FJR Geek Day get together - learn tech stuff from nerds

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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[SIZE=24pt]Fresh info on door prizes:[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14pt]Saturday, February 20th[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14pt]11:00 AM[/SIZE] (I figure it'll be somewhere between 2 - 3 hours long.)



[SIZE=24pt]TURN at the 5600 Block[/SIZE]

148th Avenue NE

Building C


98052, United States

You will need to wait at the main door for me to escort you inside.

Please be there on time as the first session starts at 11AM and waits for no person due to commitments the presenter has. ;)

Redwest C-1089 for anyone with access


[SIZE=12pt]1 – Microsoft Streets and Trips demo[/SIZE]

2 - Bing Maps trip planning and Garmin downloads

3 – GPS Tracking/SPOT

4 – Image Hosting & posting online

[SIZE=18pt]Door Prizes:[/SIZE]

Microsoft Streets & Trips - advanced trip planning software - looks like I have access to 5 copies, so bring your luck!

[SIZE=14pt]***Sound Rider has offered up one registration for their Sport Touring Northwest event. This is a $109 value gang, so kudos to SR for supporting our event, AND you need to be there in person on Saturday to claim the prize. If you guessed the draws will happen after the sessions, you'd be right on the money! ***[/SIZE]

$5 per person for pizza, if you fancy some kibble at this event, please.

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Asking for help...

I still need to find a way to record this meeting from end to end.

I have one lead from a member here to use his camera, and may have to fall back on this, but figure that a vidcam would give me a better, easier to use product in the end.

Checking internally here at the company, I can access top-quality video production talent, but it'll cost me $500+, so that's out.

Another option is to just buy a new vidcam, but after this I won't use it again, so it'd be a bit of a waste of money for me.

I do have a high-def webcam, but it's limited to simply recording whatever is in front of it, with no zoom, etc.

Live meeting will not work on my laptop for some reason, so I'm not counting on getting that running, and even if I did, it's not a recording I can easily use elsewhere. (Those hoping to watch the event this way, don't panic, I'm not done with options on that front.)

Hence me asking for help. I figure if I ask, I might learn someone has a camcorder they can take and capture the event for me. :) If not, at least I covered the angle.


Someone bring a FLIP HD.

Either that or Marcus can ride his bike into the conference room and aim one of his 18 onboard cameras towards the speaker. The fumes will make the 3 hours go by much faster.

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I have a video camera but it uses tapes, I can bring it.
Strictly from an ease of use POV, I'll gently suggest we leave that old fella resting peacefully at home, Marcus. ;) Very much appreciate the offer, however. :)

Marcus, you have to understand these geeky kids, they don't even know what tape is! I wonder if he would understand throwing vinyl for skeet practice?

But strictly out of character, Duane was gentle.

Dam, that kid might fit in after all!

I have a video camera but it uses tapes, I can bring it.
Strictly from an ease of use POV, I'll gently suggest we leave that old fella resting peacefully at home, Marcus. ;) Very much appreciate the offer, however. :)

Marcus, you have to understand these geeky kids, they don't even know what tape is! I wonder if he would understand throwing vinyl for skeet practice?

But strictly out of character, Duane was gentle.

Dam, that kid might fit in after all!
What??? VHS is no longer the in thing...Dang!

See ya tomorrow

I have a video camera but it uses tapes, I can bring it.
Strictly from an ease of use POV, I'll gently suggest we leave that old fella resting peacefully at home, Marcus. ;) Very much appreciate the offer, however. :)

Marcus, you have to understand these geeky kids, they don't even know what tape is! I wonder if he would understand throwing vinyl for skeet practice?

But strictly out of character, Duane was gentle.

Dam, that kid might fit in after all!

Oh, you mean like that stuff used in your leisure wear, Pan?


...and for the record, I do remember VHS tapes. Once, I even looked up this thing called "beta", which I assumed was simply an attempt to recycle 8-track tapes by you aging hipsters. :D

Now, get your arses onto your bikes, mind the frosty bits and slither your butts over to Redmond. :) Gotta make this look good for the cameras. :D ... which essentially means I won't do close ups on any of you lot!

Update on the Live meeting attempt for this event.

Sadly, I cannot get Live meeting to work on my laptop, which means I cannot initiate a meeting. Which essentially means, fo rme to set up a live online meeting I'm goign to need to find another service, sign up, download, pay and learn how to use it. Problem is, I won't use the service again after this event, so the value propr kinda stinks on my end. :(

So, I will apologize to thse remote folks that I cannot provide a live event to tune into... unless on eof the other geks attending out-geeks me and suddenly makes somehting work. in which case, I expect every FJR owner on the planet to bog the system down by logging into the event... ;)

Well...crap. I just spent 40 minutes riding around in parking lots, looking for the meeting place. I found Redmond.... I found 148th Ave, N.E....I found Redmond Woods...I found building 5020...and that's as far as I got. Never found bldg C...not a motorcycle in sight...nary a clue! But I did get a thorough tour of 148th Ave NE! All I saw were poorly marked buildings and two cars in the parking lot of 5020 148th Ave N.E. Uncle Bill could use some lessons on how to mark buildings. Or maybe I could use a lesson on how to read dirctions! About 60% of the buildings I found were unmarked and there were very few indications of street numbers, no sign of building letters or to whom they belonged to. I showed up ten minutes early, and gave up after I was more than half an hour late. disappointing. I suppose I did something wrong, but I'll be switched if I can figure out what it was.

Sure wish I could have attended this session and I apologize for signing up, but not showing up. It's not because I didn't make a good effort. I guess I'll just have to stick with my trusty Road Atlas & mapquest. At least I found my way home OK!

Paul S.

Well...crap. I just spent 40 minutes riding around in parking lots, looking for the meeting place. I found Redmond.... I found 148th Ave, N.E....I found Redmond Woods...I found building 5020...and that's as far as I got. Never found bldg C...not a motorcycle in sight...nary a clue! But I did get a thorough tour of 148th Ave NE! All I saw were poorly marked buildings and two cars in the parking lot of 5020 148th Ave N.E. Uncle Bill could use some lessons on how to mark buildings. Or maybe I could use a lesson on how to read dirctions! About 60% of the buildings I found were unmarked and there were very few indications of street numbers, no sign of building letters or to whom they belonged to. I showed up ten minutes early, and gave up after I was more than half an hour late. disappointing. I suppose I did something wrong, but I'll be switched if I can figure out what it was. Sure wish I could have attended this session and I apologize for signing up, but not showing up. It's not because I didn't make a good effort. I guess I'll just have to stick with my trusty Road Atlas & mapquest. At least I found my way home OK!

Paul S.
The one guy that really needed that session, go figure. :lol:

Well...crap. I just spent 40 minutes riding around in parking lots, looking for the meeting place. I found Redmond.... I found 148th Ave, N.E....I found Redmond Woods...I found building 5020...and that's as far as I got. Never found bldg C...not a motorcycle in sight...nary a clue! But I did get a thorough tour of 148th Ave NE! All I saw were poorly marked buildings and two cars in the parking lot of 5020 148th Ave N.E. Uncle Bill could use some lessons on how to mark buildings. Or maybe I could use a lesson on how to read dirctions! About 60% of the buildings I found were unmarked and there were very few indications of street numbers, no sign of building letters or to whom they belonged to. I showed up ten minutes early, and gave up after I was more than half an hour late. disappointing. I suppose I did something wrong, but I'll be switched if I can figure out what it was. Sure wish I could have attended this session and I apologize for signing up, but not showing up. It's not because I didn't make a good effort. I guess I'll just have to stick with my trusty Road Atlas & mapquest. At least I found my way home OK!

Paul S.
Paul, I am very sorry this happened. I'll also cop to the fact this was a result of my own error in posting an address for the building without verifying it was the correct address. :(

I apologize both for wasting your time, and also for the fact you missed this session with us. You'd have most certainly have been welcomed by everyone. Heck, we had exactly 3 slices of pizza left over, too, so we'd have even been able to feed you.

Sorry for the mistake. :(


Duane, I, too, couldn't find the location. I cancelled our cellphone service yesterday so calling was out unless I stopped at a pay phone. Anyway, I got to ride a bit of the back roads to and back. I couldn't spend a lot of time looking because I had a 1pm appointment with a client back in Monroe.

No biggy. Next time.

Duane, I, too, couldn't find the location. I cancelled our cellphone service yesterday so calling was out unless I stopped at a pay phone. Anyway, I got to ride a bit of the back roads to and back. I couldn't spend a lot of time looking because I had a 1pm appointment with a client back in Monroe.
No biggy. Next time.
Sorry Stephen. :( We'll do this again for folks in the future, and I'll be certain to post the correct address. ;)

Duane's busy apologizing all over the place here and it's a genuine shame that a couple of folks missed the session...

[SIZE=18pt]But[/SIZE] focussing on the positive - for the bunch of us that did find the cleverly hidden location: [SIZE=18pt]Thanks Sportsguy and Hudson and all of the other MS geeks/FJRholics that put this together[/SIZE]. It was time well spent from my POV and I didn't even win one of the door prizes!

MS Streets and Trips and Bing Maps are evolving fast and in directions of great help to motorcyclists/GPS users. Larry Petersen spoke on behalf of the product development side of S&T. While Larry's not a biker he'd done a lot of digging to customize his presentation to our needs (lots of scribbling down of websites etc. by those who were there which I think Dave and Duane are going to turn into an informational thread for us all).

It was a very interactive session and I could see the wheels turning in Larry's head as he took our questions and heard about how we do/would like to be able to use his product, and possible enhancement ideas.

Two thumbs up guys and I think even the pizza vendor received an MS approved supplier ranking today! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

Edit: It's probably not significant but both Duane and Larry are Canadian, eh? I didn't ask Dave, but I'm sure we could get him in on some kind of program. Just sayin....

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Great job Duane and Dave!

The road and streets presentation was awesome. Looking forward to the links Dav was busy writing down.

:clapping: :drinks:

A big thanks to Duane and Dave and Larry for a great presentation, I'm sure I will have more questions once I dive into using S&T and Bing maps. good to see everyone there and look forward to Bryan's tech meet.
