Napa Spring run, 17th Feb.

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Jun 14, 2005
Reaction score
Sacramento, CA area
What a great ride. Sorry I had to bail out and head home. If it makes you feel any better, I-80 was moving between 20-40 MPH.....40 miles of "lane sharing". :yahoo: The Napa Valley mountains were much more fun! :clapping:

Highlander (Mr. Yew-noe-whoo), yuh dun a grate ryde plan. It was way kewel to see familiar faces and just as fun meeting some of the new NorCal owners. (They're going to be a great addition to the gang of misfits)

So Jeff and Hans...where are the pictures? :rolleyes:

BTW, seeing the HIDs and the brackets on Skyways bike.....Hmmmmm! :) I believe JoyfulGIrl took some pictures with BikeEffects camera. Sherri, sorry you suffered motion sickness...maybe it'll be better when you can use your own camera?!?!?!

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So Jeff and Hans...where are the pictures? :rolleyes:
Won't be no vids or photos from me this time around. I was going to bring my video camera--that is, my daughter's video camera that she got for Christmas couple years ago--but last night when I announced I needed the camera, she said she needed it for a trip to the beach today; so I had to leave it behind. Of course when I got home today I learned they never had gone to the beach. Oh well. Here's a picture that gives the flavor anyway...


Except for the cow running all around the road and Glass 1/2 Full going down, it was a great day. Thanks, Highlander!


We stayed long enough for joyful to start feeling better and I took the less curvy way home. We too did quite a bit of lane sharing on 80. Ugly traffic. I passed FJRRob who was in his car!

It was great seeing everyone, and meeting new people. There certainly isn't a shortage of people to ride with around here. Today was the first time I saw the new black cherry 07s. I want one. I think they look really good.

Gorgeous weather today. The only time I needed the liners in the gear was before the sun came up. The hills are all green and Spring is just around the corner. We got a sneak preview today!

Yep, it's up to Jeff to post some pics. We got some footage nobody else got when we missed the turn onto 175 and stayed on 29 to Calistoga (and back). No wonder Sherri was spun around!

I'm going to mail Sherri a CD with her pictures. They are hers.

It was a great day for a ride and great to see lots of friendly forum faces. What a great bunch.

The weather was perfect, the route was designed to hold your interest, and there were enough riders to make up three "packs" of FJRs. :yahoo: The only downer of the day was the red sand that had been spread on the Hopland Grade. <_<

I chanced to be the sweeper for the second pack going over the grade and the 03 rider just ahead of me took a wide line in a slow left 180 degree turn and hit some fine gravel at the edge of the road, causing him to slide onto the soft shoulder. His front wheel sank into the sand and cocked to its left lock. The bike then swapped ends, fell on its left side, and spilled him uninjured on the soft ground. Speeds were slow and he was wearing full equipment.

Equipment casualties included a broken front fender, a windscreen cleanly snapped off of its mount (doing what those little plastic screws were designed to do), a bent shift lever and signal lamp assembly, handle bars a bit out of whack, and scrapes and scratches on the left side and saddle bag. After applying a bit of torque to the shift level, the bike was drivable, and he was able to make is safely down the grade and enjoy lunch in Hopland. Last seen heading south on US-101 with broken equipment lashed to the bike with borrowed straps and bungees.

Sometimes you pick up experience from the lessons of others, and sometimes you pick it up the hard way - first hand. But if you're paying attention you always learn, and in this instance the price of the lesson was cheap, costing the rider only a bit time and some money.

In any event, it was a very interesting ride with wonderful company, a chance to "window shop" the farkles others brought along, and enjoy some good food. I want to extend my thanks to the Highlanders for organizing all of this.

Ride safely out there, gang...

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That road was a slippery bitch nightshine, I felt my tires moving around beneath me on several occasions. It also didn't help that I had an aggressive driver on my ass, which I finally pulled over to let him by. I followed bluestreek over and you could not believe the amount of dust blowing up behind his bike.

I also had a very close call with a black labrador type doggie at around 6.00am while it was still dark. It shot across the road from nowhere and the last thing I saw at around 60mph it was heading straight toward me right below my right mirror stalk. How we never contacted is still a mystery to me, but I must of taken the skin off his nose with my back tire.

Sometimes you pick up experience from the lessons of others, and sometimes you pick it up the hard way - first hand. But if you're paying attention you always learn...
I was with a group, led by tour organizer Highlander, that was moving along pretty briskly. While riding the twisties with this group I was not without sin (bad decisions) and as a result had a couple of (literally two) close calls on curves that thankfully did not turn into spills.

As I said to the group I was with as we parked in front of the lunch venue and removed our helmets, "I had one 'Oh sh*t!" :eek: moment in a turn that I'll admit to." Seems I would have another such moment after lunch on Skaggs Springs Road, which was the first time I'd been on what is easily the best California M.C. road I've ever been on: Long, positively cambered sweepers, no traffic and no cross roads. :yahoo:

In both "Oh sh*t!" moments, I had come into the turn too fast and scraped the pegs pretty good, which on the FJR is like when the sub in the war movie begins to exceed its dive depth and the rivets start popping, or the nuclear reactor temperature enters the orange bar and tensions begin to rise in the control room along with reactor temperature.

