Turn signal cancellation

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Well-known member
Oct 2, 2005
Reaction score
Sahuarita, AZ
I've had it with '06 FJR turn signals. Somebody needs to get the motorcycle industry's attention and explain that is hazardous to a riders health if the rider cruises about with the turn signals flashing for no reason other than the fact that the rider failed to turn them off. Another poster wrote about nearly getting it because a woman pulled out in front of him. Seems he had left his turn signal on. This is not the first bike I've had that I found the that the flashing turn signal indicator did not get my attention. All my other bikes (in recent memory) were Hondas. So the problem is not exclusive to Yamaha or the FRJ. But I refuse to live with the potential consequences any longer.

Yamaha's signal indictors are elegant, good-looking, stupid, and dangerous. My workaround is ugly, fragile, stupid and safe®. I placed a couple of lights from Rat Shack in a 1/2 inch piece of tubing and Velcroed the mess to the top of my mirrors. Works OK, even in the sunlight. I sure wish an after-market outfit would come up with something better.

Pictures follow:





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Ok, you've just hit a nerve with me.


I don't like self-canceling turn signals. I very much like the way my FJR is set up. You should be paying attention when you're riding. End of discussion.

If it's really that big of a problem to you, add an aftermarket self-canceling relay.

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Glad you found a solution. Good on ya!

My solution is to use that little small amount of grey matter between my abundant ears to turn them off. It's only about 1 out of 500 that I forget to turn them off.

Me? I'd rather have them on when they shouldn't be, than off, when they should be. I've had self-cancelling turn signals before. No thank you.

See Dick ride. Dick rides well. Dick obeys traffic laws. See Dick turn on his blinker. See Dick turn. Dick turns well. See Dick forget to turn off blinker. See Dick stop at the health food store for more blue green algae for better mental clarity. See Dick return to normal and pull those gay-ass lights off his mirrors.

Either that or sell that POS and visit your Honda or Harley dealer. :grin:

Ohh...ummmm...yeah. That's pretty effing ugly.

Wow, at least mount them in the "B" or "C" dash panels so you can hide that atrocious wiring glob.

Oh, and I recently heard that the FJR won't do a burnout while the turn signal is on. Anyone?

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I don't get all the riders whining about SC signals! I was a bike mechanic in the mid 80's and from all the problems I saw from riders who betted thier lives on factory SC signals that stopped working I decided then and there that I would never depend on that if I had a bike with them!

I've driven cars and trucks that stopped cancelling from left or right, I allways check if I'm on my bike or driving to make sure they are off, If you can't handle that maybe you shouldn't be on the road on two wheels or four!

The love in this room is astounding. Not only did the FNG get a completely new orifice punched into him, but you all are using it sans lube.

I came in figuring I'd help him him out and change "trun" to "turn", but clearly the FNG has a lot more to worry about being on the bottom of a dog pile and avoiding NASA's investigation in the stolen spool of Velcro and abuse of 3M's vinyl tape.

That's hideous. :dribble:

Slap, I'd like to nominate this as the worst farkle of the year.

OK boys,

Next time you go motoring down the road and discover your turn signal has been on for - how long? Think of me. That is is your head isn't stuffed in the side of a Chevy Suburaban.

Your good buddy,


The love in this room is astounding. Not only did the FNG get a completely new orifice punched into him, but you all are using it sans lube.
I came in figuring I'd help him him out and change "trun" to "turn", but clearly the FNG has a lot more to worry about being on the bottom of a dog pile and avoiding NASA's investigation in the stolen spool of Velcro and abuse of 3M's vinyl tape.

That's hideous. :dribble:

Slap, I'd like to nominate this as the worst farkle of the year.
I nominate this post as the absolute, best, multi-bitch-slap I've ever seen. Kudos, Iggy. You've outdone yourself! :good:

Poor Dick. This is FJRForum's version of *Tough Love* Really, dogpile notwithstanding, we love you, man. I tell you what though, if my dog was as ugly as your farkle, I would shave it's ass and make it walk backwards. :lol: But in the end, if it makes you happy than f*** the rest of us.

I tell you what, to make it up to you, I will take a ride on your new AE to give it the SkooterG stamp of approval and blessing. That'll make it a collectors item some day. I swear.

So where the heck is Sahuarita, AZ, anyway?

Seriously, don't take us too seriously. Cause we don't.

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Dear Scooter,

Sahuarita AZ is about 20 miles south of Tucson. I don't take the forum too seriously, but I do take busting my ass a bit seriously. Particularly if I bust it for nor good reason. I wil simply ask: Have any of you missed the fact that your turn signal is on? Is this a good idea? As a motorcycle rider (since 1960), I have learned to judge a drivers intentions. I do not always judge correctly. But, if I am about to turn from a side road into traffic and I look to my left and see a cage heading toward me with a right turn signal on, I make sure the driver really means it.

Will m'lady or m'man in his Surburban, with other things on her or his mind have the same set of conditioned responses that (most of) we have? Don't bet your life on it.

Whether we like it or not, riding a motorcycle is dangerous, compared to most other activities. We can make it reasonably safe if we keep out act together.

Your 'ole buddy,


Hey Dick. My apologies for the ass-busting. Sometimes you need a thick skin around this place. Best advice I can give is to give back whatever you receive in spades.

The thing is, if your solution works for you, then have at it. But you see, for many of us, turning off our turn signals is not an issue. For me, in the past when I have had self-cancelling turn signals, they would turn off before I wanted them to, and so now it's a dangerous situation as I am about to turn and am not letting the dipshit in the Suburban know I am about to turn. When I am in the middle of a turn, I have better things to worry about than if my turn signal is on. It's an individual thing, so pick your poison.

So are you coming to WFO? You should. There, you would find out we are really not such a bad bunch. (Or maybe not).

There is an 05 FJR owner in Green Valley. He is not on the forum much, but he is organizing a trip to WFO. See Clicky***THIS THREAD***Clicky for info. He is "epoche". Since he is so close, you might want to PM or email him for a get together. Nice guy he is.

As for your self-canceling turn signals, aren't there some aftermarket vendors that provide solutions for that? I have never really paid attention to past threads since I don't want them, but I know others have looked into this extensively. Perhaps the outcome was that they don't work on the FJR, but dig a bit deeper.

Offer is still out there for me to grace your new AE with some SkooterG mojo. B)

+1 on the worst farkle of the year! :haha:


I wil simply ask: Have any of you missed the fact that your turn signal is on? Is this a good idea? As a motorcycle rider (since 1960), I have learned to judge a drivers intentions. I do not always judge correctly. But, if I am about to turn from a side road into traffic and I look to my left and see a cage heading toward me with a right turn signal on, I make sure the driver really means it.
I'm of the "ride like I'm invisible" mindset. I don't try to guess what a driver is going to do, because quite frankly the stupid ones never cease to amaze and surprise me.

Somebody needs to get the motorcycle industry's attention and explain that is hazardous to a riders health if the rider cruises about with the turn signals flashing for no reason other than the fact that the rider failed to turn them off.
This is the statement that hit a nerve with me. The use of the phrase "rider failed to turn them off" is the operatiive statement. I go back to what I said originally. If you're riding, you should be paying attention, and know your indicators well enough to know when your turn signal is on. There's nothing wrong with the bike, IMHO. You obviously saw a shortcoming in your riding of the bike, and took steps to make it better for you! Kudos! But I don't want yamaha fucking with it! I don't want self-canceling signals! Some of those mirror arrows ala ford trucks wouldn't be bad though, and serve about the same purpose as your lights.

And yes, I have left my signals on before, nobody's perfect. But it was MY fault, not the bike's.

Geez... what is so wrong with the guy trying to improve his bike? If his invention makes him safer I say go for it.

about 35 years ago I purchased a (godforbid) Honda 750. I rigged a sharply sounding buzzer to sound when the turn signals were activated. It worked great. Simple to do. I still ride a honda vfr 800 along with my favorite FJR. good luck, maybe see you at Reno this month.

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Geez... what is so wrong with the guy trying to improve his bike? If his invention makes him safer I say go for it.

about 35 years ago I purchased a (godforbid) Honda 750. I rigged a sharply sounding buzzer to sound when the turn signals were activated. It worked great. Simple to do.
Both fair enough points. I guess if safety is that critical then you should wire in some electrodes and paste them to your nads. Leave the signals on a little too long and get an increasingly uncomfortable shock as a training reminder.

Or, wire the suckers up to a GPS transmitter to link to the motorcycle equivalent to OnStar and have $100 deducted from your bank account every time an infraction occurs!!

....its all in the name of SAFETY! There is no price high enough to ignore that. :huh:

Sure, there's nothing wrong with trying to improve the bike, but why not just adopt a more vigilant attitude instead of wiring up some severely ugly crap to one's mirrors?

Given the choice of riding with a person that strings a set of Christmas lights to their bike or a person that might miss their signal until the next time they make a turn and feel bad about it.....well it's no contest. Blinking bike goes in front of me. Velcro Boy goes in my rear view mirror until I can quickly take a left when they take a right.

Of course, I'll easily remember to turn my signal off.......
