Tyler down in serious condition in Idaho!

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Well-known member
Aug 1, 2005
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Medford, OR
From the Pashnit list: https://www.pashnit.com/forum/showthread.php?t=23109

Original thread at: https://www.southbayriders.com/forums/showthread.php?t=79705

Tyler Risk who we all love has been in a serious accident in Idaho. Her condition is serious but her prognosis is that she will survive. But I want to make clear that it was touch and go and she is not out of the woods yet.
Here is what happened. She was leading a small group of riders when they came to a three way stop. A semi truck was in front of her and didn't move for a minute. So Tyler started to pass the truck on the right using the shoulder. Right at that moment the truck started to make the turn and from eye witness accounts it appears Tyler did not see the truck moving and got ran over. Tyler was knocked down and was trapped under her FZ-1 as the truck tires ran over her pelvis and legs.

Currently she's in intensive care and her daughter Shannon and sister have arrived at her bed side.
Aw shit! Tyler will be in my thoughts and prayers along with to many others this past week. It's been a bad one.

CRAP ,,,,,, Not something I wanted to hear

or read about on the forum this morning.......

My thoughts & prayers will be with her ,,,,

Shit !!!!!! Just thinking about it is scary. Prayers for Tyler and her family.

That is horrible...except for the great news that she is alive. Prayers for this wonderful woman are being sent...

Hang in there Tyler!!!...and get well soon. :clapping:



WOW...very disturbing report to read first thing in the AM

All the best wishes for a speedy recovery Tyler.....we're with ya as always!


OMG! What terrible news....and about such a great person. Good thoughts and prayers going out to Tyler. Does anyone have the name of the hospital where we can send cards or flowers?
