Yellow FJR invisible to radar and Visual sight.

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Well-known member
Feb 10, 2007
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Yesterday, Vandy and I went on a short 240 mile jaunt to Arcadia to See a place that sells about a million kinds of POP! Kinda lame place but the ride was fun.

I led the way over and we had absolutely no Police sightings. We waited over an Hour to eat.(not worth the wait). Vandy led the way home, He must be a cop magnet.

We Past all the usual slow Car traffic 65 -70 mph stuff. Saw 10 LEO on the way home. One time in particular, Vandy passed a three car chain In a no passing zone(the state of Oklahoma does that on straight roads???Really you could see for ever.) He had to be doin near 90 when he got around those cars and whipped right back into Lane just in time for a County Sheriff to go by.... I watched that sheriff and he didn't even act like he had seen him. Its the yellow! I guess. We had a good, quick trip. A Decent meal. And Got to know a Fellow FJR owner his wife. The Four of us had a good time. And Arrived home with flashing fuel gauges. It was all good.

We went Here

Pop? Is that like Coke?
Thanks for the tip, I'm gonna go paint mine yellow now.
Yes if your from around here everything is a "coke"

But the place is called POP's

Sodas from everywhere Russia, Czech republic. just everywhere.

But at 1.99 per bottle. We didn't sample a one.

Loosen-up that tight wallet and try a taste of life! er, I mean POP!

Saturday is a busy bad day to visit that place. And do NOT speed thru Arcadia!

I sorta imagine since we rode rt66 all the way over. there would be speed traps the entire way. Check! on the arcadia Bit. I'll add that to my notes on Oklahoma towns not to speed through.

In my own defence I think it was a passing zone when I started passing... But one car and 2 semi's later the double line had been running awhile...

They had enough gap for me to slide between and stop passing at any time but you never know when you will get another clear chance to pass and i didnt want to have to follow them another 10 miles if i didnt have to.

In my own defence I think it was a passing zone when I started passing... But one car and 2 semi's later the double line had been running awhile...They had enough gap for me to slide between and stop passing at any time but you never know when you will get another clear chance to pass and i didnt want to have to follow them another 10 miles if i didnt have to.
I think if I had tailed you through.... that LEO would have nailed us...

And, I was behind them till that stop light (10 miles later) where you kindly pulled over and waited. No defence required you had plenty of room. those tiny little lights on top cars are really hard to see.

At any rate I had a good saturday. You?

Yes a good day of riding but it made me wish I could afford a couple quick farkles to the bike... I have the sargent seat but need the all day seat for my boney #$# .. ( all my fat goes aroung my gut ) and a cal si shield would be better than the yts...

The weather looks like no riding this weekend but maybe back to normal by next week.

Yes a good day of riding but it made me wish I could afford a couple quick farkles to the bike... I have the sargent seat but need the all day seat for my boney #$# .. ( all my fat goes aroung my gut ) and a cal si shield would be better than the yts...The weather looks like no riding this weekend but maybe back to normal by next week.
Oh! I was thinkin Radar detector. But ever since I bought the FJR I have been thinkin Radar detector... and even more on the SV. No bags and racing position makes tickets more likely.
