Zaluski Avanced Riding School Sunday June 9th

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Abercrombie FJR

Well-known member
Feb 9, 2009
Reaction score
Abercrombie, ND
Can't wait to be at ZARS June 9th and was wondering if anyone else would be there? Coming down Saturday, stopping at Ducati of Minneapolis to get a service indicator light extinguished and hoping to enjoy the track at Dakota County Technical College all day Sunday.

I see they have a day for Sport touring bikes and women's advanced riding school scheduled for the 23rd. That would be a blast on the FJR also with the added bonus of hanging around some fast women.

I'll have to make a point to go down there Sunday. You'll have a blast riding that course, it'll keep you busy for sure. Probably won't make it until after 2'ish.

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If the weather holds I stop down for a visit in the afternoon also. It's a great program and you'll get a workout.

Yeah, this rain is going to keep me from coming down. Hope you were able to get some track time in...what a lousy day.


What a great time! The rain could have stayed away but it dried up enough the last time out that I was able to get a knee down and scrape up the new knee pucks.

Showing some poor form in this photo. Butt is off the seat and the shoulders are not turned in so I'm sort of twisted up on the bike. I corrected this later after some coaching. My rider coach Karen was awesome.

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Yeah, this rain is going to keep me from coming down. Hope you were able to get some track time in...what a lousy day.
I was able to get all the track sessions in, but needed rain gear for a couple of them. The last two times out, the track dried up and I had a blast giving the Duc a workout. That tourture rack Ducati is a blast on the track but I was paying for it on the four hour ride home.
