You Sobs Are Crazy

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You insure for replacement (or replacement less what you can afford out of pocket). Depreciation off the showroom floor is irrelevant as a replacement bike doesn't take into consideration depreciation until you drive IT off the showroom floor.
Auto insurance in Texas does cover replacement only ACV.........and you have to drive it off the showroom floor to take possession of it....

Higher rates are a function of the rider. If they want lower rates then they keep their nose clean and their rates will go down.
Not in Texas,,,rates mostly having nothing to due with the rider,but are based on Credit Score and how the Co's rated the bike due to size & performance.

More than anything it sounds like you have a personal beef with insurance companies. Sounds almost like you are pissed because of high rates.
I don't have a beef, just sharing insider information with my fellow FJR owners as I only pay $90/year...I guess I do feel sorry for those who are getting screwed like a housecat by the insurance industry and never know why or what they can do about it.

You probably don't give a damn as long as it's not your ass in the crack....But I do...
You insure for replacement (or replacement less what you can afford out of pocket). Depreciation off the showroom floor is irrelevant as a replacement bike doesn't take into consideration depreciation until you drive IT off the showroom floor.
Auto insurance in Texas does cover replacement only ACV.........and you have to drive it off the showroom floor to take possession of it....

Higher rates are a function of the rider. If they want lower rates then they keep their nose clean and their rates will go down.
Not in Texas,,,rates mostly having nothing to due with the rider,but are based on Credit Score and how the Co's rated the bike due to size & performance.

More than anything it sounds like you have a personal beef with insurance companies. Sounds almost like you are pissed because of high rates.
I don't have a beef, just sharing insider information with my fellow FJR owners as I only pay $90/year...I guess I do feel sorry for those who are getting screwed like a housecat by the insurance industry and never know why or what they can do about it.

You probably don't give a damn as long as it's not your ass in the crack....But I do...

I live in Texas. My insurance rates have not been increasing as this gentleman(??) suggests. I suspect we just have a person here :jester: who is using some back door psychology in an attempt to undermine Bush. He probably also belongs to :wacko:

While the rate increases I was referring to apply mainly to Commercial Property and Liablility, FYI Bush allowed Texas Insurers to go to a file and use system.....meaning Co's can file their own rates and policy forms rather than adhere to the State Boards recommended rates & forms.......what this means is if your homeowner rates haven't increased, which I seriously doublt unless you traded in your double wide for a single wide, your coverage has been cut back or your deductibles raised.....Also as Gov of Texas Bush allowed Auto insurers to rate based on Credit Scoring as well as MVR reports......Yes, while those who have paid every bill well in advance and have a credit score of over 600 haven't seen much of an increase, most others have seen their auto insurance rates Allstate ran credit scores on all their policy holders before renewal last year......
Progressive not only rates primarily on Credit Scoring they started the Credit Scoring fiasco.......that's why someone can get a quote from them for $700 and someone else's quote is $1200.....It's only a matter of time before State Farm and Geico gets stuck with every FRJ in the state and decides to put this class of bike in their high rish County Mutual......which will make Progressive rates look cheap....

Another possible answer is I had dealer tell me that Yamaha Credit would finance a bike without requiring Physical Damage,,,,Yes Liability alone is all they require.....IF this is true, here's your out......Anyone else been told this?
the rate increases of commercial and liability were a result of 9/11...and they were a overreaction. They should be lowered. Something is really stupid about every building over 13 stories getting a 100% increase in insurance premiums...I really don't think sky scrapers are gonna be falling all that often.

I wish I had seen this sooner and I could have saved all of you some time. A very wise man once told me that only and idiot would argue with an idiot :lol:

That should stop this thread cold...unless you want to start in on me, but remember the above statement, you might be making the same mistake...again :D

Just Plain Dave lives in Texas and claims his insurance rates haven't gone up.......To say your insurance rates haven't gone up is to practically admit your mentally impaired to some point, but then on top of it to admit your live in Texas too, leaves one NO DOUBT. The only thing I remember not going up since 2000 is my income, the value of my car, and my 401K…...