On the first one, it was a downhill LH turn, with a dirt shoulder and oblivion just beyond in the form of a canyon. :eek:mg: The pegs started scraping as I pushed on the left bar, but the bike was approaching the fog line. My "Oh sh*t!" brain communication yielded practiced response, which was to stay off the front brake, maintain throttle, and look where I was going. To gain a little more ground clearance, I gave it slightly more throttle and came out okay. This all in about 4 seconds.

The second one was a downhill sweeper to the right coming out on Skaggs Springs Rd, and this time when the pegs started scraping, I wound up going about 4 feet over the double yellow. Thankfully no on-coming traffic, but that was stupid and could have been ugly. :rip_1: Mea culpa mea culpa mea maxima culpa. :innocent:

I do practice the David Hough advice of hard braking while straight before entering the turn; it just wasn't enough in these two instances.

Yesterday was great skills practice. Fortunately I had some lessons reinforced without costly or painful consequences.

Glass 1/2 Full was able to head to his brother's house near Hopland; still waiting to hear that he got there all right.

Yesterday was a great motorcycle day--I'm ready to go again! ['cept I think my wife, Fang, requires some husband time today. I'm already getting grief, after spending all day yesterday playing motorcycles, for playing virtual motorcycles this morning :glare: ]. (MM2, is this sufficient grounds for divorce? :blink: )


The weather gods were good to us for being in the middle of winter. Also, the roads were grreat the route was great the people wree great and not to mention the grerat time I had.

Even though three of us took an extended scenic route out of Middletown.

I was riding near the back of the first group on Pope Valley road going by some cattle and did any onther person see that Black Angus calf by the fence tryin to get back in? i passed it And it started to move around but stayed next to the fence, that goodness for that. It seems everyone in the second groouo made it with out stopping and having to barbque some steaks and burgers before lunch

Yes those roads were slippery in many place along the ride you have to pay attention and ride safe and smart as most of us did. Tose roads some how just jump up and grab yu for no reason. I am glad to hear that glass half full only has plastic and minor damage, he came with me out of Woodland.

I had my rear tire break loose but no problem, twist the wrist and accelerate out of the corner and smile while I was doing it. And a big reminder that the roads will get you at any moment.

When is the next and sign me up!!!!!!!! :D One happy weekend rider

MM2, is this sufficient grounds for divorce?
Nope! Paybacks for a great day on the bike are merely part of the cost in the "circle of life".

I could tell you stories but I hate to see grown men cry.

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Great day, great weather, great people, great routes, great food. Excellent pace and just the right distance between breaks - THANKS HIGHLANDER - for setting this up and leading us on those choice roads!! Skaggs Spring Road has been highlighted on the "WHEE" map and will be revisited soon.

I hadn't considered how much thought has to go into leading until ExSkiBum and I headed home. I was supposed to lead, but my ability to think for two bikes lasted for all of a minute-and-a-half, at which point I blasted off to pass a group of cars with plenty of room for one bike, but not enough room for two - fortunately, no problems ensued, as Rich's brain was "on" (I did have enough sense to get the heck out of the lead after showing such poor judgement). Think I'll keep running behind the group leaders a while longer until I get a better handle on how guys like Highlander and MadMike2 make it look easy.

We're sorry we missed everyone... we got a "late" start (Bike Effects Jeff got a laugh out of that)... ok, real late. We left our home at 2:00 and rode up to Moskowite Corner... rested a little and then blasted back riding through Wooden Valley. What a perfect day!! I brought my camera but I couldn't bear to stop.......... :yahoo:

Stu and Dee

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Enjoyed the day and the company. I turned off from the group and headed home when the group I was with headed to Guernville. The day was perfect, the group was exceptional and the bike met my every expecations. My wife took her bike and we rode up through the Capay Valley this morning. Just can get enough road time. Thanks Again... Rich
Nice to meet you, Doc, and chat over lunch. I think your son the professional racer would have been proud of Dad the way he handled Skaggs Springs Road.

Hey, let us know when Junior races at Infineon and we'll make it a ride!

Thanks for the photos!


Seems Deb & I missed another great day ....... while I was up to my eyes in plumbing woes :rolleyes:
Oh yeah, I almost forgot the Rogdebs were originally scheduled to join us, so I fogot to post my traditional:

[SIZE=12pt]I really missed the Rogdebs.[/SIZE] :waaa:

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OK we're home finally after a two day trip around the area !! It was great to see all the riders get off their couches and come out for a ride ! It was good to meet new and see the old fogies too! I'll never remember all your names, there were too many riders, but I'm glad everyone ( almost ) had a good time, special thanks to Ijuggle for leading the second group on the run.

Here some pics I took , mostly riding and snappin with one hand, not the best , but at least someone took pics :D Whadda buncha slackers ! :p





Who can forget the lovely hub cap colection that streched a 1/4 mile ! :unsure:


Who's tailgating ?????????


Hopland grade where 1/2ful biffed




Battery died so no afternoon shots ! :angry2:
