Yes, I have YES...

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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2008
Reaction score
Athens, GA
I purchased the YES warranty from the dealer when I bought the bike 11 months ago... still have the little yellow sheet of paper showing where I initialed everything, how much it was a month, etc. etc. So I was a little surprised when I got a brochure in the mail a week ago from Yamaha, pointing out that my one year warranty was about to expire and didn't I want to purchase a YES warranty? Hmm... Well, I figured that maybe it was just an automatically mailed kind of thing; like the five bazillion extended warranty brochures I got sent to me after my car was three years old.

Since I was at the dealer today watching my roommate drink the kool-aid and sign the papers on his own FJR, I asked them to check and make sure I really did have the YES warranty; especially since I've been paying for it for a year now. They did, and discovered..., I wasn't signed up for YES. Huh?

They said they corrected the error, and I'd receive my YES card or whatever it is soon, but that's still a little disconcerting. Any other way I can check and make sure I really have the YES plan; other than through the dealer? Just to make sure...

You have the invoice and the paperwork. If you don't get the card in less than 3 weeks( mine took 2 weeks) go see them again. You have proof, make them provide the coverage.

It sounds to me like the dealer may have made an honest mistake with the paperwork. I'd give them the benefit of the doubt and let them correct it.

As hjarmitage says, give them a couple of weeks and then double check it. Once the paperwork is fixed you should be able to contact Yamaha Customer Service and verify that you have the coverage. Or any other Yamaha dealer can check the computer system for you.

I purchased the YES warranty from the dealer when I bought the bike 11 months ago... still have the little yellow sheet of paper showing where I initialed everything, how much it was a month, etc. etc. So I was a little surprised when I got a brochure in the mail a week ago from Yamaha, pointing out that my one year warranty was about to expire and didn't I want to purchase a YES warranty? Hmm... Well, I figured that maybe it was just an automatically mailed kind of thing; like the five bazillion extended warranty brochures I got sent to me after my car was three years old.
Since I was at the dealer today watching my roommate drink the kool-aid and sign the papers on his own FJR, I asked them to check and make sure I really did have the YES warranty; especially since I've been paying for it for a year now. They did, and discovered..., I wasn't signed up for YES. Huh?

They said they corrected the error, and I'd receive my YES card or whatever it is soon, but that's still a little disconcerting. Any other way I can check and make sure I really have the YES plan; other than through the dealer? Just to make sure...
Ditto, same thing happened to me today; checked my mail box and wala same card stating my warranty about to expire, guess I'll have to call my dealer tomorrow. Thanks for the post! :rolleyes:

A phone call to ANY Yamaha dealer with your VIN can confirm your YES warranty is active. It takes them 30 seconds to look it up in the computer as long as their internet is working.

I called,,, I dont have a YES warranty either.. I am kinda bummed.. But since I was not paying for it I am not all that suprised

I may buy one now... ehhhhhh er not

Last January, after not receiving my YES card in the mail, I called Yamaha to verify whether I was registered or not. To my surprise they said I was not. I gathered my paperwork and went straight to the dealer. OK simple mistake, their paperwork got lost/misplaced in the shuffle. He made copies of my receipts and said they'de take care of it.

3 week's later, receive my YES card in the mail - only thing was it showed my YES contract was 36 months - not the 48 months that I had paid for :assassin: . A little irritated this time, so straight to the dealer I go again - Yes, OK, they admit they made another mistake, say they will correct the paperwork and fax to Yamaha.

So, as others have stated, if you have not received your YES contract within 3 weeks, you should contact your dealer or Yamaha to verify your registration. Also, you should check that the length of coverage is what you paid for, not less (more wouldn't be a bad thing <_< )...

[suspicious bastard mode]

OK, so it seems several independent folks have discovered they didn't have the coverage they paid (varying amounts) for.

Anyone else wondering if the dealers are pocketing the $$ and hoping nobody is the wiser?


[suspicious bastard mode]
OK, so it seems several independent folks have discovered they didn't have the coverage they paid (varying amounts) for.

Anyone else wondering if the dealers are pocketing the $$ and hoping nobody is the wiser?

No. There is an unbelievable amount of paperwork involved with the sale and transfer of an motor vehicle and since this is related to that sale it could easily be misdirected or misplaced.

One would think that their forgetfulness is actionable since the insured did pay their premium but the actual submission was not completed by the dealer. I'm of the opinion that the dealer might have to stand good for any repairs that normally would have been covered under warranty.

Of course, if one could ever "prove" fraud, that opens a completely different can of worms and should be prosecuted by the District Attorney's Office.

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