To Orangevale who stated: the rate increases of commercial and liability were a result of 9/11...and they were a overreaction.

You observation was close, but NO CIGAR…

FYI, the rate increases need based on 9/11 by the Insurance Industry was pure BS!!! You must remember, they’re backed by an administration who they own...In reality, the damage done by 9/11 equals the yearly damage sustained in the Northeast due to typical hurricanes that hit the Atlantic coast on an average of once a year. At the time 9/11 happened, it'd been 3 years since the Atlantic coast had been hit.....meaning the Insurance Co's had tons of money sitting there ready to go.

Yea, it’s a rigged game in there in Washington and we the people are at the wrong end of it...

I wish I had seen this sooner and I could have saved all of you some time. A very wise man once told me that only and idiot would argue with an idiot :lol:
That should stop this thread cold...unless you want to start in on me, but remember the above statement, you might be making the same mistake...again :D
Alas, you were only dreaming...

I am not a gambler not because I have anything against it but was just never any good at it. Insurance is a gamble that most people hope they will never win. I pay insurance every month ($32) full coverage hoping that I never make a mistake and need it. If someone else hits me they have to pay anyway but on my bike I still hope that never happens. Sorry I will continue to pay the MAN.

As far as the BUSH thing goes. If anyone was offended by this just realize that every politician is linked to big business in some way and does back handed things. None of them are excluded from this in one way or another. While BUSH is in office we get to pick on him. But, he does make it way to easy :D

Edit (My 2005 FJR is paid off as of this month and I will keep full coverage thank you very much)

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Just Plain Dave lives in Texas and claims his insurance rates haven't gone up.......To say your insurance rates haven't gone up is to practically admit your mentally impaired to some point, but then on top of it to admit your live in Texas too, leaves one NO DOUBT. The only thing I remember not going up since 2000 is my income, the value of my car, and my 401K…...
It so happens that there have been some claims against the company I do business with and apparently they had to cut some prices. My rates dropped 2 years in a row. Whether that was only Texas or just the county I live in, I don't know, but my 2 vehicle auto policy is about 3% higher, and my homeowners policy is 7% lower than they were in 2000. You can believe it or not, that sir, is your prerogative.

You say it proves I'm mentally impaired because I live in Texas. You claim to be an insurance agent in Texas. Where do you live? You say the only things you have that haven't gone up since 2000 are your income and your 401k. Sorry about that. My income has increased by 6% per year and my 401k has increased by an average of 5.6% per year. Maybe being mentally impaired has an upside. :blink: :p

P.S. Also I was paying $400 a month for family hospitalization through a company plan. When my wife and I turned 65 the company insurance went away and we went on medicare. We are now on Secure Horizons (Pacificare of Texas) where we actually have better coverage and they give us back $22 each every month from the $78 medicare deducts from our social security check. So I can honestly say that I am probably paying near $300 a month less for all insurance combined than I was in 2000. :bleh: :p :bleh: :p :bleh: :p B)

P.S. #2 You say you are an insurance agent and you are advising us not to buy your product. Do you use that same sales pitch on your customers??? If not, what does that say about your ethics???? :nono: :nono: :nono:

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To put everything in it's proper perspective
Someone who buys a new Cadillac loses more then $15,000 the first time they stick the key in the ignition and drive em off the dealers lot...

4 Season tickets for the Dallas Mavericks and the Dallas Stars cost $60,000/year

A golf trip to pebble beach for a week cost $15,000.....

4 first class tickets on American Airlines to Hawaii cost $12,000.

$15,000 is the just the taxes on a Ferrari.......

$15,000 won't pay even pay for one semester of college

And if you do total your bike'll probably be dead anyway!!!!

Get it?
I'm just going to jump into this once, but, even in Canadian dollars some of these numbers look like 2025 figures and not 2005?!

For the record...bikes paid in full and I still carry full insurance coverage. :)

I'll agree that insurance can be a really fucked up deal, and you really have to watch out to keep from getting screwed. I'll also agree with downn2 in his statement about insurance being rigged, but that's about all I agree with.

If you're paying over $500 a year for full coverage on an FJR then you should find another insurance company or clean up your driving record. Many here have reported paying less than that, even with voluntary coverage increases.

