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This is my favorite line in the listing: :yahoo:


I have a feeling they will stop great at first, then in a hour or so they will be ready to stop again.

You may be a bit surprised on how much of our and many other machines are forged in China. How many foundries are left in our country? GE announced today that upwards of 80% of jet engine parts will come from China and India by 2015. Chrysler, in process of being sold down the river by the Germans, will soon market Chinese made cars under the Dodge and Chrysler brands. The way it is now going, there will be no Chrysler product manufactured in the US in another 10 or so years. I remember in the early 70's when people were laughing at Toyota. I had a '72 Celica that I bought in '78 with 120,000 miles on it, and sold it when it had 255,000 miles. The girl that bought it from me took it to over 320,000 before the rear-end gave out.

On the other hand, I understand that all of the big CC Honda's are made in Ohio....

This guy did not get a 100% rating from 650 different customers by ripping off customers. I have been using EBay nearly 10 years, and it is uncanny how accurate the ratings can be. The language use may not be perfect, but don't mistake that for lack of intelligence or quality. How many of the 5,000 character Chinese alphabet do you, I or anyone we know understand...

You may be a bit surprised on how much of our and many other machines are forged in China. How many foundries are left in our country? GE announced today that upwards of 80% of jet engine parts will come from China and India by 2015. Chrysler, in process of being sold down the river by the Germans, will soon market Chinese made cars under the Dodge and Chrysler brands. The way it is now going, there will be no Chrysler product manufactured in the US in another 10 or so years. I remember in the early 70's when people were laughing at Toyota. I had a '72 Celica that I bought in '78 with 120,000 miles on it, and sold it when it had 255,000 miles. The girl that bought it from me took it to over 320,000 before the rear-end gave out.
On the other hand, I understand that all of the big CC Honda's are made in Ohio....

This guy did not get a 100% rating from 650 different customers by ripping off customers. I have been using EBay nearly 10 years, and it is uncanny how accurate the ratings can be. The language use may not be perfect, but don't mistake that for lack of intelligence or quality. How many of the 5,000 character Chinese alphabet do you, I or anyone we know understand...
They also make dog food, tires, and some other great products.

HONG KONG (MarketWatch) -- Beijing officials acknowledged nearly one-fifth of locally produced goods targeted at domestic consumers suffered from quality-control problems and failed to meet safety standards, according to reports.

SHANGHAI: The Chinese quality regulator said Wednesday that nearly a fifth of the food and consumer products it checked in a nationwide survey this year were found to be substandard or tainted.
The broad sampling of foods, agricultural tools, clothing, women's and children's products and other types of goods turned up sizable quality and safety failure rates for products that are sold to Chinese consumers.

The government said, for instance, that canned and preserved fruit and dried fish contained excessive bacteria; that 20 percent of the fruit and vegetable juice inspected was deemed substandard and that some children's products were defective or laced with harmful chemicals.
And this is only what they do to their own, can you imagine what they ship to the Capitalist Dogs?

We'll for the moment ignore that they shoot their citizens and send the bullet bill to the miscreants family. I would agree with the Toyota statement, but the Chinese aren't modeling on the Nippon standard, not by a long shot, not yet anyway. They don't hesitate to rip off patented technology and products while reserving the juicy contracts for guv run industries. I truly believe one takes big chances when buying their products, as time and time again they prove to the world how well a controlled economy functions.

More anti-Chinese literature for your inspection

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Has rad tagteamed with captain america? Say it ain't so.
Shouldn't he have a graph or a complicated chart to go with his post?

Just amazed at the preponderance of Chinese made stuff sold here, most of it with nothing to recommend it other than price. Surprised WalMart doesn't have a Chow Mein hall rather than the fast food typically found there.

Watched a kid at a local parts store jumping up and down on a junk Chinese Dirt Bike (you know the ones) when a yelp caused all to turn-the left footpeg and bracket had just snapped off, dropping the kid on his junk. Yeah, I'll take two........ :rolleyes:

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Get used to it. China in da house, yo! (Anything beyond that comment will send this thread rapidly down into the locked political crapper.)

So if I were to say...."China the new home of cheap labour"....could that be construed as a political statement :eek: ?.....Inquiring minds would like to know :eh-smiley: ....

So if I were to say...."China the new home of cheap labour"....could that be construed as a political statement :eek: ?.....Inquiring minds would like to know :eh-smiley: ....
Yep, and if I 'splained it, Lucy', it would end up in the same cesspool. Over a beer at WFO, my friend. ;)

Of course the biggest import from China that we enjoy, but talk little about it the $1,100,000,000.00 in cash that we continue to borrow on a dailiy basis. They now hold a larger portion of the US debt than any other country, and are sitting on over a trillion US$. Talk about influence. God help us all if they stop buying those dollars, or start to spend it in a way that makes us unhappy. If I were them, I would start my spending spree with a few big TV networks and some newspapers....

I'm not a big fan of their stuff, been benchmarking it for years at work. While many of their items are still below what we consider acceptable, both electrical and mechanical items are making huge quality leaps annually.

Its too late to stop them from undercutting American business, they've already succeeded at that along with help from Mexico. At the rate their quality is increasing , in 5 years Japan will be whining for trade protection from them.

The US has turned into a "service" oriented country while China has focused on mass production - it's all backwards from 30 to 40 years ago.

(fjrchooser - is that the sonic weapon in your avitar that Germany was experimenting with during WW2??)

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I'm not a big fan of their stuff, been benchmarking it for years at work. While many of their items are still below what we consider acceptable, both electrical and mechanical items are making huge quality leaps annually.
Bought a couple of air rifles made over there just fer grins, suffice to say they were deadly on the garden pests <_< .... after I ran outa ammo an tossed em at em.

Don't even compare to the better units I'm used to but they sure hype em as the next best thing :bad:


Not always the best made stuff out there but if we American's want it cheaper and cheaper where else ya gonna go?

Actually China is starting to get a little pricey in some areas to find good labor and more companies are spreading their wings to Vietnam of all places....a company will continue to uproot and move for cheaper labor with only a few exceptions and I think that is Africa. Too much civil unrest not to mention lack of infrastructure but who knows in 50 years?

My particular company has moved from the US to Scotland, to Mexico to China and is already scoping out the next cheap labor frontier I am sure on someones white board...we have to or someone elsse will come in cheaper for Wal-Mart and take our shelf space.
