Mine is not to BASH any bike or the FJR but you seem to think people need to stick with labeled Touring bikes if they want to tour and only use sport bikes for twities. If this is your thinking it is limited imho!!
Not at all. Again, I am only saying that the two bikes in question should not be compared to one another. That is it. People ride what they want for whatever reason they want. I too am not bashing any bikes. Nuff said on this topic.
If I bought a bike that was suppose to be the f*ing cats meow for touring and comfort and within the first 50 miles my hands are dead and my ass hurts. Then I get a bike that everyone says is going to be a torture chamber because of the body position and it actually is more comfortable than any cruiser or "sport tourer" I have ever ridden. I don't see why comparing 1 bike to another is not ok. For many what you call a bike made for long distance is not. The fjr for many has more SPORT than touring and for those that do tour on it they had to make a lot of changes from windshield, handlebars, seat etc to make it that bike.
For some who have owned the fjr and were still willing to explore other bikes as the ZX they found it to be for them everything they hoped the fjr to be but wasn't.
For those of you who are happy with the fjr, GREAT!
For those who aren't this is a bike to be seriously considered and can make a great touring bike even if it isn't "labeled" as one.
Well at lunch went to the dealer to check out and mount this bike, it is nice but a touring bike that would be relaxed riding, I really do not think so, it was worse than the fjr in the stock bar position, it would be more of a lay on bike. maybe with bar extenders one could get it close. but then there would be no wind protection.
In the event you do set this one up as a touring model I would be interested in seeing a photo gallery.
Just adding bags alone, imo would not make this a eom travel to in one day or more bike.
You can not sit on any sport bike to judge comfort, they were meant to move.
Once you are going even 20-30 mph the winds does everything it is suppose to.
The foot pegs are low for more rider comfort in the knees.
The seat is thin in the front to be able to touch the ground easily.
It really is well thought out.
The stock handlebars are actually in a good ergo position as far as sport bikes go.
If you have never ridden a sport bike, don't judge by just sitting on it.
FIrst sit of an fjr seems comfortable because of the position but 5 minutes into a ride and I quickly changed my mind. I was looking for "fixes" from the start.
It is hard to tell someone anything about a sport bike, you have to not only experience it you also have to be given a few pointers.
Don't for 1 minute try to rest on the handlebars, that is not what they are for. The mere concept of this goes against all, you are suppose to have no weight on them for relaxed quick movements.
Your upperbody is supported by the legs squeezed around the tank, lower back slightly tight, after about 20mph mark the wind does the rest for you.
Now stop and go traffic does lend to problems but I am rarely there.
The zx also has good space from the handlebars to the seat, it is not cramped.
Take one for a spin if you get the chance...