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Hey, how about video conferencing the meeting using MS or other tools? That would be way cool!
something like
This might be possible, but as someone who uses video conferencing every week, I can tell you it's not all that relible. ;) Still, it'll mostly depend on the room I can book. If it's equipped, that's step one! ;) Will definitely keep this in mind guys.

Damn, if SPOT Tracker hits the agenda I would sure like to be there.
As I ride alone 98% of the time, that's a must have for this coming season for me.
We'll look into this Barb. If we can find someone local with SPOT knowledge, we'll twist an arm and see if they'll step up to explain it for folks. :D

I was thinking of an ad in the Stranger...just kidding, I'm also on the ST.Net and group there are a few guys that might be intrested. When it gets closer we can open it up to a few after the FJR group gets first dibs.
I can't believe you hang on the ST forum, man... I just lost a little respect...

JUST KIDDING! I like your thinking - yeah, let's see how the numbers look closer to the date (yet still leaving cushion for folks to make plans) and extend an invite then. ;) This stuff isn't Yamaha-centric, so it makes sense to include others, space-pending.

Attendance list is up-to-date.

I have a Spot II and haven't played with the tracker, but I am pretty well versed in how it works, having played with which is pretty similar. Happy to spend time here.

I will also show and tell streets and trips, though everything you really need to know to use this with your GPS is here.

Hey, how about video conferencing the meeting using MS or other tools? That would be way cool!
something like
This might be possible, but as someone who uses video conferencing every week, I can tell you it's not all that relible. ;) Still, it'll mostly depend on the room I can book. If it's equipped, that's step one! ;) Will definitely keep this in mind guys.

Damn, if SPOT Tracker hits the agenda I would sure like to be there.
As I ride alone 98% of the time, that's a must have for this coming season for me.
We'll look into this Barb. If we can find someone local with SPOT knowledge, we'll twist an arm and see if they'll step up to explain it for folks. :D

I was thinking of an ad in the Stranger...just kidding, I'm also on the ST.Net and group there are a few guys that might be intrested. When it gets closer we can open it up to a few after the FJR group gets first dibs.
I can't believe you hang on the ST forum, man... I just lost a little respect...

JUST KIDDING! I like your thinking - yeah, let's see how the numbers look closer to the date (yet still leaving cushion for folks to make plans) and extend an invite then. ;) This stuff isn't Yamaha-centric, so it makes sense to include others, space-pending.

Attendance list is up-to-date.
The ST.Net is the Sport Touring.Net fourm, not the Honda ST.Owners.

Dave, take notes for your Papa Chuy; don't fall asleep in class; don't cut class; bring the teacher an apple; tuck in your shirt!
Apple..?? He needs to bring APPLE PIE...ALAMODE.
Nice catch, ahchui! Dear Niehart, please bring apple pie with ice cream to class; you'll get a gold star and they won't make you sit in the corner; like they used to do to you back in 3rd grade, the second time! Man, I wish I could make this tech seminar!

I would like to attend as well, I will bring my Rand McNally Road Atlas just in case all the electronics and satellites fail.......
You think they would let me come and play, I don't think they like the way I follow instructions!

Or leave people behind, sorry about that.

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I would like to attend as well, I will bring my Rand McNally Road Atlas just in case all the electronics and satellites fail.......
You think they would let me come and play, I don't think they like the way I follow instructions!

Or leave people behind, sorry about that.
Well, are you in or not? We'd love to have you there, scarfing down pizza and whining about not having girly drinks on hand... :D

I beleive Sportguy is out of hte country on a business trip. Should be back shortly

OK, I'm back from Brazil now. :)

Going to start reaching out to folks again this week to see if we can get things into place in the next couple of weeks. I'll keep folks posted.


Right - I need to know numbers, so if you're in, say so now please.

If you *think* you might be in, say so now please.

If you're out, shut yer trap... :D

I'm need to confirm numbers to book space somewhere on campus - after that I can post a location and a map.

I'll also be able to nail down the date and time shortly, but this should happen somewhere around the time we initially planned it - for mid-Feb.


If you have a extra tutor for me, I might consider showing up. If Don't get lost...........
