Possible stator woes!!!!!!!

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Benevolent Dictator
Jun 8, 2005
Reaction score
Tri-Cities, WA
Well, check out THIS sorry-ass tale..... :angry2:

Most of you know that I have had some concerns about the long-term testing of the ElectroSport stator, in particular, the way my Datel voltmeter has been showing a dropping voltage over time. The thought was that the lower voltage readings were basically heat-related.

Not anymore...... :angry2:

On the way down to Gerlach for the start of the SPANK Rally, I saw for the first time a steady reading of 13.6 volts..... with NO additional electrical load on the bike whatsoever. Just low-beam HIDs in the headlamps, and nothing else.

And it was only 63 degrees outside!! :angry2: :angry2:

Well, it gets worse: I arrive home last night, only to have to turn around and depart for Colorado Springs tonight to ensure I am at the Scoring Table by noon on Wednesday, which is the end of SPANK. On the way home last night, I watch the Datel do some crazy shit.... readings all over the map: 13.9v, then 13.2v, then 13.7v, then 13.4v, then 13.8v, then 13.2v, then 13.6v, then 13.1v...... over and over again!!!

OBVIOUSLY, something is seriously amiss, but I can't do a goddamn thing about it now. I'm not about to start ripping the stator out of the FJR now, just 2-3 hours before departure. I've done all the easy shit - checked connectors, checked for burnt wiring, etc. Everything looks okay visually. I really don't have the time to start tearing the fairings off and try to individually measure the three legs of the stator for proper output. And I can't take the Blackbird tonight because it has no rear tire....

[SIZE=18pt]SON-OF-A-BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!![/SIZE] :angry2: :angry2: :angry2: :angry2:

I have little choice but to head out to Colorado with the bike like it is, and just pray. But I am carrying on old stator with me.

But I'm telling youse guys right here and now: if this sonofabitch leaves me stranded on the side of the road in east bumfuck Utah in the middle of the night - in a thunderstorm - I will be just about pissed off..... :angry:

So please think good karma thoughts for me.... I'll try to check the forum late tomorrow and let you know if the bike is still running.... :(

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no rain on warchild....no strator breaking....warchild make it there and home problem-free.....ohmmmm.

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oh-wow, thanks for the positive karmatic vibes, fjrchik..... here, lemme light up some Black Opium incense..... ahhhh, there we are......

Ohmmmmmm....ah-ohmmmm.... ohmmmm........ B)

whatever gets him there and back!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Er... appreciate the thought... :lol: Here's my girl....


Well, the FJR is all packed; time for me to head for the Rockies. B)

Later, peeps; I'll check in sometime in the next 24 hours....

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Major suckage if it's starting to go tits up already Dale... here's hoping you are able to soldier on and make it to Colorado and back.

He're to hopin and wishin you luck...

I don't want to read about you emptying a clip into a stator on the side of the road :)

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Well, I know this isn't a convenient time for WC to hack into his bike but at some point I'm still interested in knowing what the voltage is coming out of the stator. The voltage regulator could be the weak link in the system. Right now I have a stock stator and Rectifier/Regulator that is exhibiting the very same symptoms. I also have a new R/R (thanks Gary of UM) and Big Blue the Electrosport stator waiting to go in.

I've looked at my existing charging system with my O'scope and found that I have ~2 volts of hash on top my 'DC' voltage. The peak voltage of the hash is indeed ~14.3 volts and the bottom of the hash is ~12.6 volts. My meter averages the noise causing a voltage reading of 13.4 - 13.6 volts. The noise may be wiring drops (not so likely 'cuse that would be lots of amps resulting is melting wires), the R/R has popped a diode or two or the battery is not filtering (absorbing) the noise.

In the following picture I have my sillyscope set to subtract the DC and only show AC. Each vertical block is 1 volt. This picture is taken at idle, the noise goes slightly up with rpms, the frequency follows rpms and the waves are a match for the number of pole pieces in the stator.


I don't want to read about you emptying a clip into a stator on the side of the road
+1 We need the corpse in good condition for forensics B)
Ionbeam, just curious, what was the scope frequency set at? I note 4 peaks on the top of each wave form. Any chance those are the igniters discharging & a back emf back feeding into the power supply? I guess one would also need to know the approximate engine rpm when the display was captured as well. Thanks for the info. Ron

All the best of thoughts winging their way through the ether toward WC on his way out and back.

Interesting since I noticed the same type of action on my (stock 2003 stator) bike on the way home from work yesterday. I tossed it on the battery tender last night, but after a few miles this morning, it's doing the same thing. In my case I attributed it to the OEM battery that was doing good to last as long as it has. I have a new one waiting to swap out and will be doing that prior to the AR trip.


GOOF! (on me) The voltage was low again on the commute home this evening. At idle, it was dengerously low (12.5 and sometimes lower). Glanced over and saw that the PIAA switch was set to the always-on position (regardless of dimmer switch setting, but keyed off the ignition). DUH! No wonder the voltage was low and dropping when the commute is all local roads at about a 30-35 mph speed limit. Flipped the switch to the neutral position (always off) and *BAM* I'm back in business!

>whew< that's as bad as trying to start the bike with the kill switch on. At least that's one less thing to worry about before the AR trip.

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I'm getting ready for an 8k mile junket and have the new Electrosport stator installed. YIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

readings all over the map: 13.9v, then 13.2v, then 13.7v, then 13.4v, then 13.8v, then 13.2v, then 13.6v, then 13.1v...... over and over again!!!
My bike has been displaying simillar readings, but I think in my case it appears that the voltage drop off is directly related to heat. Until it cools off a little to enable me to start firing off the heated clothing, I cannot say for sure that this unit is giving me an additional 100 or so watts. So far according to my datel and Escort, with only my Hella lights turned on I'm showing 0.3v less than the stocker.

Saying that, I remember reading somewhere that the voltage readout from the Electrosport stator would display a different amount than the stocker, but at what voltage readout can we expect impending danger to the charging system?

I can't help but think this is some behavoir from the rectifier not being able to keep up with the frequency (or current) coming out of the stator. And, not necessarily an "problem".

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Here's a whole bunch of good-stuff-mojo being tossed your way


Just curious...thinking of it in simplistic terms...isn't it up to the stator to create a wad of current and then up to the regulator/rectifier to clean it up and smooth it out?

Here's a whole bunch of good-stuff-mojo being tossed your way :mamba:

Just curious...thinking of it in simplistic terms...isn't it up to the stator to create a wad of current and then up to the regulator/rectifier to clean it up and smooth it out?

:lol: yep, since the 06 got a beefier stator and rectifier, one would think you would have to install a stonger rectifier for the replacment stator being tested :dribble: ; Also it makes you wonder why the 06 rectofier has been taking out ofthe oven and place towards the rear of the bike!



At least WC is taking the old one with him, hope you do not need to stop in a monsoon in the middle of the night to change it, that would suck


Hope you get were you're going & back with out incident !/



I'm getting ready for an 8k mile junket and have the new Electrosport stator installed. YIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


:D ,

I guess if you and WC meet somewhere in the middle of the night you can have a dual and fight

for the rights to cannibalize and then see who is riding bitch!


Well, check out THIS sorry-ass tale..... :angry2:  

Most of you know that I have had some concerns about the long-term testing of the ElectroSport stator, in particular, the way my Datel voltmeter has been showing a dropping voltage over time. The thought was that the lower voltage readings were basically heat-related.


Not anymore......


On the way down to Gerlach for the start of the SPANK Rally, I saw for the first time a steady reading of 13.6 volts..... with NO additional electrical load on the bike whatsoever. Just low-beam HIDs in the headlamps, and nothing else.


And it was
only 63 degrees outside!! :angry2: :angry2:


Well, it gets worse: I arrive home last night, only to have to turn around and depart for Colorado Springs tonight to ensure I am at the Scoring Table by noon on Wednesday, which is the end of SPANK. On the way home last night, I watch the Datel do some crazy shit.... readings all over the map: 13.9v, then 13.2v, then 13.7v, then 13.4v, then 13.8v, then 13.2v, then 13.6v, then 13.1v...... over and over again!!!


OBVIOUSLY, something is seriously amiss, but I can't do a goddamn thing about it now. I'm not about to start ripping the stator out of the FJR now, just 2-3 hours before departure. I've done all the easy shit - checked connectors, checked for burnt wiring, etc. Everything looks okay visually. I really don't have the time to start tearing the fairings off and try to individually measure the three legs of the stator for proper output. And I can't take the Blackbird tonight because it has no rear tire....


[SIZE=18pt]SON-OF-A-BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!![/SIZE] :angry2: :angry2: :angry2: :angry2:


I have little choice but to head out to Colorado with the bike like it is, and just pray. But I am carrying on old stator with me.


But I'm telling youse guys right here and now: if this sonofabitch leaves me stranded on the side of the road in east bumfuck Utah in the middle of the night - in a thunderstorm - I will be just about pissed off.....


So please think good karma thoughts for me.... I'll try to check the forum late tomorrow and let you know if the bike is still running....


DOes this mean you're not giving it your seal of approval????
:lol: yet!

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