new saddle help

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Mar 29, 2011
Reaction score
Hopewell VA
Hello all.

I have looked up and searched the forum for answers to my new saddle problem. I don't know which saddle to choose....Corbin.....Saddleman......Sargent.......

Can anyone out there compare the aftermarket saddles you ride? What saddle do you prefer and why? Obviously i can't buy them all and choose the best for me....that's what people say. " just pick what's right for you...." I need a place to start. Just because it looks good in a picture doesn't mean that i can ride it for 500 miles and be comfortable. I'd hate to pay 400+ bucks and be stuck.

thanks for any help and all opinions are welcome....

I had the same situation. I found a local upholstery shop and worked with them for a few weeks to do a custom job. The good part about this was I was able to ride the in-process versions for a couple of hours each to see how it felt and then give them changes for the next version. This was free since they had not covered it. I posted pictures and an overly long description of the process on this forum or the other one. All in all I am extremely happy with the results and not just because it cost under $200. The down side is I had to find a loaner so the shop could use my seat pan. I found one from a rider 150 miles from my house and he let me borrow it then I shipped it back to him.

Why limit yourself to those three??? There are lots of independent saddle makers out there that will work with you. If you want the best then spend the money on a Russell and be done. If you are the type that needs a saddle for vanity reasons then you're on your own.

I bought a used Corbin/Yamaha seat to replace the stock one on my '03.

It was hard as a rock compared to stock, and a lot heavier.

I was able to stay seated a lot longer than with the original.

I eventually replaced it with a used Rick Meyer seat. My link

I like this seat a LOT better than the Corbin, even though it was not made for me.

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It depends on how big your butt and your wallet are. Meyer and Russell are the best for the biggest butts from what I've seen. Butt if you want the biggest bang for your butt, try

No two ***** are the same. lol. Some people still have the stock seat and don't think it's bad. :blink:

I've been very happy with my Sargent seat. Good contour & support but not as plush as the Meyer or Russell. Not as expensive either. I think I got mine for $450.00 delivered


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Thanks GAroller. Great looking bike. I like the saddelman seats but I really only want to change the riders seat...the saddleman rig is $500.00 ( on their website ) **for both seats** I can get a Corbin seat for the rider only and keep the stock passanger seat.....or get a smuggler trunk.......I really cant make my mind up.

now I've got to go off on a tangent.....


what's the deal with the extra lights in your headlight housing? that looks freaking AWESOME.

Thanks GAroller. Great looking bike. I like the saddelman seats but I really only want to change the riders seat...the saddleman rig is $500.00 ( on their website ) **for both seats** I can get a Corbin seat for the rider only and keep the stock passanger seat.....or get a smuggler trunk.......

Have you seen the pricing for both Corbin seats and even more importantly the tiny capacity smugglers! Just the trunks are $800!!! :eek:

I think Corbin is smoking crack for what they ask for their products. And Corbin seats are about as hard as concrete.

Thanks GAroller. Great looking bike. I like the saddelman seats but I really only want to change the riders seat...the saddleman rig is $500.00 ( on their website ) **for both seats** I can get a Corbin seat for the rider only and keep the stock passanger seat.....or get a smuggler trunk.......I really cant make my mind up.
I had a saddleman (painful on long/multiple days) on a previous bike. i've known and tried corbins (hard and painful). i'm on my 2nd Russell on 2 bikes in a row. i spent a lot of money trying to avoid spending money on a russell. with my current bike, it was straight to the russell and no playing around.

Corbins are very popular with the show-and-shine gang because they can be made with some exotic combinations. Some of the piping options don't play well on long days in the saddle.

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And Corbin seats are about as hard as concrete.

that's what I'm looking answer to the "why". So my take is that you don't care for the Corbin seats becasue they are hard.....only under certain situations is hard comfortable.... :rolleyes: In my experience I don't think I want a hard saddle.......So why do people love them so much? I would like to be able to ride from here ( VA ) to home ( 100 miles south of Atlanta ) and not be in agony. I cant see that happening with the stock seat. The most I can take on it is 250 miles or so.....

I've got the Sargent seat not the Saddleman.

I've had two Corbins on different bikes in the past and while they are well made I personally can't stand them. You do feel like your on a hard leather saddle riding a horse IMO.

This is why "what seat should I get?" is a NEPRT topic because what feels good to one guy another guy hates. You really almost can't ask for opinions on comfort mods because you'll get suggestions that cross the entire gamut. Including my opinion as well.

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I'm guessing it's going to be trial by error.

Lord.......the Russell seat is $600.00 for the rider alone........... I will flip a coin maybe. Like Bounce said...why screw around.....spend the money up front and buyt the "best" the Russell seats get a lot of fanfare and good remarks...nothing negative that I've seen.

In my experience I don't think I want a hard saddle.......So why do people love them so much?
I suggest your assumption is flawed. A hard or soft saddle isn't the's a WELL FITTING saddle that's important. A well fitting saddle can be hard or soft. I don't love a hard or soft saddle....I love a WELL FITTING saddle like the Russell that happens to be on the hard side.

Everything that Bounce said above plus I have a link in my signature to saddles and seats I've tried with ratings.

Plus you think a chunk of plywood would be hard and uncomfortable wouldn't you? Well, it isn't. Not when it's designed by Craig Vetter. Clicky here to demonstrate a case where hard plywood is VERY comfortable.

Again....great information.

i was prety impressed with the plywood butt support.....until i figured out that you cant put your feet down....
