Yeah, Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition, whatever...

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[the one w/ two pink bows in Rushes post if you please]
Yeah, she's probably about as smart as a fence post, but ol' Adriana really scored in the looks department. An excellent choice, sir....

Wow toe,'re on a first name basis eh? How about an intro! ...agreed, she's been about the hottest thinng in that line-up for a spell! The VS store here in town has her plastered all over the front bigger'n life, makes it a very distracting drive-by.

awwwwsome and some with way bigger clearance than the valves on my feejer...damn had to mention it :yahoo:

Aw come on Toe, enuf already... Seventh row down, click, then click entire outfit. Nuf to make a grown man cry, ...'cause he knows what the oddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddds are!

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