Yamaha FZ-09 - european street rally version

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Well went out yesterday and picked up one for myself.First impressions are it'very light coming from 30 years of riding HD,ST1300 and the FJR.Today I should be able to take it out as temp is supposed to get into the fifties with winter returning tomorrow with 9" of snow.

Ever since I got the KLR I've appreciated the advantages of a lighter bike,but I missed the power of the FJR.The FZ-09 might just be the ticket.
You will not feel that you gave up anything regarding accelleration. I havent spend much time in A mode and find STD really satisfactory. When the temps get hotter and the tires stick better i will experiment more in the A mode. Just remember, its different. After riding the niner, I don't find any lack in accelleration on the FJR either.

Went out Sun on a 135 mile loop down N Virginia backroads and over the Blue Ridge twice.Tried all 3 throttle modes and found Std is the one I prefer now. B slows response slightly,it was nice inching thru a couple towns and A is very quick which made it harder to use only the throttle thru the corners.At 125 miles filled up-reserve wasn't flashing yet but it took 2.9 gallons so it was close.Yamaha should be proud of their reborn triple-pulls good from down low and starting about 6000 you start hearing that distinctive 3 cyl howl and she really starts pulling hard.It was hard to back off but I do need to remind myself it is still in the first 600 miles.If this bike breaks in like the Feej it can only get better.Hopefully nicer weather will be back by next weekend so I can put another couple hundred on. Jeff

Since I am recovering from an operation, 4 months ago, 5 new throttle bodies to my heart. A wake up call to buy that new light weight bike to whip through the corners in the mountains (Windy Ridge). I am so happy that Yamaha heard my prayers and came out with the FZ-09, now I don't have to spend even more money on the Street Triple R. I got one on Saturday, but have only rode it home. Spent all day today on the FJR at 28-46 temps so it was a good idea not to ride the FZ. This is what it looks like, as if you guys didn't know what the red ones look like. Looking to a fix a top box, heated grips, and an electrical outlet to run my tank bag with a gps and radar detector. Simple, actually not much different than the FJR. Maybe an outlet for heated clothing if the stator will allow:
I believe they call it Orange color.


Fred's been shopping......

It seems odd that Yamaha would offer the FZ09 in two very similar colors when we can't get more than one color per year for the FJR.

I love the Orange. If I were to buy one it would be Orange. But I would probably have the front fender and rear piece painted Orange too. It's a metallic color that pops!

But alas, I bought an FZ-8.

Interesting, I love A mode. Each FZ-09 is different, but so far I have found standard mode to have the most sensitive, or twitchy throttle response.

The suspension is definitely somewhat lacking, but that can be remedied. Improving a motor and reducing weight are a bit more challenging.

Be careful! That motor is a monster!
In A mode it is kind of a monster, especially off idle. Snatchy (?) as it can suprise you, even if you think you have it under control. In Europe they have been using a product that is put between the throttle tube and the handlebar, Nyogel 774VH. It slows the speed of the turn, thous making it slower to respond, especially when it gets jurky as in close, open, close, open and hard to control. It works and doesn't stop you from twisting it open fast to do your wheelie or burn outs, and it doesn't stop the throttle from closing quickly. (maybe not as quick as w/o, but quickly). After installing the Vista Cruise and Oxford heated grips, I can ingage the throttle lock to slow down the rotation and it eliminate the snatchyness, but causes the trottle to not turn enough initially and I have stalled out the engine once. I will be installing the Nyogel soon. Fricking stuff cost $25+ for a tube that would last me a lifetime if I used it on every bike I have ever owned and will own. BTW, I changed the photo used to anounce my purchase to this:


I need the windscreen to ride in our 40 degree weather and it has worked well. It is a chopped FJR screen with home made brackets. This is a really cool bike and with a good seat would make a nice touring bike. The engine is that good. 70mph in 4th is smoother than 6th. Getting the engine above 6000 or 7000 is unbeliveable smooth. The mileage is not great because of the 3.6 gal tank so you kind of have to expect refills at 125 miles. I rode to Astoria and back last Friday and got 48mpg until I got in the afternoon traffic so the last 20 miles put me down to 46mpg according to the onboard computer, but fill up calcs says 45.6 going to the coast with tail wind and 43.1 coming home with head wind. I am hopping for 50+ once the engine settles in and maybe close to 55 in the high country. If I could figure out how to fit a fuel cell as a rear cowling and fender, I would. Just 1.5 gallons please.

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I love the Orange. If I were to buy one it would be Orange. But I would probably have the front fender and rear piece painted Orange too. It's a metallic color that pops!
But alas, I bought an FZ-8.
I liked the Orange too, except for the very reason you wanted to paint the fender and tail pieces. I didn't like the seamingly funny blue wheels on the graphite units and the cop out satin flat black color.

I rode the FZ09 at Daytona. Oh my soul. It pulls like a freight train. That torque is amazing. How in the world did Yammie do this? I've never been a fan of high rpm motors. I just don't like having to run a machine up to 12 grand to get some acceleration. For example, I typically shift my FJR at 5k or lower. But that little FZ09 just launches. Even at REALLY low rpms, the engine's power is amazing. Hard to believe it's only 850 CCs. And smooth? Good grief. Yamaha is amazing.


darksider #44

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A friend of mine is looking at a speed triple and I thought I would send him this thread for consideration. How do I copy this as a link and email it to him to read? Thx
Speed Triple: a great machine for many of the same reasons that the FZ09 is, but don't forget that it costs 13,000 vs 8,000 bucks for an FZ09. To me, that MATTERS. That's very similar to trying to compare an FJR to BMW's K1600. The price difference is a huge deal breaker for many.

The link for this thread? Click on the number in the upper right hand corner of each individual post. Just pick the one you want. This post, for example, will be #39. When you do, a little window will pop up with the address for the link. It's that simple.


darksider #44

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