yamaha offering incentives to purchase new bike

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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re: % loans
cash for toys. owe no man.

I'm with you there.

But many folks use their FJRs as their primary commute vehicles, which does put into a category of a non-toy, necessity vehicle.
I betcha that's a pretty low percentage. Even for here on the forum.
Count me as one of those "low percenters". Every day commute on the Feej for me, unless the ZRX beckons. :D

+1 every day commute only vehicle

Also got a pretty good deal on the 2012 12,800 and a little more than kbb on trade in

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At the motorcycle show in Long Beach I signed up for a test ride. Last week I received a mailer from Yamama offering me a 24 month YES... Free if I purchase a 2013.
This means only +1 year over the basic warranty. The YES is typically $400 or basic +4 year warranty. With shop time at $100/hr as YES deal is a bargain. I suggest new buyers get YES.

I also suggest new buyers get the YES warranty.....because they will find something wrong, no matter how small, with this POS platform.

I got the Y.E.S and the 2 yr extension from D & H...well worth the money. They covered my fork seals, CCT, rear shock & linkage bushings, water pump seal. I'd say that it more than paid for itself...and it's good through 4/14

"Cash for toys/owe no man" is a great way to live, if you can pull it off.

I'm blessed with a bride who had a "debt allergy". Her idea is cash for everything, period. Which means she'll wring every penny out of the budget to put money in the bank for... When we "need" it.

Fortunately, "when we need it" includes fun stuff like traveling and buying a second motorcycle (previously owned).

She doesn't have 138 pairs of shoes, and when I go on a RTE, I take a sack lunch!

Love that woman.
