FJR Geek Day get together - learn tech stuff from nerds

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searchgeek - author
Jun 21, 2009
Reaction score
Camarillo, CA
OK, Dave (Hudson) and I have been knocking this idea around for a few weeks now.

I confirmed this week that I can book space on campus (Microsoft) that'll hold a bunch of us with projector, etc.

The loose idea thus far is:

1 - cover route planning, creating and downloading to GPS's

2 - cover image hosting and uploading for sharing pics online and posting in forums

What will not be covered:

1 - upgrading to Windows 7

2 - any issues with Vista

3 - cheat codes for Xbox games


The idea is basically to help cover a few of the common tech-related topics we see on the forum here.

Other ideas are welcome, though be warned - if you suggest it, YOU might have to present on it!

Right now (well, this week, etc.) I'm working on securing a person from Bing Maps to come in and walk us through using the tools they have in place now. It might end up being me (or Dave maybe), depending on if Bing can get someone for us.

  • Targeting a Saturday on mid-Feb right now for this event.
  • Targeting a space at Lincoln Square in Bellevue as well.

Both points above need to be confirmed then I'll update this thread.

[SIZE=12pt]What I need is:[/SIZE]

1 - an idea of how many people will be attending - so if you are interested, post up. With no firm date set, we can worry about THAT detail in a bit - just need to know numbers now to book the space and alert security

2 - ideas - things you'd like to see covered beyond what is noted above - don't be upset if we're not able to cover a request, but as mentioned, you're more than welcome to step up and present on your own idea if it's reasonable. ;) (Like walking us through a review of something like a Spot tracker you have used would be reasonable.)

Attendance Counter:








mount rainier





el camino kid

jay h










Total: 19


[SIZE=14pt]Saturday, February 20th[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14pt]11:00 AM[/SIZE] (I figure it'll be somewhere between 3 - 4 hours long.)



[SIZE=24pt]TURN at the 5600 Block[/SIZE]

148th Avenue NE

Building C


98052, United States

You will need to wait at the main door for me to escort you inside.

Please be there on time as the first session starts at 11AM and waits for no person due to commitments the presenter has. ;)

Redwest C-1089 for anyone with access


[SIZE=12pt]1 – Microsoft Streets and Trips demo[/SIZE]

2 - Bing Maps trip planning and Garmin downloads

3 – GPS Tracking/SPOT

4 – Image Hosting & posting online

[SIZE=18pt]Door Prizes:[/SIZE]

Microsoft Streets & Trips - advanced trip planning software - looks like I have access to 5 copies, so bring your luck!

[SIZE=14pt]***Sound Rider has offered up one registration for their Sport Touring Northwest event. This is a $109 value gang, so kudos to SR for supporting our event, AND you need to be there in person on Saturday to claim the prize. If you guessed the draws will happen after the sessions, you'd be right on the money! ***[/SIZE]

$5 per person for pizza, if you fancy some kibble at this event, please.

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I very well may be interested depending on the day.

Oh, and not to be nitpicky, but BelSquare isnt "Campus". :p

Certainly you can show up and just lookiloo if you don't have a GPS yet, but just want to see how it all works.

If you do have the gear, it would be a great idea to bring your own laptop and GPS, so you can get hands on training with your own gear. Your laptop should be loaded with Mapsource if you have it. If not, you can watch others or otherwise use some of the free online tools to create a route, and then transfer the route to another computer with Mapsource. I'll bring a spare laptop for people to play with.

For the photo uploading tutorial, I would recommend that everyone create a Windows live ID (it is free) if you want to learn how to quickly use the new Windows Live photo gallery to import images from your camera and upload them to an online account in one click. Windows offers 25gb of free online storage, and you don't need to have Windows 7 installed to use it. You should consider also downloading and installing Windows Live Photo Gallery (free too).

SportsGuy, you should make an online list in your original post to count the various people who will attend. If folks chip in a few bucks, we can order pizza too.

This will be fun. I was surprised how easy it was once I played around with it, and having some folks there that know some tricks will make it very easy for any noobs to follow along. If you don't have fun, there's always the bar next door...

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In the end this sounds like it's going to cost me some $$$. This n00b will definitely check it out, count me in.


Please put me down. Is this open to others outside of the FJR fourm?


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Please put me down. Is this open to others outside of the FJR fourm?

I think we can open it others outside the FJR Forum. We started here because the thought was it'd be a nice addition to the events calendar to augment the Tech Day for FJR folks.

Room sizes are pretty big, though I'd like folks here to have first crack at it.

What do you have in mind Marcus... an ad on Craiglist? ;)

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Oh Man, I wish I lived close enough to attend this. I would love to learn the skills you are teaching at this seminar, sportsguy!

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Please put me down. Is this open to others outside of the FJR fourm?

I think we can open it others outside the FJR Forum. We started here because the thought was it'd be a nice addition to the events calendar to augment the Tech Day for FJR folks.

Room sizes are pretty big, though I'd like folks here to have first crack at it.

What do you have in mind Marcus... an ad on Craiglist? ;)
I was thinking of an ad in the Stranger...just kidding, I'm also on the ST.Net and group there are a few guys that might be intrested. When it gets closer we can open it up to a few after the FJR group gets first dibs.

Damn, if SPOT Tracker hits the agenda I would sure like to be there.

As I ride alone 98% of the time, that's a must have for this coming season for me.

If the date works I'd like to attend too. I have a ZUMO 550 that I haven't really explored yet and would love to pick up some of these tricks. Will watch this closely!
