everyone knows that black is a slimming color. Can't expect a crusty New Englander to understand fashion, can we?
Birdman2010 posted: You know you are riding a fast bike when you hit 105 just getting on the freeway and accelerating over to the carpool lane. I look down and think "CRAP! I better slow my ass down!"
Similar story: I get on the freeway for my everyday morning commute, then cross four lanes to reach the HOV/motorbike lane. One morning about 6 weeks ago, there was a small window allowing me to scoot all the way across in one move. Like any self-respecting FJR pilot, I flipped on the turn signal, twisted the throttle, and extended my left arm to let folks know I was sliding all the way across.
As soon as I reached the HOV lane and set the cruise on 75 mph, I noticed the radar-carrying motor officer on the highway's right shoulder. Sure enough, he saddled up and started his strobes.
He said I was doing 93. I didn't argue, but explained, "I saw a hole and wanted to get there." Grey hair and mustache, ATTGAT, and an envious comment about his biker-cop boots kept it to a warning. "You ride carefully, now. And let's just wait a minute over here so everybody thinks you're getting a ticket."