Uncle Hud
Just another blob of protoplasm using up your oxyg
I stand corrected, and thanks!RFlagg42 posted: Just a minor correction. We could claim the same bonus on multiple legs. I claimed several bonuses on both legs 1 and 3.
I stand corrected, and thanks!RFlagg42 posted: Just a minor correction. We could claim the same bonus on multiple legs. I claimed several bonuses on both legs 1 and 3.
There is a rally in Colorado in August, but IIRC you have less than a week left to register.Those all appear to be on the east coast. Where can I find some out west?
I'm gonna hit my drum one more time ...The https://bigmoneyrally.com/2017/?page_id=49]Big Money Rally[/url] is nationwide. Starts every year on New Year's Day, and runs until Memorial Day. Bonus listings for 2017 are https://bigmoneyrally.com/2017/?page_id=111]here[/url].Steve in Phx posted: Those all appear to be on the east coast. Where can I find some out west?
If you think it isn't competitive, you've never been in it. See 2017 results https://bigmoneyrally.com/2017/?page_id=15]here[/url], and notice how many IBR names are on this scoreboard.
I'm not competitive at this level, although I work pretty hard to get finisher status. The five-month rally allows you time to plan a good route (6-10 hour ride) that you can execute when you have a free weekend, or plan a Big Ride (18-20 hours) that you can execute over two days of riding. Every year I do a Super Big Ride: start after work on Friday, ride all day Saturday (16 hours), and ride all day Sunday (16 hours) to get back to the house -- collecting points during all of those miles.
If you route efficiently, you can bag 3 times the points of someone who rides the same number of miles, but routes poorly. https://spotwalla.com/tripViewer.php?id=1358458ac4db65217d&hoursPast=0&showAll=yes]This[/url] ride, over a three-day weekend, got me my finisher points. (Stopped tracking in Charlotte to visit my son and his wife, but forgot to turn it on again before riding home to Atlanta and collecting a few more points along the way.)
The BIGGEST kick of the BMR, however, is the simple pleasure of riding through the USA on roads you'd not ordinarily consider.
Here's a blurb on next year's Kactus Kilo... https://www.facebook.com/KingmanRodsNRides/Those all appear to be on the east coast.btw if anybody's feeling bike-curious about rallies there are still a few left this year at https://rides.jasonjonas.com/index.php
Where can I find some out west?
Great write up and congrates on your choice to call it a day to ride another day, that had to be very difficult thing to do but I am sure many on this list will agree that you made the right decision.Great blog post by Steve Bracken (Twigg on this forum)!
"So You Wanna Ride the Iron Butt Rally"
I had to laugh... For the last three years, I've languished over the dearth of rallies near NY. The Void & Minuteman are typically the only two touching the state.Those all appear to be on the east coast.btw if anybody's feeling bike-curious about rallies there are still a few left this year at https://rides.jasonjonas.com/index.php
Where can I find some out west?
Is the web page still upcoming as well? I didn't see any info there.The Niitwit Rally is still upcoming
Tyler - thanks much for postingGreat blog post by Steve Bracken (Twigg on this forum)!
"So You Wanna Ride the Iron Butt Rally"
+2... you can crush it next time Steve.Tyler - thanks much for postingGreat blog post by Steve Bracken (Twigg on this forum)!
"So You Wanna Ride the Iron Butt Rally"
Mr Bracken - if you are tuned in, many thanks for laying it all out there in engaging, entertaining, and compelling fashion. I don't know that I'll ever start, let alone finish an IBR, or any other rally. But following a rally - the riders who are the rally - will certainly never be the same again. I suppose this is along the lines of what IBR Scribe Harrison had in mind in "Sidebar 7 : Difficulty, naysayers, effort"
I had to laugh... For the last three years, I've languished over the dearth of rallies near NY. The Void & Minuteman are typically the only two touching the state.Those all appear to be on the east coast.btw if anybody's feeling bike-curious about rallies there are still a few left this year at https://rides.jasonjonas.com/index.php
Where can I find some out west?
Guess folks are just trying to keep the 2017 IBR thread alive somehow... thanks, Bounce.Let's move the non-2017 IBR discussions over here where I created a new thread just for that. Please?
Yes, July 3rd 11:45pm is correct.(I like to torture myself too - high five!)
Are you the rider who got the bonus on LI?
<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="Kendoo" data-cid="1372859" data-time="1500043139"><p>
Just because I like to torture myself with post rally routing. Can anyone confirm the date and time that the Newfy 5 caught the ferry? (July 3rd 11:45pm?)</p></blockquote>
I did. My sister-in-law lives there and posts photos of the deer in her yard ALL the time.
Thanks!! I did indeed bag the duck house on LI. Holy crap there are a lot of deer out there at 3am....who knew?
Monday the 3rd they got the 11:45 PM ferry to the island. Wednesday the 5th they got the 6:30 AM ferry back to the mainland. Jeff did some amazing work putting this together - Wednesday is the only day of the week the 6:30 AM ferry runs. You had to have that earlier ferry to make this work.Just because I like to torture myself with post rally routing. Can anyone confirm the date and time that the Newfy 5 caught the ferry? (July 3rd 11:45pm?)