It is important to weigh the value of the vehicle relative to the cost of the insurance, and avoid over-insuring yourself. But keeping your nose clean, working to maintain a decent credit score and combining cycle insurance with homeowners or car insurance can do a lot to keep your rates in the realm of the reasonable. My credit score is over 800, and my previous "cycle only" insurance company wanted over $1200 a year to insure with them, despite a clean record and claims history. My homeowners carrier offered a better policy for about $300, and they're a name brand insurance company. Go figure.

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To put everything in it's proper perspective
Someone who buys a new Cadillac loses more then $15,000 the first time they stick the key in the ignition and drive em off the dealers lot...

4 Season tickets for the Dallas Mavericks and the Dallas Stars cost $60,000/year

A golf trip to pebble beach for a week cost $15,000.....

4 first class tickets on American Airlines to Hawaii cost $12,000.

$15,000 is the just the taxes on a Ferrari.......

$15,000 won't pay even pay for one semester of college

And if you do total your bike'll probably be dead anyway!!!!

Get it?
I'm just going to jump into this once, but, even in Canadian dollars some of these numbers look like 2025 figures and not 2005?!

For the record...bikes paid in full and I still carry full insurance coverage. :)
Hey Downn2, I'm glad Scorch brought this up. May I toss in a couple comments?

1. Have you heard of a Chevrolet, or Buick. We just bought a new Mercury Grand Marquis for $16,995. It has a better reliability record than any Cadillac (check Consumer Report) and it don't lose $15,000 out the door. The main reason one buys a Cadillac is to impress others. That isn't my game.

2. I wouldn't fight the crowds and discomfort of a pro football game if they paid me to come. You get a better seat in front of your TV. Plus a snack or restroom run is much more convenient.

3. There are some really nice golf courses in Texas from $25 to $75 per day, including the cart.

4. Quit the high rollin' life style. Economy to Hawaii and back is only $2,600 for four.

5. The tax on our Mercury was under $1,100, and tax deductable. I'll admit no one is impressed when they see a Mercury, but hey, it's also more reliable than a Ferrari.

6. We can get our grand kids in a local college for under $1,000 a year to see if they are serious. If so, look in the World Almanac, it lists all 4 year colleges and tuitions, many well under $5,000 per year. I didn't see any that charge $15,000 per semester for tuition, or even close to that.

Sounds to me like you need an education in economics. Somebody's been taking you for a fool. If the prices you listed are what you pay then you have way too much money for an uneducated person to have in his control.

Surely you own a couple Rolex watches!!! You didn't mention their price.

A :wacko: and his money are soon parted.


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Down2, you're getting the living crap beat out of you, aren't you...glad you brought it up? Actually, I do understand exactly what you are saying and have been doing that for years. Your presentation needed a little clarity and also happens to be area specific. Ride Safe....especially if you have no physical damage! :D

While the rate increases I was referring to apply mainly to Commercial Property and Liablility, FYI Bush allowed Texas Insurers to go to a file and use system.....meaning Co's can file their own rates and policy forms rather than adhere to the State Boards recommended rates & forms....
What this means is that way back when Bush was elected Gov in Texas the insurance market in America was highly competitive, and this system is by far the quickest way to get better rates to the consumer. In a tight market it will allow for the opposite, however it is much harder to get the Texas board to finally approve in a tight market and if they do not then the company has very costly returns of over-charged rates. If you have been in the business long, you will know how cyclical it is and if it is tight now it will be competitive soon.

When I was getting the insurance prices for my '05 FJR from my insurance agent, I was assured that the price would be about the same as for my '03 Venture due to engine displacement. When I opened the bill that came later directly from the insurance company imagine my surprise to see a bill for $2,500! Within 24 hours I had switched to another company recommended to me by my Yamaha salesman for about $524. I pay about $350 a year for my much more expensive Venture. It's pretty obvious to me that some companies just don't want to insure what they consider a rocket and just price their insurance to drive customers away. I did keep my Venture with the first company (American Modern Home) as the second company (Nationwide) couldn't beat their price.
