Gathering Of The Clans, Part Deux?

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R.I.P. Our Motorcycling Friend
Jun 10, 2005
Reaction score
Carpinteria, CA
O'vale suggested it, and I'll put it out there and see what sticks...

Any interest in a fall lunch meet? How far north/south? Suggested dates? Post up, peeps!

Central Coast is nice this time of year. I'm gonna be iffy at best, so I won't suggest any dates.

Central coast sounds good to me, too. I have quite a few obligations this fall, but if the dates are right I'm in for sure. It may take me a while to get there though...CHP seems to like me.

roll the dice set the date and let the fun begin. I am in, sounds like funtimes to me...

:clap: :clap: :clap: weekend rider

Morro Bay.. very close to me as I'm in Creston, about 40 miles away. Creston is approx 20 miles east of Atascadero on hiway 41.

May or may not be able to attend due to insane work hours during the time frame.. But would make EVERY attempt to attend.

..but, after December, especially after May (guess why May??) I'd be open to have a group of FeeJs' over to my ranch for a weekend ride around some of the best roads in SLO county and a over-niter with BBQ, good tunes, a campfire and plenty of El Toro Poo-Poo. I've lived hear +25 years and have some great back roads that are not well known..

Not sure what the interest level would be in the over nighter / ride, but keep it in mind. Too early right now.. my life currently is wake up, go to work come home, wake up, go to work..................

but this too will pass and i will be free again with a new toy in the stable..

This is the best time of year to go to the coast . . . sounds great. Availablility depends on which Saturday you pick.

Morrow bay sounds good also the ranch sounds good also as wella as overnight. Since it is a ranch and you have a dirt bike (dcarver) do we need to bing our dirt bikes also? I hope u-haul has a toe bar for my FJR so I can bing it with me.

:haha: :haha: :haha: weekend rider

hey man, don't start something you can't finish.

Make the plan, pick the date and time.....

remember, if you build it, they will come :alien:
