Tyler down in serious condition in Idaho!

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Monday, August 24, 2009 9:37 PM, PDT

Monday, 9PM

Good evening everyone,

I hope this post finds all of you well. I only saw Tyler for a short time over the weekend as her weekends are filled with family. She had a surprise visit from her sister Cynthia who flew up from Los Angeles. Tyler was very happy to see her sister.

I was awarded a treat when I did a fly by visit Saturday morning. Tyler’s step-dad is one heck of a chef. This week he brought a yummy peach cobbler for all of us to enjoy. He had the nurses oohing and ahhing with delight. Me too.

Tyler continues to improve. She dangles her lovely gams over the edge of the bed daily. Each day it gets easier to pull herself up into a seated position. Tyler’s physical therapist talked to her about the benefits of yoga as a component of her recovery. I can’t wait to practice with her as yoga made a significant contribution to my recovery. Down dog, up dog, rabbit, forward bend, warrior pose, side angle pose……

Her kidneys are getting better each day. We joke that the kitchen is trying to kill her with the banana and orange juice, both high in potassium, that are on her breakfast tray. Sheeesh… All kidding aside, the docs are pleased with her kidney recovery.

We’ve added a few more people to Tyler’s visitor list. Doing so gives Susan, Jaime, and I a few days off and Tyler a new face to see. Erin visited this evening and reports Tyler was chipper, chatty, and a good sport about eating her meat surprise for dinner.

I promised her meatball and mashed potatoes for Tomorrow night.

I bid you all a good night.




Wednesday, August 26, 2009 4:48 PM, MDT

Wednesday 3:30PM

Good afternoon,

Just a quick update to let you all know Tyler is having another skin graft tomorrow. The doctor dropped in while I was visiting this morning and told her they will take skin from her tummy and graft it to her back of her thighs and inside of right ankle. Surgery is expected to last 90 minutes and will most likely take place in the early afternoon.

Tyler was in good spirits. We chatted easily. I showed her the photos of her newly cleaned up back patio. She looked at it and said with a smile “Who’s patio is that?”. She was very pleased. John did a fabulous job.

As we all roll outta bed tomorrow morning, let’s start pushing that powerful juju, mojo and prayers to Tyler.



Wednesday, August 26, 2009 4:48 PM, MDT

Wednesday 3:30PM

Just a quick update to let you all know Tyler is having another skin graft tomorrow. The doctor dropped in while I was visiting this morning and told her they will take skin from her tummy and graft it to her back of her thighs and inside of right ankle. Surgery is expected to last 90 minutes and will most likely take place in the early afternoon.

As we all roll outta bed tomorrow morning, let’s start pushing that powerful juju, mojo and prayers to Tyler.
I am again reminded that my bike troubles are trivial in the scheme of things...


Tyler's struggles should remind us all of the relative triviality of our own.

Tyler, don't even know ya, but I'm with ya. My good friend, Cetan Duta ("Red Hawk" in Lakota), is a Pipe Carrier and is pouring a sweat (purification) ceremony Saturday. I can't attend due to prior commitments, but I will e-mail him (already gave him tobacco) and ask that the people in the lodge pray and sing to the healing spirits. I will ask him to make the third round, the healing round, especially hot so those in the lodge can suffer in place of Tyler, to lessen her suffering.

Aho! Mitakuye Oyasin (the way it is; we are all related)

Wambli Wohpa (River Eagle)

aka Big Sky

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Wednesday, August 26, 2009 10:25 PM, PDT

[SIZE=18pt]Howdy, folks. Just got back from a visit with Ty & she specifically asked me to let you all know that her surgery is scheduled for 11 and to "remind them all to do a major juju/prayer/good thoughts push" around that time. She doesn't at all look forward to these procedures, and they challenge her emotionally just because she is (justifiably) ready to be done. She knows, however, that you're all out there, pulling for her from nearby and afar. Thank you all for that - it buoys her spirits more than you can know. [/SIZE]

Night-night and sweet dreams. :)

