Turn signal cancellation

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Franko nailed it-distracting intersections cause me to forget to cancel..for me I wish I had the same settup as on my FJ1200. If I'm to old of a dog to learn new tricks I think I'll go with the beeper that starts after 20 seconds with the brake off, forget [dammit] who makes it.

Amazingly emotional issue!! We are talking about TURN SIGNALS jeeeezzz! So rider A likes self canceling rider B doesn't. I'm in the A group and I bet you care about my opinion because you know what they're like, thats right everyones got one of each, get over it. Fact is Yamaha had a very functional self canceling system on the FJ750J that I bought new in 1982. It cancelled after a fixed distance if I remember right and WOW you could cancel with that thumb thing people are so proud of!!! Best of both worlds!

I had one also. A 75 which had the increased HP over the earlier models. Sweet? Highly debatable. There were 3 of us that all bought new "water pumpers" in early 75. By early summer all 3 of us had blown 2'nd gears. Turns out Suzuki had a bad batch of gears. They remained on backorder for most of the summer and in early fall, we got our bikes back. New bike in the shop all summer. In 77 I went with my GF at the time to test drive the first 4-stroke Suzuki. The GS750. Even she riding on the back was impressed compared to the "pumper". I bought the GS that day.

Now to continue with this thread, my GS1000E had self canceling turn signals that worked great. They were timed to cancel after the bike rolled a certain distance based off the pulses from the speedo sensor running off the front sprocket. Worked perfect. I've been missing that ever since. I'm seriously thinking of designing one and putting it into the FJR. Should not be too difficult.

I had a '75 GT750... The "water buffalo" or "kettle". Damn, those were sweet bikes. ;) --smthng
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All the current aftermarket units apparently work off time. My GS1000E worked off distance. The time based units are worthless in my opinion. If this is what most folks think self-canceling turn signals are about, then I can understand this discussion. IF they worked the way they did on my GS1000E then what's the problem? By the way, it also had the button to manually push to cancel to keep the purists pleased.

Ok, having the signals cancel automatically would be annoying. What if you're sitting at a light, and you have to reengage the signal a few times?
A loud beeping whenever the signal's on would also be annoying.

How about start the beeping only after you've left your signal on for over 30 seconds? There's something I would consider. Anybody got a circuit for that?

I take it back. Why would I want it to start beeping at me when it could just shut it off for me? I'll stick with the "conditioned reflex".

Now, telling me what gear I'm in, there's something useful. Sorry, wrong thread.
I have always used kisan signal minders and this time I went with the kriss.com and what a mistake...it is hooked up perfect..and will not work...will try for a refund and order the Kisan like I should have from the start...and I do consider signal cancellation an important safety item...I usually do cancel with the old thumb, but lately there are more and more times for whatever reason I forget and find myself down the road with a signal still on...not good
