Tyler down in serious condition in Idaho!

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In case people haven't already, I strongly recommend that you create a (free) account with CaringBridge. I did so when my niece went through her cancer treatment. You can get emails when the CaringBridge page is updated, and you can also sign the guestbook so that Tyler knows you're thinking about her.

It keeps the family and friends from having to keep multiple threads on multiple forums updated, and it's easy for you to be notified of updates.

Good luck, Tyler!!


This is .......... @!@^&^%%(^??!!!!!!!!


Damn Damn Damn Damn Damn Damn Damn Damn Damn Damn Damn Damn

Never met, but have enjoyed the forum poking, and I can't imagine what they are going through up there. I signed the CaringBridge guest book, and the note about blood donation sounds like a good idea. It's been way too long since I've given blood.

... Shit ...
Pretty much my initial sentiment!

Daaiing, girl! I'm in shock and I'm in absolute denial at the moment. Quote Ray 3 times!!!

You know my thoughts and prayers are headed your way. And a couple of hugs, too.

Is there anyone from the forum in Boise? A visit would be nice and so would any garage/storage space for her gear and luggage or maybe the bike (if it isn't totaled).

In case people haven't already, I strongly recommend that you create a (free) account with CaringBridge. I did so when my niece went through her cancer treatment. You can get emails when the CaringBridge page is updated, and you can also sign the guestbook so that Tyler knows you're thinking about her.
Yep, I just joined and waiting the confirmation email. CaringBridge is the place Jaime and Shannon will check and they can read the messages to her.

Speachless.. One of the first to hit me back when I went down with offers to help.. Her and barb..

Man o Man

Mojo.. continuous stream.. On full blast!!

... Shit ...
Pretty much my initial sentiment!

Daaiing, girl! I'm in shock and I'm in absolute denial at the moment. Quote Ray 3 times!!!

You know my thoughts and prayers are headed your way. And a couple of hugs, too.

Is there anyone from the forum in Boise? A visit would be nice and so would any garage/storage space for her gear and luggage or maybe the bike (if it isn't totaled).

In case people haven't already, I strongly recommend that you create a (free) account with CaringBridge. I did so when my niece went through her cancer treatment. You can get emails when the CaringBridge page is updated, and you can also sign the guestbook so that Tyler knows you're thinking about her.
Yep, I just joined and waiting the confirmation email. CaringBridge is the place Jaime and Shannon will check and they can read the messages to her.
Good thinking Mike.. I know someone with a big white van!! and I got that big garage on the back of my lot

Offer has been sent down all channels

Wow. This is terrible news, though I'm very relieved to hear that she's still with us. It certainly could have been worse..!

Heal up soon, Tyler. Our thoughts are with you...

I am very sad to hear about the accident, my prayers are with you. The good news about no crushed limbs or spinal damage is really good though. We have great emergency care here is the US. Great job by the EMT it seems.

Just yesterday I was reading the blog of one of the ladies riding in that group who came over from the UK. And, I couldn't come to grips with this thread today morning.

I haven't met or know Tyler personally, but she seems to be a gem of a person. I can imagine the pain and ordeal for her, and her family and friends.

Wishing her a complete recovery.

To her sister and daughter:

When you are back in the Bay Area, please feel absolutely free to call on me (though a stranger) to assist you and Tyler in any way I can - driving around, moving things (minivan), moral support, anything.

Very Best Wishes!!


I am so sorry about your accident and hurt, but am sending constant and heartfelt prayers, good wishes, and karma toward you and your family.

You are a joy on the fjrforum and I always look forward to your posts, good humor, and ride reports. I am confident your strength and positive attitude will get you through.

Many here are right behind you in your recovery. We care about you very much and look forward to your fun self being back here on the forum where you belong, with us very soon.

Best to you

Caring deeply,


(in Nawlins')

If this doesn't absolutely Suck!

Thank you to whomever brought this our attention, and especially for the link to CaringBridge... that is very nicely set up to leave messages and well wishes, and should ease the burden of her sister trying to keep all updated.

As a former trucker, I got a sensation as though I'd been kicked in the stomach when I read the description of the collision. All the time I drove professionally, I lived in constant dread of something like that happening. The limitations of the mirror on the right side are such that things like this happen all too frequently, even when the trucker is alert and careful.

Please, for the love of God, never make the same move up the right side of a truck that sucked Tyler in!

On a positive note, after reading her Sis' comments on CaringBridge, it is exceptionally good news that even though there was severe damage to the pelvic region, she was spared crushing injuries to either the spine or limbs. She sounds as though she has a good chance of full recovery, and with her outstanding attitude, that will hopefully come soon!

The limitations of the mirror on the right side are such that things like this happen all too frequently, even when the trucker is alert and careful.
Good place for one of those back-up cameras with the W/A lens. Costco has a wireless version for under a C-note....

terrible news but on the other hand let's just focus on her surviving this tragic accident...

wishes and positive thoughts for a speedy recovery from Switzerland


most recent update:Saturday, June 27, 2009 12:26 PM, MDT:

Good morning, all. Shannon & I are sitting w/Ty in her room (God bless WiFi!) and she's still doing as well as can be expected. They just took her off the paralytic but she is still majorly sedated, and for that reason they've kept her on the ventilator for the time being.

Many of you have expressed an interest in coming to Boise to visit, and I will be the last person to keep any of the people who love her from visiting her. Please be aware that right now she is not the Tyler you all know & love (at least externally) and seeing her in this state may be jarring - lots of tubes, blood drainage, etc. That being said, I am certain her mind is still here and she is, on some level, very aware of her surroundings. If you feel like you can handle it, I'm all for her hearing the voices and feeling the hand squeezes of her friends. They limit visitors in the room to 2 at a time, generally, to keep things peaceful and restful. They said we could play her iPod music to her (which we will be doing later) as long as it's not anything loud or wild. (No AC/DC in ICU....whatever. ;-)

I will be here through the end of the week at least, so if you are planning on coming, just email me so I can give you my cell # to coordinate.

Some of you have also asked about her bike, getting it home, etc. I'm in the process of tracking it down. Insurance will, of course, need to send out an adjuster to assess it before it can go anywhere. I'll be enlisting Ed's (her stepfather's) help to handle that & I'll post more when I know more.

Again, thank you to all of you for your involvement and support. The emails and guestbook entries that welcomed us this morning moved me to tears. It is incredibly moving to know so many out there feel for her the love we feel. She is an amazing lady, and we are all lucky to have her in our lives.

More later,


PS. Shannon says thank you for your prayers. :)
