"You Shook Me All Night Long"

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I don't think I can add anything to this desecration to AC/DC that the rating comments have not already expressed....

**** Osama, kill this bitch instead. If this isn't terrorism, I don't know what is.

I think a part of me just died.


This is truly terrible. Please stop! My ears--they bleed!


youtube, please, PLEASE ban this for copyright infringement or, i dont know, environmental toxin or something just get rid of this shameful moment of....i dont even KNOW what to call this ....travesty perpetuated against the human eardrum.


my ears are bleeding! for the love of god! they are bleeding! make the horror stop! please make it stop!

(dying noises)


Proof that there is no god! Someone please make her stop.


Seriously. I think I am going to hurl right now.


someone shoot that ******* ****

call bryan johnson & angus, have their groupies beat these ******* up


I literally almost killed myself she butchered the song T_T this ******* ho bag has gotta be shot.
'ho-bag" BWAH!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
OMG! I'm f'ing crying. Like Warchild said, I can't say it any better than those folks already have.

Here's the antidote (posted esp. for Scab and TWN):
Sir, with all due respect, I would say that Celine Dion's cover of this classic is FAR past "a real abomination", though that might be an apt description of the guitar solo. :p ;)

My GAWD, did you see Celine shaking her boney ass and doing the air guitar thing to that solo?!?!? I don't know about going to confession, but worship at the porcelain alter did come to mind when I saw that. :bad:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Like many bands of today, should have not come out of retirement. Older guys in shorts and no shirt jammin on stage just don't cut it. Can we please stick with the originals? And Celine and friends need stick with their own material. Better for us baby boomers aging minds as to not confuse us any more than neccessary. PM. <>< :rolleyes:

holy crap !!!

I go away for a while and just look at what you guys are posting !!!!!!!

you've become a bunch of heritics!!!

Celine Dion !!! :bad: :bad:
